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by Greg, Greenspan, Sebastian,

Why is State Defense Important to

What is Military Defense?

There are 3 types of state defense in any country. The M ilitary
D efense, PoliticalD efense and also the Econom icalD efense. M ilitary
D efense is the state defense that does not have the sam e attention
com pared to politicaland econom icaldefense. Because M ilitary
state defense plays a very im portant role in Indonesian history,
ranging from the W ar of Independence untiltoday. Its also im portant
because state defense also explains som e aspects of Indonesias
diplom atic relationship w ith other countries. State defense is
im portant because every country needs a state defense, just in case
dif f
erent problem s occur. From illegaltrading, drugs, illegalfi

and shipping, and even for a sudden attack or w ar.

Indonesias State Defense

Indonesia is a m em ber of Association of Southeast Asian N ations. This m eans that Indonesia
has allies w hich can back them if a country attacks. N ot only so,Indonesias prom inence in
Southeast Asia m akes it a naturalally w ith such as China,Korea, Japan, and other
surrounding countries.H ow ever, Indonesia strives m ore tow ards dem ocracy, and prefers
peace. Indonesia also has good diplom acy w ith Russia. Econom ically, Indonesia currently
has debts w ith other countries. H ow ever, Indonesia is quite agriculturally stable. Indonesias
m ilitary is ranked as num ber 12 in allof the w orld.Indonesias rank m ainly com es from the
availability of soldiers,but doesnt have m any ships. The lack of subm arines and ships could
becom e the source Indonesias dow nfall.

compared to other countries

Indonesia has one of the best m ilitary fi
re pow er in the w orld,
they are 12th on the w orlds fi
re pow er. H ow ever,Indonesias
m ilitary stillhas not fulfi
lled the requirem ents. For exam ple, w e
need at least 25 subm arines due to the am ount of w ater that
surrounds the country. The sad fact is that w eve only got 2
subm arines, and 1 of them is under repairm ent right now . W e

also need m ore aircrafts (jets, fi

re planes, etc), and w ere in
need of an aircraft carrier. W e stillneed a lot of other m ilitary
equipm ents.

Indonesias Election System

Indonesias current election system is know n as

Before the change, Indonesia only had 2

dem ocratic election. Its sim ilar to other countries

presidents since 1945. Soekarno w as the

such as the U nited States. Every 4 years a new

president from 1945 until1968. H e w as the one

president is elected. The sam e president can be

that form ed the State D efense and built it from

elected only tw ice in a row . This system started

the ground up. N ow , the m ilitary is stillactive

back in the 1990s, w hen Suharto w as forced

but isnt exactly training since there have been a

dow n from the role. H ow this election w orks, is

sm allam ount of confl


that every citizen in Indonesia w illchoose w hich

candidate they w ant to be their president. Later
on the votes are counted, and the candidate w ith
the m ost votes becom es the president.

M ost counties have 3 types of state defence, m ilitary, political, and also econom ic. The m ilitary defence is
using m ilitary pow er such as w ar vehicles and arm ies to protect their ow n country. The reason w e allhave
state defence is, because w e need to protect our ow n country, and not only from other countries, but also
from our ow n country. For exam ple, drug dealing has to stopped by m ilitary defence, because it is easier to
controlthem through force and m ilitary pow er. Indonesia is one of the countries that has very strong and
w ellm ade m ilitary defence. Indonesia has the 12th strongest m ilitary defense, but it is okay to not have a
m ilitary defence as w ell. This is because other countries allover the w orld m ade a society and they prom ise
to keep peace and to help others w hen help is needed. Even though Indonesia is the 12th strongest m ilitary
defence on earth, Indonesia stillneeds m ore m ilitary w eapons. This is also the case for som e other
countries, they dont care and just leave their ow n m ilitary defense poor and required to be upgraded.

Works Cited
"2015 Indonesia Military Strength." Indonesia Military Strength. 1 Apr. 2015. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.
"Defense." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.
"Electoral System." Observatorio Electoral. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.
"Jakarta, Indonesia - Embassy of the United States." Office of Defense Cooperation. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.Mahadzir,
Dzirhan. "INDONESIA'S MILITARY MODERNIZATION - Asian Military Review." Asian Military Review. 1
Nov. 2
012. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.


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