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Jose Diaz

November 11th, 2015

Lipogram Warmup
During high school, I quickly caught onto a tacit fact: it was not willing to tailor to any of my
wants as a gay pupil. No institutional advising and support for my stability, no information on
doing it without harm apart from a maxim of abstaining, no basic grasp of my humanity. So how
could I think that a drama so profoundly difficult and murky wouldnt spoil in hands of school
administrators? All accounts had gossipy rumors and word of mouth fabrications. All
individuals in this situation stood aloof, uncaring and slightly patronizing. I had brought
dishonor upon my campus by making my taboo schoolboy crush public, for showing and saying
things that it could not stray its moral agenda for. But it was just a kiss. A kiss in a public plaza,
but a kiss notwithstanding.

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