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Wisconsin Infant Toddler Professional Credential

Capstone Checklist Self Evaluation

Student Name _________Haley Jaeger_______________

The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of the Capstone Checklist criteria to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize the
student with this national accreditation process.
Complete the self-evaluation, including descriptions of behaviors and/or situations that illustrate how you meet the criteria. Give examples of
situations that illustrate you are applying each criterion, giving a thorough description of the situation and how your response meets the criterion. The
spaces will expand as you type in them. Attach documents as needed.

COMPETENCY 9. Implement effective teaching strategies to promote the development and learning of infants and toddlers age birth to
36 months.
Social Interactions
1. Describe how you know and use each childs name during interactions.
While playing ill address each child by their name while playing. For example, hey Charlie, are you ready to play? instead of hey friends.
2. Give an example of a situation where you were attentive to a child during care routines.
While I was changing a child another child began to cry and instead of ignoring the child I addressed the child by saying Im sorry your sad as
soon as Im done Ill come hold you.
3. Give an example of a situation where you were attentive to a child during play interactions.
When a child was doing tummy time and working on their head control I layer on my tummy facing the child and talked with the child. When the
child started to become upset I gave the child new toys and sang to them.
4. Give an example of a situation where you read a childs non-verbal and verbal cues and was correct in interpreting their cues.
There is a child at my center that is not verbal and often times gets upset/cries when he his thirsty. Instead of trying to figure out what may be
wrong the first step well do is get him a cup of water to see if that was making him upset.
5. Give an example of a situation where you responded to a childs needs without undue delay, with sensitivity and warmth, providing
comfort and support to each child as needed.
When a child is upset Ill comfort them without frustration and be more comforting when a child is none verbal.
6. Describe what you do to establish trusting relationships with each child and function as a secure base for children, who come for and
receive attention, support and comfort.
Making sure to establish one on one time with each child in the classroom is the foundation of building their trust.

Guiding Behaviors
7. Give an example of situations where you encouraged, acknowledged and named a childs appropriate expression of emotions, both
positive (joy, pleasure, excitement) and negative (anger, frustration, sadness, etc.).
Having a mirror in the classroom so they are able to see what their expression of emotion is, also having books with emotions and flannel board
stories about emotions.
8. Give an example of a situation where you facilitated a childs social interactions with other children looking at, touching, vocalizing,
entering play, etc.
When I sit on the floor using building blocks with a child and another child shows entrust I would invite them to come build with us.
9. Give an example of a situation where you helped a child recognize and name feelings of other children.
If I was in a room and saw a child hit another child I would approach the child that hit and say Look you made your friend very sad.
10. Give an example of a situation where you worked to prevent challenging or disruptive behaviors through environment design by
changing the environment to prevent behaviors - defensible spaces provided, equipment available to children to meet needs for gross
motor exploration, adjust levels of light and sound to child responses, etc.
I would rearrange the classroom to where there werent any blind spots or tight spaces for children not to feel uncomfortable.
11. Give an example of a situation where you worked to prevent challenging or disruptive behaviors by adjusting schedules to meet the
needs and abilities of children and to provide more effective transitions warning of transition times, gathering times are informal rather
than structured group times, no (or limited) waiting times, etc.
Posing a daily schedule that would be able to be adjusted to fit the needs of the children.
12. Give an example of a situation where you worked to prevent challenging or disruptive behaviors by offering engaging activities activities
are introduced or ended in response to childrens reactions.
I would make sure that things are left at the childrens level and always providing fun activities for them to do.
13. Give an example of a situation where you helped a child learn socially appropriate behavior by providing guidance that was consistent
with the childs level of development for infants, narrates events and feelings for child, for toddlers, helps child understand how other
children are feeling, models and encourages using please, thank you, excuse me, turn taking, etc.
Providing transition songs throughout the day. For example, from going from inside to outside or from group time to sensory and etc.
14. Give an example of a situation where you implemented appropriate classroom rules and expectations and helped children understand
them in a way that is consistent and predictable.
Always being consistence with the children and always fallowing through.

15. Give an example of a situation where you responded to a childs challenging behavior in a way that recognized the childs temperament,
abilities, home life and progress.
When a three year old was upset that they couldnt get a puzzle piece to fit, the child grew angry and started to get physical and throw things. I
calmly attended to the child. I told the child I understood why they were upset and frustrated and I helped the child turn the piece to fit into the

16. Describe how you use positive guidance strategies. Describe what you consider to be inappropriate physical punishment.
Redirecting the child and finding something else the child enjoys.
When a child is doing something that is helpful like cleaning up a toy when they are finished I praised the child and tell them I am proud of them
for being responsible and cleaning up their mess. And inappropriate physical response would be to grab a childs arm and bring them to the
area that they have not cleaned up.
17. Describe what you would consider to be inappropriate use of threats or derogatory remarks, or withholding or threatening to withhold food
as a form of discipline.
If you dont come to the table, then I wont be feeding you lunch. Or If youre not going to listen to me then I wont change your diaper.

Play Activities
18. Describe what you consider to be an appropriate balance between child initiated and caregiver initiated learning activities. Give
examples of situations where you initiated a new activity, and situations where you supported child initiated activities.
If I am doing art I would allow enough chairs for the children to join, but I would not force a child to join the activities.

Early Literacy
19. Give examples of situations when you use simple rhymes, songs and interactive games with infants or toddlers - (play peek-a-boo, sing
during individual interactions, use simple action songs to engage childrens movement or response during individual or informal small
groups, etc.)
I am contently singing songs to the infants in my classroom I will involve using their arms and legs for hand motion during the song. For
example, if youre happy and you know it claps your hands or the wheels on the bus. I try to get them involved no matter how little they are. I will
also play games with babies like peek-a-boo or how big are you, so big!
20. Describe when you provide daily opportunities for each child to hear and respond to various types of books picture books, wordless
books, books with rhymes, etc. individualized book times rather than structured group time.
Leaving a verity of books out for the children to explore and reading the books to the children when they bring them to me.

21. Describe how you provide access to durable books that enable independent exploration.
I would make sure I had touch and feel books and ask the questions like oh is that soft? or is that rough?

Early Math
22. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities and materials for infants and/or toddlers to use language, gestures, and materials to
convey mathematical concepts such as more/less, big/small, etc.
I would provide different size materials at art time, or shape sorting and ect.
23. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities and materials for infants and/or toddlers to see and touch different shapes, sizes,
colors and patterns.
I have touch and feel books. For example, itll be a horse and the main of the horse will feel like the main of a horse and same with a dogs fur
and act. The classroom has many shapes and size of the rattles and I will try and have the children hold them and feel the difference. My room
also holds lots of color, from the different color walls to bright and fun color toys.
24. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities and materials for infants and/or toddlers to build number awareness, using objects
in the environment and reading books that include counting and shapes.
For example, while stacking the blocks we would count how many we could stack at a time.

Early Science
25. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities and materials for infants and/or toddlers to learn about objects in the environment.
I would put nature items in the classroom. For example, by putting a branch hanging in the classroom or wood blocks in the sensory table.
26. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities and materials for infants and/or toddlers to discover they can make things happen
and solve simple problems.
Providing them with real life experiments. For example, zippers, Velcro, buttons etc.

Creative Expression and Appreciation for the Arts

27. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities for infants and/or toddlers to explore and manipulate art materials.
Offering verity of glue, pains, paint brushes, sponges, stamp pads.
28. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities for infants and/or toddlers to express themselves creatively by freely moving to
music and engaging in pretend or imaginative play.
Playing music while doing art, musical instruments, body painting.
29. Give examples of how you expose infants and/or toddlers to art, music, drama and dance that reflects cultural diversity.
Listening to different types of music or offering many different types if instruments to the children.

Caregiving Routines
30. Give examples of how you use caregiving routines such as diapering/toileting, feeding and nap routines as opportunities to build
relationships, language, and build childs self-awareness and self-help skills.
During feeding I will hold each child and rock them, snuggle, talk to them or sing to them while. While doing a nap routine I will talk to the child
about what I am getting them ready for. Then I will either rock them if thats how they like to fall asleep or let them lay in bed if they like to fall
asleep on their own.

Health, Safety & Nutrition

31. Describe how you supervise infants and toddlers adequately by positioning self to see as many children as possible, and when infants
and toddlers are sleeping, you are aware of any sleeping child for whom you are responsible, especially when you are activity engaged with
children who are awake. If I am feeding a child in my rocking chair I am able to see over my short helves. Also when I am changing a diaper
I have my back against the wall and facing towards the children so I am able to see them at all times. During nap time all the sides of the
cribs are open so I have a view on the children, I will also walk around and individually look at the children to make sure everything is okay.
32. Describe your use of proper hand-washing procedures list the times when you wash your own hands and when you assist infants
and/or toddlers in washing their hands.
When I first walk into my room I wash my hands, before every diaper change, after every diaper change, before preparing bottles, after feeding

the child their bottle.

33. Describe your schedule for cleaning and sanitizing furnishings and equipment.
All toys will get sprayed down every night with bleach and water solution, I will wash toys in our industrial dishwasher every other day. Then
after every diaper change I will spray the changing table with bleach solution and soapy solution then I will wipe it down .
34. Describe what it means to use standard precautions - including cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces, use of gloves and barriers to minimize
contact with body fluids, cleaning spills as they occur, cleaning and sanitizing toys that have been mouthed or exposed to body fluids.
When dealing with body fluids I will put one rubber gloves before touching the area. Then I would wash the childs and then Ill wash my hands.
If toys had body fluid I would spray them down with bleach then I would run them through the dishwasher unless it was a plush toy I would just
through the toy away.

Feeding routines- are conducted according to health and safety procedures

35. Describe your procedures for bottle feeding infants - held for feeding, and do not eat from propped bottles at any time; and/or your
procedures for feeding toddlers. When are infants and toddlers allowed to have bottles or cups?
When I feed infants I will hold the child in my arms either sitting on the floor or sitting in the rocking chair. There are some children that like to sit
up looking faced out to see everything while eating their bottles. Then there are some children that like being fed like they are being nursed,
very close to you. The parents set their feeding schedule. Its either from every 2 hours, 3 hours,4 hours.

36. Describe your procedures for handling formula and food according to licensing guidelines - steps to ensure the safety of food brought
from home by labeling and refrigerated appropriately.
Before I prepare a bottle I will wash my hands, after washing my hands I will grab the empty bottle from my basket and fill the bottle either
with tap water or distil water. Then I will put how many oz. the child drinks followed with how many scoops of formula that is needed. Then I
will warm the bottle up in the crock pot to the temp the child likes it. Then when I take the bottle out I will test the on my skin to see if its too
cold or too hot. If its right temp I will proceed by feeding the child the bottle. Then once the childs bottle is gone I will put the bottle into the
dirty basket that goes to the kitchen to get cleaned, then I will wash my hands again.

37. Describe when infants or toddlers are fed. Feeding is not used in lieu of other forms of comfort.
Children are fed at the table with their own chair, space, utensils, and cups.

38. Describe how you feed each infant or toddler according to childs schedule how do you ensure it is in accordance with familys
practices and regulations?
When the parents are ready to start their infants on jar food/cereal. I will talk with them and see what time of the day they want their child to eat
the jar food and if they want to food before a bottle, after a bottle. Also how long they want the jar food to be held off if a bottle is taken first. I try
very hard to work on the parents schedule.

39. Describe what you do during meal/snack times. Do you sit with children and promote childrens feeding skills and social interactions?
In toddlers I help them get their plates ready. Then once everyone has food on their plates I will make a plate for myself and sit next to them
during meal time. I would talk to them about what they are eating is good for them. I would ask them if they would like more or if they were all
done while using sign language. I would also work on using utensils while eating their foods and with the older toddlers I would work on using
an open cup during meal time.
40. Describe a typical diapering/toileting routine and how you conduct them according to health and safety procedures diapers are checked
regularly and changed when wet or soiled, disposed of properly with procedures in place to minimize contact, children using toilets are
supported in hygiene practices and practicing self-help skills.
Before I grab a child for diapering, I take a couple baby wipes out and a diaper ready to go and some diaper cream on a piece of paper towel
just in case, I lay all this at the end of the changing table, then I wash my hands before grabbing the child. I will wash the childs hands and then
lay them down on the changing table. I will proceed by putting on my rubber gloves and always having one hand on the childs stomach. Then
when Im done with changing and cleaning the child up. I will roll up the dirty diaper and throw it into the garbage next to me while having one
hand on the child. Then I will take one glove off at each time while having a hand on a child and throw them away. I will take the child and wash
their hands before laying them back on the floor. Then I wash the table with bleach and soapy water and wipe it down then Ill proceed by
washing my hands.

41. Describe a typical nap routine and how you conduct them according to safety procedures - infants are placed on back to sleep, safe sleep
environment according to SIDS precautions, cots are appropriately spaced, adequate transition and time to relax to sleep, etc.
Each child sleeps when they are tired. When I lay them down I lay them on their backs even if they can roll over. When a child is over three
months I transition them off of being swaddled. When theyre not getting swaddled they do not get blankets in the cribs. I have soft relaxing
music playing in the background.

Additional criteria for self-assessment that are not on Observation Checklist:

Give examples of situations where you:
supported children's emotional well-being by demonstrating respect for children and creating a positive emotional climate as reflected in

behaviors such as frequent social conversations, joint laughter, and affection.

When a four year old child was telling a joke, I laughed with the child when the joke was over. Even if it seemed silly to me, I still supported the
childs creative thinking in their joke.
expressed warmth through behaviors such as physical affection, eye contact, tone of voice, and smiles.
During a diaper change, washing hands anything that gets you to have that short one on one time with the children.
were consistent and predictable in your physical and emotional care of all children.
I would use a calm voice with the children at all times instead of yelling at the children.
encouraged and recognized childrens work and accomplishments.

If a child was to show me a painting after their art time I would say that looks great! or that is so beautiful!
supported a childs competent and self-reliant exploration and use of classroom materials.
When a three year old child was using magna tiles, the tiles kept falling over and not standing. I encouraged the child to keep trying and
eventually the child figured out they connected three tiles at a time they would not fall over.
responded to an infants or toddlers cries or other signs of distress by providing physical comfort and needed care.

I tried holding the child and checking their diaper to see if they would need a change. If not I would snuggle with the child
and sing to them/ walk around the room with them.
were sensitive to an infants or toddlers signals and learned to read their verbal and non-verbal communication.
When a toddler was eating lunch they began to cry and reach for me, I tried to give them more food because I thought they were hungry. The
child became more upset. I then noticed the childs cup was empty. I then gave the child more milk. While taking these steps to figure out what
the child wanted I spoke with the child and explained what I was doing.

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