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Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Casey Brock
Grand Canyon University

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Remove this instruction Through our class we have been learning about technology, you
may think you know every element of technology. Technology is constantly advancing in our
society and students need to learn about it know in order to become successful adults in there
carriers that will take place after their education process is complete There are many elements in
technology students must learn these elements to be successfully in their profession. In this class
we will discover all the important elements of technology, and how to effectively implement them
all into our lifestyles.
Section One: Mission and Vision Statement
Remove this instruction Your Vision and Mission from our Main Forum discussion in
Topic 07 will go here. Revise any changes that were asked of you. Do NOT use citations or
references in this Section. These are YOUR ideas not someone elses. Avoid first-person
pronouns I, me, my and mine.

To help young students to become creative engaging learners in whatever it is they are trying to learn
or being asked to, all while helping young people turn into respectable young people who can one day
be outstanding citizens and functioning human beings.

To teach whatever I am asked to teach at the highest level I can do so while staying in the boundaries
of my own moral beliefs and boundaries, to impact students in such a way that they look at learning
and at life in a different way than you did before we started working together.

Section Two: Communications Plan

Technology is constantly evolving and changing the world constantly, this is not going to
change it is going to advance more and more in our society. The question is not how to stop it but
how can us as a people and as educators advance and evolve ourselves along with it in order to
be effective in our professions. With the use of technology becoming more and more a way of
life, are we adjusting advancing and evolving to help best prepare our future generations to be
successful in the world of adulthood.
Technology to Enhance Communication
School and district wide E mail:
( Bliagojevic, Bonnic & Sanhueza, Christian). Teachers spend hours upon hours
planning lesson assignments organizing months of activities ahead of time, this is all very
time consuming. Many times teachers do not have time to call every single parent, e mail
is an amazing tool that can help teachers effectively communicate with the parents of
their students.
Working at an elementary school in the Houston Texas area, and the main resources of
communication is without a doubt email. All teachers and like myself, teachers aides have
school wide and district wide emails. Many times when teachers have a hard time getting in
touch with a parent through telephone they will use email to reach them. Also if the parent is too

busy at work to get back to the teacher it is more convenient and even a more effective way for
the teacher and parent to communicate with each other. Email without a doubt is an amazing way
for teachers to enhance means of communication.

Classroom websites and walls: Even in classes that are not just web and internet based are
heavily dependent on the internet there is programs such as blackboard and other things that
enhance the classroom communication. When classrooms use blackboard they have things like
we do at Grand Canyon University such as classroom walls on the websites this allows students
to communicate with each other outside of the classroom. This is an amazing powerful tool that
lets students teachers to communicate without having to shut down parts of their days to make a
phone call or schedule a meeting. Sites like this also allow students to communicate globally as
well a student could be from anywhere across the world and still go to school because of
classroom walls and websites and blog type forms of communication that allow us to ask each
other questions and for help.

Skype: Things like skype changed education and we did not even realize it at the time that it
came at as a society that it was going to change everything as far as the way we communicates
goes. Things like skype allow teachers across the globe to collaborate and learn from each other.
Parents who work out of town or state are able to communicate with their children with face time
instead of just using messages through text. It also can allow teachers to communicate with
parents through face time as well if this is needed. Technology allows teachers and others to

enhance learning and business experiences from across the globe with tools like FaceTime and
other devices like it. (The Internet and its Impact on global Communication)
Another thing that something like skype allows teacher and students to do is allow a student who
may be sick to be in the classroom when needed by doing face time, now it is not the same as
being in the classroom physically but it is an element that is much more special than being out of
the classroom and held at home because of any type of illness. You can see here stated by Yang Z
that technology has had a huge impact on our society you can see it here as it is put into

I pad: Technology devices such as the I pad give teachers so many options that they previously
did not have. Many teachers use these devices to gives test in the education field in todays world
of education. Students respond to these devices and doing things with them because of the fact
that they are usually using devices at home and in all walks of their life really. Parents can use
these devices to give students practice test and other educational work can be given to them by
parents on these devices to enhance their performance in the classroom. One way these devices
help students teachers and everyone globally is being able to communicate individually with
other students from other countries and even do group projects in some type of form through
devices like these are made possible by technology and impacts us all in a positive way globally.
Rapid technology reform has changed the way we do education and has impacted education
across the globe (Yang, Z. (2014).

Communication Internet Security and Safety

Internet security for an educator is a very serious and important thing, educators hold
very valuable and vulnerable information.
As educators we are to keep our students information safe and out of harms way, along
with keeping them safe from things they should not see on the internet. (Zydney, J., &
Hooper, S. 2015).
Today so many students are exposed to things that they should not be exposed to especially at
such a young age, this can lead to a student getting in trouble along with a teacher getting in
trouble if a student is continuously getting into things on the web he or she should not be getting
into. The majority of computers being used today in an education setting are not being prepared
properly with the right spy ware and other thing devices to make sure students and teachers have
a safe internet experience. Its important teachers take the proper precautions to remain safe on
the internet for them and their students. LaRose, R., Rifon, N. J., & Enbody, R. (2008). There
are all kinds of threats out there towards students this is why is so important for teachers to have
a spy ware that can handle the most experienced and sharp tech savvy predators out there trying
to hack into the school system in order to get pictures and information of children. Its a sad
reality but a very real one that there are people out there that do things like this. Predators are
always out there trying to hack into school system and to get ahold of any information to make
things believable in order to approach students outside of the school. This is so important to have
a proper spy ware to prevent things like this from happening. Zydney, J., & Hooper, S. (2015).

Concluding Paragraph

Technology is advancing every day in our society and becoming more and more the way
we are doing things, it is not wise on our parts as educators to fight it and stop it by sticking to
our old traditional ways of teaching. We have to learn and adjust in order to help students
become successful and be functioning adults in the real world after school. Things like internet
safety communication with parents in a useful and effective way is a part of all of this. So this
leaves us with one question, technology is changing the world and constantly advancing. Is
enough being in order to help to better our future generations to come as a whole.


Blagojevich, bonnic & sanhueza, christian/how technology impacts teachers,

parents and students


Yang, z. (2014). new strategies and advances in china's open and distance education.
international journal of continuing education & lifelong earning, 6(2), 1-13
Zydney, J., & hooper, s. (2015). keeping kids safe from a design perspective: ethical and legal
guidelines for designing a video-based app for children. techtrends: linking research & practice
to improve learning, 59(2), 40-46. doi:10.1007/s11528-015-0838-x
LaRose, r., rifon, n. j., & enbody, r. (2008). promoting personal responsibility for internet safety.
communications of the ACM, 51(3), 71-76.
Zydney, j., & hooper, s. (2015). keeping kids safe from a design perspective: ethical and legal
guidelines for designing a video-based app for children. techtrends: linking research & Practice
to improve learning, 59(2), 40-46. doi:10.1007/s11528-015-0838-x

Section Three: Integrating Instructional Technology

Integrating Instructional Technology

Technology enhances education regardless if people through the world in education want
to acknowledge this or not. It allows us to do many things we could not do in the past that we can
do now. It is easy to focus on the negative things in education that have to do with technology,
but with anything else in life nothing is as bad as it really seems. Traditional thoughts on
education have a set idea on how we should educate, but without using all our resources we do
nothing more than sell ourselves short. Technology enhances education beyond the classroom,
and we have to effectively implement technology to our students in a way to do so.
Classroom Websites
Websites are a great tool and resource that can be used in the classroom or at home when
a student is away from school. Websites allow teachers to create assignments and post them on
their websites in the way that we have been doing in our class the last two weeks. This enhances
learning inside the classroom by enhancing it outside the classroom, when students are learning
about a classroom website it helps them become more and more familiar with the material in the
classroom. When you have a tool like this to work on things covered in class around the clock
you cannot help but get better at it. (Lemke, K. A., & Ritter, M. E. (2000).) Web based learning
has changed the way we do things, it has allowed us to be more connected and discover things
we otherwise might never think about.

PowerPoint Presentations
Presentations are very effective in the classroom they are a form of technology that
allows a teacher to teach without being present in the current moment. PowerPoint allows
educators to focus on certain things that need to be focused on and explained in more detail.
Presentation can include video voice overs and other things that can help any type of learner
understand what they are covering. A power point can put you in a whole new universe of
learning because of all the amazing elements it contains. As technology advances the tools we
have access to in our society grow every day, this allows us to be continually learning and
evolving in our education process in school and in life. (Smick, K. L. (2012).)
You tube is without a doubt a game changer in the world it has opened so many doors of
opportunity that was never there without it. There are several things that YouTube can do for
educators in the process of teaching there students and helping them learn and understand things
in the classroom that are being explained but also things that may not be given as much attention
in the classroom. Teachers can use YouTube to give lessons at home so when students return to
their classroom they are ready to learn more on whatever it is that is being presented to the class
by the teacher. When students can go over topics that are being taught n class they are more
ready and prepared to cover it as a whole unit in the classroom. This helps them get better test
scores and understand material being taught. Students are having material presented to them by
teachers, but in this day and age students are going off with more and more technology and
learning more on their own.(Powers, L., Averbeck, C., Alhussain, R., & Warner, A. (2012).)
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning

Almost like anything in life there are good and bad things that come with technology,
technology brings in many positive elements to learning and enhancing education. There are
things though that make it difficult to deal with at times and some things can feel like major
setbacks when you as a student or educator experience these things. Lemke, K. A., & Ritter, M.
E. (2000) Usually schools will not update softwares along with the companies that produce
them at the same rate the softwares are produced because of financial cost. When new
computers and other technology devices are brought in to schools this is usually when softwares
are updated. This can be challenging because you have students who you are teaching softwares
to and it can either be behind the curve or you could be in the middle of showing them how to
use this software and it gets updated. Some may say big deal, however now you have to teach
students new software learn it yourself and teach the lesson and materials that you were already
teaching them. This can be an awful lot of work and stress; things have definitely changed
regarding education and technology from the simple times of pen and pencil along with regular
paper. Technology is a great thing but there are some downfalls. Pros to technology is being able
to reach your teacher through e mail anytime it is needed and being able to pull up a lesson on
the internet through a video whenever it is needed. Things like this can be amazing and make
you forget any downfalls of education but remember they are definitely there and anyone
pursuing an education will run into these problems.
Wired and Wireless Classrooms
Wired classrooms are classrooms were students are taken to the library and can be taught
a lesson in a computer based environment, it can be in a computer lab or any room that a lesson
is being taught through web based learning however it is not completely wireless. On the other
hand wireless learning is when the classroom does not meet and every element of the class is

done online. This is the way we do our class at Grand Canyon they can meet and comment on
things through the blog. Wired learning gives you the technology aspect of education along with
that face to face action with the teacher that for a lot of students is much needed. Wireless
learning impacts education in the sense that you dont get that classroom element that is much
needed at times and can trigger little things that help you learn things that are needed to be
learned. On the other hand it gives many students the chance to get an education that otherwise
would not get to do so if they had to go to a class and attended school in a traditional fashion.
Technology is pushing are educational experiences to new heights that we could have
never imagined before. There are pros and cons to anything in life for the most part technology is
something that can grow are educational experiences and help us become stronger as a global
community along the way of doing so. We have to ask ourselves are we using this tool of
technology in the most efficient way in order to enhance or educational experiences in the future.


Lemke, K. A., & Ritter, M. E. (2000). virtual geographies and the use of the
internet for learning and teaching geography in higher education.
journal of geography in higher education, 24(1), 87-91. doi:10.
Smick, K. L. (2012). why lifelong learning never stops. optometry times,
4(3), 10.
Powers, l., averbeck, c., alhussain, r., & warner, a. (2012). perspectives on
distance education and social media. quarterly review of distance
education, 13(4), 241-245.

70% of your grade will be given based upon how good you explain how the weather was
discovered and what was used to discover why it would be the kind of weather it is. The other
30% of your grade will be how you put technology into showing your viewers how the weather
was discovered and how you described it to them through technology.

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Technology the thing that is rapidly consuming our live and running the things we do to
survive in our world. We are all living in a time weather we want to come to grips with it or not
that is consumed by technology. We are required to use in order to get our educations, and in
order to be successful and hold down a job you have to be able to be successful in technology as
well. We as educators have a duty to show him younger generations we are educating how to
effectively do this. If we do not do so we have done nothing more than set them up for failure
and stunted our own growth as a people and society.
Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Name of the technology tool being used in raft one is YouTube, it is being used in a different way
than just YouTubes general way of being used. Usually there are videos posted by different users
to explain something or demonstrate something or just for the enjoyment of posting a funny

video. However in this raft it will be used as a reality series in the wildlife reality series that the
students would choose a name for. (ISTE Student Standards) This is a good source of
experience for students in the sense that YouTube reality series are becoming more and more
common in todays world that they are currently growing up in so knowing how to effectively
use one and make as well as present one is in my opinion very important and could be very
useful for them in the future.

ISTE Standards The ISTE standards want students to be creative in there thinking and use of
technology, along with constructive knowledge and process of using knowledge within
technology. This is all stated clearly in the standards for students, in raft one student are having
to be creative in ways to bring across something informative to their audience and viewers as
well as entertaining also. The informative demands bring into play on them creativity in the way
it does this is making them think how can I be informative to my audience but also entertain
them so I do not lose their attention or allow them to become bored. That also makes them
implement constructive knowledge knowing they cannot just throw anything together without
being thought out into their presentation. This all has to be done within technology so when it is
all put together it truly brings all of the elements out of the students for the best.
Name of Technology Tool: The technology being asked of the students to use in raft two is a
podcast show on the life cycle of a seedling. Two bringing this in to play for the students in a
realistic way would be google voice recorder to do there podcast and provide the information
being asked of them to provide. They will have to be creative in applying the technology being
used along with the information they are presenting to their viewers. Collaborating the two
together to effectively be presented as entertaining and informative all within technology is what

gives them the lessons and the skills they will need to be given after this lesson. Achieving the
task at hand through this assignment that has been given to them will benefit them in the future
as they continue their education process in this technology driven society we now live in today.

ISTE Standards Doing a podcast and finding ways to make it entertaining along with being
informative is a tall task and is very important to their future as adults and students in general.
We live in a technology driven society podcast is becoming something that is used to do shows
and relay information to the general public every day. If students can learn to do this and o
effectively use it this can benefit them in so many ways they never knew were possible. It goes in
to student ISTE standards of communication and collaboration Students use technologies they
are being asked to use to effectively communicate problem solve and bring across necessary
information that is being asked of them to do so (ISTE Student Standards). This teaches them
many lessons that are important and asked of as adults growing up and is necessary for us to
grow in are careers as professionals.
Name of Technology Tool: The raft three is asking students to do a weather report and present
the weather for that particular morning it can be presented as a weather report they watched
earlier that day or can be completely maid up whatever the group doing this assignment feels
most comfortable with. To do this format in a realistic way they will be making a fake weather
studio discovering tools that meteorologist use to predict the weather and present the most
accurate weather report they can possible. To make the weather report they will be using
classroom assigned I-pads to do their presentation. They will be giving a realistic weather report
in the format that is presented on an actual news station, and will also present the different tools
that are used to predict weather after the show. This will help students achieve team work and

teach them how to trouble shoot different elements on putting a group project together along with
successfully using technology through all of this.(ISTE Student Standards) It helps prepare
them for college in their future education experiences there will always be group projects.
Another thing it helps prepare them for jobs they will have in the future you have to work with
people you dont like and also you have to learn to implement team work even when you dont
want to.
ISTE Standards This tool and lesson again goes into communication and problem solving in the
student ISTE standards. This is such an important element of the ISTE standards and the
communication that it gives to the students letting them know that team work and problem
solving will always be a skill someone must possess in order to have a successful career.
Through this lesson everyone in the group will have to effectively communicate and come up
with different ideas so the project can be successful along with putting it altogether through
Pros and Cons
Just like anything in life there are pros and cons to things we are required to do and even things
that we enjoy and do for our own entertainment. Having to tie in technology to what feels like
almost every lesson that we teach and learn about in school definitely has its pros and cons. I
think some cons to it is that it cuts down on the face to face time, I says this as a child who grew
up with intense social anxiety and fear of authority figures. Even with that being said I believe
that face to face time with classmates and teachers helped me not be completely consumed by
my disability and taught me a valuable lesson I feel many students today are lacking proper
social skills. So many of us communicate through computer screens and technology devices we
live through social media. This is dangerous in the sense that we are the most connected

generation of humanity and we are also the loneliest because we are living through are
technology devices instead of actually living life in person with each other this will be a
challenge for this and future generations to come. Pros of technology would definitely be going
to school online, I know it has changed my life without it I would have never been able to get an
education I work two jobs and have no time to go to classes on a campus and have to pay my
bills and support myself. If it was not for Grand Canyon online courses I would likely not be able
to get a college education and be suck working multiple jobs my entire life. So technology and
its repaid growth have allowed me and millions of other opportunities we otherwise would not
have had. So students having to learn it and putting it into their school lesson is a good thing and
could definitely benefit them in the future.

Concluding Paragraph
Technology as we have discussed through this entire class is something that is in the
world we live in and it is here to stay for good it is what drives the world today as we know it.
We have to adjust to it and keep evolving in order to be successful and achieve different task that
are going to be required of us to achieve. If we do not keep evolving towards the requirements of
technology and its role in education we are doing nothing more than letting our future
generations down and setting them up for failure.

References: -standards-ISTEcommunication-and-problem-solving

Remove this instruction

Casey Brock
EDU 225
Instructor Larson

Part 1: Assessment Technology
Above is a link to my current poll question on the anger management class I am currently
teaching to 4th grade students. Above is the link to my poll you can click to go directly to the
question on the poll. The question is designed to be formative towards a certain topic we
discovered in class. Here is an explanation on exactly how to use the poll in the correct way so
your answer is correctly documented into the poll. Click on the poll link above the poll is
multiple choice, answers A or B depending on what you believe is the correct answer. The data
will be collected after the time limit on the poll is set and he correct answer will be reviewed and
your results will then be known to me.
Answer key to classroom poll= A

Assessment is such an important tool used in the classroom by educators not only in
America but across the globe. With times changing rapidly in society across the globe there is
adjustment that a constantly being made. Technology is the change that is rapidly taking over
society every day more and more with these changing coming into play we as educators have to
find a way to put them into our lesson and effectively asses students. Technology is the future as
educators we have to learn to do things in order to change and keep up with the changes society
is making in order to keep our students up to date with the future.

Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning

There are all kinds of websites software and technology to facilitate learning with
assessing student learning. Having laptops cell phones I pads that allow all of this special
software to be effective for everyone who is trying to learn through them. Honestly there are all
kinds of possibilities with technology in education these days; we have email that allows us to
communicate even more efficiently than we ever have before. With I pads and these other
devices you can have teachers take software like Poll Everywhere and ask questions on lessons
in order to do a formative assessment so they can track progress for these students. This kind of
software allows teachers to know exactly the percentage of the classroom that got it right so you
know where you stand with your lesson and where your class stands in understanding the lesson
you are teaching. These are things that could not be done in the past without technology so these

are definitely some pros to use when considering how far technology has come in our education

Edmodo is a software can be an amazing tool in the classroom it can help educators to be
extremely effective in doing formal assessments on frequent bases. It can be an amazing
tool in the classroom it can help educators to be extremely effective in doing formal
assessments on frequent bases. It is extremely student friendly; it has a Facebook like feel
with the way students are supposed to interact through this software. This software is kid
friendly software that teaches kids the ability to safely interact with other individuals
while being effect with school work on the internet. Teachers could use this software to
show students how to interact with one another by starting conversations about topics on
a classroom wall, just getting students comfortable with the idea of discussing classroom
topics outside of the classroom and bouncing ideas off of each other is an effective tool
that Edmodo can helps students be more effective with. (Education World) In this
information age, we can now talk to each other in ways we never imagined. Teachers and
administrators face a new challenge; however, as they try to find a way to safely
incorporate this technology in the classroom.
As you can see here stated by education world on the new ways, and door of communication
through technology have been opened as well as how the right safety persuasions need to be put
into place to keep this new tool effective safe and used correctly for young students to stay
effective and use it the right way.

Socrative is a software can be an amazing tool in the classroom it can help educators to
be extremely effective in doing formal assessments on frequent bases. Secretive software is
designed for students to be able to get instant feedback on the assignment or concept of a lesson
in class. It contains instant polling witch allow and encourages students to be more involved with
the idea of bouncing ideas off of one another. Being able to do it anytime and right away on the
website helps students to not forget any types of questions they have or may have had and they
are more likely to remember the material and concepts being covered in the classroom.
(Software: How it Has Positively Influenced the Classroom 2015)With new technology that is
now being implemented, students and teachers have better resources than ever before to help
them learn to their fullest potential. I think this statement really gives a complete idea and
thought of what technology has done inside the classroom, and how it has benefited many
students and teachers.

Poll Everywhere
Poll everywhere is software is a software that allows students to use their own technology
devices to respond to their teachers questions, whether it is used for a simple classroom review
or a test given to the classroom by the teachers. Students can use their cellphones there I pads or
laptops to respond to the questions being given out by the teachers. This tool makes doing
assessment extremely easy for educators you can even get live results on a PowerPoint while
asking questions and getting them answered. This tool in particular makes formal assessment
very easy to do on frequent bases. You can see her how important softwares like this are
becoming in the classroom when you read things like this from

(National conference of state legislator 2015) While just a handful of states have enacted
legislation creating laptop programs, others are experimenting with changing the
definition of a textbook to include digital content and the devices necessary to deliver or
experience the digital contentwhich in some states may be used to provide students
with laptops or other mobile computing devices.

Formative and Summative

Formative assessment is when a teacher asks students to answer certain questions
about the lessons that have been being taught over the last couple of weeks. Formative
assessment usually is for no point or very little points for credit, it is usually used to just see were
students are in the lesson what they are retaining and learning with the lesson being taught.
Summative assessment is much different; it is usually a midterm test a final test of a semester or
some type of standardized testing in order to see where a student stand with the lessons being
taught to the class in order to decide what they learned and if the student will pass and move
forward with credit toward the lesson. Software can be used to do both, you can do a poll about a
series of question or some type of open quiz for a formative assessments to see how the students
are learning during a lesson being taught. You as an educator an also give a test for summative
assessment to decide if a student knows the material and learns it or not summative assessment
as we discussed usually is high stakes and determines if a students passed a class and gets credit
or not for the semester or year depending on the circumstances.

Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment

Pros of having technology is that it allows you to do things you could never do before,
one example of this is having a software of your choice to grade papers immediately and having
instant results on things of this nature such as a test or simple formative assessment for the paper.
A con to all of this is teachers and students can become too dependent on technology and have
things like this almost replace the element of the teacher teaching and the students actually
learning from the teacher. That is a powerful tool that should never be overlooked as outdated or
taken for granted, and with technology being so strong it is being overlooked as all of those
negative things. ISTE standards state that
(ISTE Standards) Each measurement should serve a clear purpose and be used to ensure
continual improvement and progress toward the programs goals. As long as this is being
done technology can be a positive thing in the classroom and take learning to the next
level in the classroom in an effective way that will help benefit students in the future.
(ISTE Standards)

Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?
Technology is a great way to assess students in the classroom; it is going to be the only
way we know how to do it in the future. With society taking a turn a little more in the direction
of technology every day we have to learn how to be effective in the process of assessing students
in the classroom. Technology should be the only thing used to asses students, simply because it is
going to be the only thing factored in the future for most of these students in their life.

What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?

ISTE standards need to be followed when using technology in the classroom in order to
asses students. Students need to be guided in the correct way according to standards set by the
school system. If an educator does not gear lesson and assessments towards standards that need
to be followed students have a scary chance of not getting the full benefit of their lesson
available this could lead to confusion and other elements that could possible not end in success in
the classroom, which leads to success in the real world.

Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment

Software being used in the classroom in order to assess students is a great idea that can
help students in many ways be more successful by making sure they are staying in tune with the
lessons being taught in the classroom. When they are staying in touch with the lesson they are
getting the full benefits of the lesson being taught by the teacher and how to translate this
information to the real world in order to be successful in life. Technology is the new way of the
future it is our job to implement it into a students education and translate it into their lives.

References -education-world

Technology is the future it is required in almost anything we do now days, almost any
profession that a students will be going in to will require them to know some type of technology
in their field. As you can see over the time of this course we have covered all the different types
of technology, communication devices that are used through technology along with some of the
many different soft wares that are effectively used every day in work places and in classroom for
different reasons. So with all of these examples and different elements of technology we can rest
assured that technology is the future and needs to be known by future generations to come.
Reflection Essay
The first week of this class I was trying to get a feel of what it was going to be like, I was
not very sure about it and didnt really know what to expect after the first two assignments really.
When I got a call from Professor Larson I knew things were definitely going to speed up and get
much more intense, and they absolute did. During the week of building my website I must have
had a meltdown three or four times I had never done anything like that and it definitely pushed
me to my limits. I was honestly exhausted after that week but I continued to push forward
because I knew like he warned me there was more to come and I needed to stay on top of things
to avoiding rushing and falling behind. During the week of having to complete are presentation
of a PowerPoint lesson I was very frustrated because I just want really understanding how to do
everything and my lesson on the Power Point just did not seem to be coming together as I
wanted to. After a week of fighting through frustration and learning I got it together and felt very

accomplished in doing so after turning it in. After that after that we had to do task cards it was
tough because it forces you as an educator to be creative and that is so important as an educator
to do so. I was motivated and very happy fighting through frustration can lead to great things.
You can see here stated by (Fight Frustration 2015) The good news is that the challenges that
lead predictably to frustration can be turned into opportunities for learning. after learning to do
task cards, I also just began to tell myself how motivated I need to stay and how nothing at this
point could keep me from learning (Siimon Reynolds) I believe that by changing your view of
yourself to unstoppable, then when you experience the inevitable obstacles of life you remain
positive and effective. It may seem a minor change but try it for a month and youll see a huge
lift in your motivation. After week six I could feel a new confidence building in me having
learned so much from previous weeks. I made my own on line test though a polling system it
worked out very well for me I felt a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Going through this
entire course has been tough but I feel like I have learned a lot and will continue to be motivated
to do so in the future because of the things I learned about technology and myself in this class.
(Good Teaching the top ten requirements) GOOD TEACHING is as much about passion as it is
about reason. Its about not only motivating students to learn, but teaching them how to learn,
and doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable. Its about caring for your
craft, having a passion for it, and conveying that passion to everyone, most importantly to your


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