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Calzadillas 1

Luis Calzadillas
Professor Jackie
English 113A
12 November 2015
18 and over
Alcohol is a drug that is frequently used for various reasons; celebration, addiction,
depression and even out of boredom. The current drinking age is 21 and over, but teens ranging
from all ages have consumed alcohol illegally, some by choice and others through peer pressure.
Teenagers go through a lot of trouble to get alcohol, for example; getting a fake ID, Asking
someone who is 21 years old, and especially stealing. Teenagers will go through all that trouble
and most likely result to crime, a safer bet would be to make it legal. The drinking age should be
lowered to 18 and over because it helps mature young adults into making their own choices
through mature drinking.
Alcohol is commonly served at restaurants, bars, and special events to those of age.
Although the legal age to purchase and consume alcohol is 21 years old, a majority of underage
teenagers consume alcohol, mainly for the intoxication. Teens generally serve alcohol at parties
and other celebrations to loosen everyone up and help them enjoy their time more. It is a very
popular drug among fraternities and sororities because they throw many parties and typically try
to get everyone drunk. The legal age to drink should be 18 years old because that is when a
teenager legally turns into an adult. 18 year old teenagers are granted the right to smoke, vote,
get married, enroll in the military, and even be prosecuted as an adult; It seems only fair to allow
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them to drink as well. Studies show that 87% of high school seniors have used alcohol for the
pleasure of being under the influence, but the main reason why teenagers drink alcohol is for the
pleasure of breaking the law. It can be considered a forbidden fruit like in Adam and Eve where
God told Adam not to touch the fruit but he did it out of curiosity. As stated by Harold Grabius.
We all know why teens drink, I mean its common sense. Just the feel that they get of breaking
the law is huge. Being rebel and not following the rules is an important role of a teens life
(Grabius). A teenager breaking the law by consuming alcohol illegally can put their life at risk
through not knowing their own limits and possibly going over board on drinking. If a teenager is
given the right to drink at the age of 18, it will lower their chances on binge drinking, other
wise known as consuming alcohol in a limited amount of time.
Binge drinking can be done for many reasons, consuming a lot because they dont know
when they will be able to again, but it is normally done because teens get excited and just start
pounding alcohol to get intoxicated and feel a buzz. This happens frequently at parties due to
peer pressure or a teen just simply wanting to fit in. Almost all college students who party will
drink alcohol. Most of them are under 21 as well. As stated by Ruth C. Engs (Professor), 22% of
all students under 21 compared to 18% over 21 years of age are heavy drinkers. Among drinkers
only, 32% of underage compared to 24% of legal age are heavy drinkers (Engs). Most college
students who do binge drink, end up driving under the influence and by doing that, not only are
they breaking the law, they are putting their lives and others at risk. If a student is given the right
to drink, they are more entitled to know their limit and not abuse alcohol especially when
driving. Drinking and driving has decrease from the 1980s to now, however this started
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before the national 1984 MADD (Mothers against drunk driving) law which required all 50
states to have 21 year old alcohol purchase laws. It goes to show that the drinking and driving
started happening more among teens once it started to become a law against it.
This law was enforced due to many underage teens who were drinking and driving.
Unfortunately, around the same time, there has been an increase in other problems which related
to irresponsible drinking among college students. Most of these increased behaviors did not
occur until after the 21 year old law in 1987 was made. Studies showed an increase in
inappropriate behavior, Engs stated For example from 1982 until 1987 about 46% of students
reported "vomiting after drinking." This jumped to over 50% after the law change. Significant
increase were also found for other variables: "cutting class after drinking" jumped from 9% to
almost 12%; "missing class because of hangover" went from 26% to 28%; (Engs). The list was
endless and the law didnt stop teens from drinking. This type of behavior took place when teens
started to irresponsibly drink during parties or other types of events where they could consume
alcohol. Without supervision or anyone telling them when enough is enough, they could keep
consuming until they passed out. A teenager being supervised while drinking can help prevent
exceeding the amount of alcohol consumption.
If a teenager can drink in a supervised area such as a bar or restaurant, it will help them to
know their limits by having the bartender or waiter cut them off after a certain amount of drinks.
By also having them wait and sober up before they drive, it helps to prevent drinking and
driving. Many colleges have already signed petitions to lower the drinking age because they
believe it will help lower alcohol related deaths in colleges. If the legal drinking age were to be
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18, colleges would be able to keep an eye on the amount of alcohol use so students dont get
overly intoxicated. In these situations, responsible drinking can be taught through good
influences. It will also show a more mature and sensible way of consuming alcohol. It is a part of
the reflection on this countrys attitude toward drinking. Multiple countries have already lowered
the drinking to the age of 18.
Only 12 countries have the legal drinking age at 21 years of age, where as 115 countries
have the drinking age set to 18 and older. Countries such as China, Italy, and Greece are some
examples of the countries where the legal drinking age is lowered they all seem to have fewer
alcohol related problems, especially drinking and driving. Current law in terms of the legal
drinking age at 21 has caused more alcohol related deaths than other countries mainly due to
teens overly consuming the amount of alcohol they want.
In conclusion, teenagers consume alcohol frequently, especially college students. It is a
huge impact in college and used for many occasions such as parties. Preventing teens from
drinking will only attract them more to have it because the rebellious way is a part of a teenagers
life. Many countries have already made it legal to drink at the age of 18 and studies show a less
amount of crime. Making it legal can help teenagers become responsible through mature
drinking by teaching them to know their limits. It will be easier to obey the law especially with
the supervision of responsible adults or other enforcement around to let them know when they
have had enough to drink. The legal age to consume alcohol should be lowered to the age of 18
to teach teenagers the responsibility of being an adult.

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Works Cited

Engs, Ruth C. "Why Drinking Age Should Be Lowered: Dr. Ruth Engs." Why Drinking
Age Should Be Lowered: Dr. Ruth Engs. 23 March 2014. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
Grabius, Harold. "Drinking Age Should Be Lowered."
13 Apr. 2014. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
DVIS, Arthur. "Reasons Why Drinking Age Should Be 18 Cognac. 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Nov.

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