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Elizabeth Ornelas

Robert Arnold
UWRT 1101
December 7, 2015
Daycare Centers and the Teachers
The world tends to have misconceptions on groups. People will speak their mind like
they know but in reality do not know much about the certain category whether it is a band of
rock stars, athletes, or even daycare teachers/providers. People find it easier to assume than to
figure out or discover what groups or cliques are about. Are we all like that? Do we all judge
society without even knowing what they are about? Many people have a misconception on
daycare centers and teachers. You hear people always talking about how daycares are no good
for kids, how the teachers do not pay attention to the kids, that the teachers are there because it is
an easy job, and many other things whether you have a child or not. Is it true? Throughout the
course of a month and a half I have recently got a job at a daycare. I have been in many of the
different classes and observed the teachers. Daycare teachers do not have an easy job, are often
not appreciated enough for their work, and do more than they actually have, too.

The first misconception is leaving your child at a daycare is like leaving your child with a
stranger. First of all the parents get to meet the teacher before enrolling the child at a daycare and
can ask as many as questions as needed. Soon after the child is enrolled the child and the teacher
create a special bond and even the parents with the teacher. Leaving a child at a day is not like
leaving your child with a stranger. A teacher will fill will as a caregiver, love children, and is
suitable for the job. Teachers are trusted by the child and parents. A good relationship with the
teacher and staff will provide a fact of safety and will face the fact that a child is not left with a

stranger. According to Childcare Aware, a daycare provider or caregiver must be at least 18 years
old, have a health and criminal background check, have a high school diploma, and must have
experience working with kids (Staffing Information). As a parent, that wants to enroll child at a
daycare center the parent can ask other parents how it works in the certain facility. The care
providers are secure and are trained to be professional. Do you still think leaving a child at a
daycare is like leaving him/her with a stranger?

Daycare teachers have more than one kid to take care of and will not pay attention to
your child is another myth that is said by people. Once again they are wrong. A daycare center
has different classes in which according to the childs age will be put in a class. Usually there is
an infant room, a room for toddlers of age one, a room for late one and early twos, a room for
late twos and early threes, a room for late threes and early fours, and an afterschool class for
the children that go to school already. In each class there is a ratio of how many children one
teacher can have.The requirement of the teacher to student ratio is a state regulation (Staffing
Information). Depending on the age of the child there is a ratio that must be followed. The ratio
is set up in a way that the teacher can provide the best care for each child. It is possible for a
provider to have more than one child and still care and give the right amount of attention to each
child in the room. For example, the toddler's room ratio is one to six. The teacher can play with
all six, can read a book to all six, and do different activities. From experience working with
children a teacher or any staff member that works with children shows love and care to each and
every single child enrolled in their facility and is very professional with the parents.
Daycare teachers have a easy job, they just let children play all day. Oh how people
underestimate the job of a childcare provider. Imagine having a class where there are ten three

year olds running around and having to settle the class down or having to make sure every child
is safe. It is not an easy job and it will never be one. A daycare teacher does not just let children
play, they also have to teach them, and reinforce rules. From experience teaching children is not
an easy task. A teacher has to be repetitive and patient for the child to understand. During a
course of a day a teacher has to make sure every child eats his/her breakfast, change diapers or
give restroom breaks, keep everything clean before and after breakfast, lunch and snack time,
interact with the children and make sure they are all participating, read books to them, make sure
every child is following the rules, singing songs like the ABC song, keeping every single child
safe, and many other duties from experience and the Workable website. Think again next time
someone says daycare teachers have an easy job. From experience and from Workable the
requirements and responsibilities are not simple and must be followed step by step. (Childcare

Sending your child to a daycare is selfish is another myth people tend to say. People will
always have something to say but it is not always true. People who send their children to daycare
are not selfish. Daycares teach children how to interact with others before they go to school.
Learning how to interact with others before school sounds like a child might even do better at
school. With all that the daycare teachers do while a child is at the facility a child learns while
playing and having fun. Like stated before teachers read to the children, interact, and teach them
rules like be respectful, share, and etc. Honey Tree states, By playing in both solitary and group
play, children will learn to take turns, develop their compromise and communication skills, learn
problem solving skills, and develop friendship skills with peers (Benefits of a Daycare).
Daycare centers are there to support all the children and their families that attend and provide
equally treatment. Parents are not selfish for leaving their child/children at a daycare center. A

parent has to do what they have to do in order to bring success to the family and by sending a
child to a daycare is not the worst idea. The child will be in good hands. From experience talking
with the parents or guardians at my job, the parents are not selfish at all everyday when they go
to pick up their child/children they ask about the childs/childrens day. A parent who is selfish
would not show interest in the child/children.

Another myth from the Mamamia Womens Network website is taking your child to a
daycare cam bring behavior problems. Then they state, High-quality child care does not lead to
behavioural problems. (Busted). Children are taught good manners and learn how to play and
interact with others in a gentle manner. They all receive the same attention and for that it does
not cause behavioral problems with other children and/or with parents. Classroom rules are
reinforced in every classroom. When a child does not follow the rules, a teacher might pull the
child out and explain to them how to make a better choice on the situation. If child continues on
making bad choices the teacher might put the child in time-out for few minutes and talk out what
happen and how they can improve and make better choices. When the child/children are good the
teacher might give an incentive to prize them for their good behavior which encourages the
children to continue to make good positive choices. When a teacher notices an odd behavior
from a child the parent is contacted immediately. At the place I work we do an activity sheet for
each child and reports what the child did throughout the day, their behavior, and what they ate or
if they ate any.

In conclusion people will make assumptions and make false statements. It is better for
you to do your own research. Do not judge childcare providers, they are hard workers who do
their best for the children. As mentioned above their work is not easy and the stuff people say

about them is not true. From my experience working at a daycare the teachers do not get
appreciated enough for the work they do.

Work Cited
"Benefits of Daycare." HoneyTree. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.
"BUSTED: The Child Care Myth Making Us All Feel Guilty." Mamamia RSS. N.p., 31
Mar. 2013. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.
"Childcare Teacher." Workable. N.p., 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.
"Staffing Information." Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.

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