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Alyson McDonald

Early Morning Intervention Log





Today I worked with the students on their interests

inventory and garfield reading attitude assessment. The
boys were very talkative and easily distracted. Student B
completed their interest inventory and garfield reading
attitude assessment. Overall he had a good attitude
towards reading with some exceptions. Student Y
finished 1 of the interest inventory and started on the
second. The student has still not started on the Garfield
assessment. I enjoyed getting to know the students and
look forward to working with them next week.


Today student Y finished the second interest inventory,

but still has not started the garfield test. Student Y is
easily distracted and had a difficult time staying of task. I
had to keep reminding him to stay on task. I
administered Student B an elementary spelling inventory.
He was very nervous about taking a spelling test, but I
reassured him it was only for practice not for a grade.


Today I did a read aloud with the students. I read the

book Arthers Halloween. While I read the book I
modeled fluent and non-fluent reading to the students.
The students were able to determine the difference
between the two. The students said they preferred when
I read fluently because they were able to understand
how the characters felt. They said it was easier to listen
to. I let the students work on their fluency and read a
page of the book aloud.


Today I taught the students a mini-lesson on the

difference between the short e and the long e. Although,
I knew these students were in 3rd grade and had been
taught this before I felt like the students needed a
refresher on this topic because of the results on the
spelling inventory test. I taught this mini-lesson of hopes
of improving their spelling skills. I ran out of time and
was not able to administer the students the assessment.


Today I gave the students the letter recognition

assessment. This assessment was very easy for the
students. I recorded one student Ys responses. Student
Y missed one letter receiving a 51 out of 52. The student
confused lower case l and upper case I. The students
were confused why I went over this with them because
of their age. I then read the students the book Spoon.
While reading I asked them comprehension questions to
guide their thinking and encourage them to think deeper
about the meaning of the book.


* I was sick 11/5

Today we had 3 intervention groups with us with 9

children. It took us a while to gather all the students from
their classes. Mary Gates, Sarah Hambleton, and I did a
read aloud of the book If You Give a Pig a Pancake
from our Laura Numeroff author study. We gave each of
the students a necklace with an object from the book.
Because of lack of time we read the students the book
and as they heard their object they would stand up. This
was very fun and the students were engaged and in the
story and actively participating to hear when it was their
turn to stand up. We then gave each of the students a
Christmas goodie bag. The students were so excited and

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