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help, how to make a timer w/ addtime per click in an assigned hotkey for a
coinslot machine
Started by jxclarynx , May 09 2015 09:30 AM

help" i want to make a timer with an assigned key or hotkey to add time

example: countdown 30min to lock mouse and keyboard i want a program or a script that when i click an assigned key

e.g{ F12} is my assigned key when i click F12 it will automatically add time from 30min to 60min to 90min per click. countdown to lock keyboard and mouse
is there some one here that can do this.thanks


Can you give an attempt at code? Is this kind of what you're looking to do in a countdown?



SetTimer, countDown, 1000



Tooltip %var% seconds until locking

If var<=0

MsgBox Time has run out



no i want something like this it locks inputs,i want to insert this a timer can u help me connect this 2 script my problem is the locking script is only quit iwant
to change it to a hotkey
thanks for your reply.

;Timer 1


CustomColor = EEAA99

Gui +LastFound -Caption +ToolWindow

Gui, Color, %CustomColor%

Gui, Font, s50 ; Set a large font size (32-point).

Gui, Add, Text, vMyText w300 cred Center,Internet Station

WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 190
Gui, Show, x700 y-10 ,Timer
CountDown= 30 ; seconds
SomeDate = 16010101

SomeDate += %CountDown%,S
SetTimer NextSecond, 1000


SomeDate += -1, seconds

FormatTime formattedTime, %SomeDate%, mm:ss

GuiControl,, MyText, %formattedTime%

;;;;this locks keyboard and mouse;


; ______________________________________________________________________________

#NoEnv ; Avoids checking empty variables to see if they are environment variables
Menu,Tray,Icon,shell32.dll,48 ; systray icon is a padlock
; install the quit hotkey


; AFTER the quit hotkey is installed, block inputs

BlockInput MouseMove

; ______________________________________________________________________________


ExitApp ; The only way for an OnExit script to terminate itself is to use ExitApp in the OnExit subroutine.
; ******************************************************************************
; Function:

; BlockKeyboardInputs(state="On") disables all keyboard key presses,

; but Control, Shift, Alt (thus a hotkey based on these keys can be used to unblock the keyboard)

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; Param

; state [in]: On or Off


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BlockKeyboardInputs(state = "On")

static keys




Loop,Parse,keys, `,

Hotkey, *%A_LoopField%, KeyboardDummyLabel, %state% UseErrorLevel


; hotkeys need a label, so give them one that do nothing


; ******************************************************************************
; Function:

; BlockMouseClicks(state="On") disables all mouse clicks


; Param

; state [in]: On or Off


BlockMouseClicks(state = "On")

static keys="RButton,LButton,MButton,WheelUp,WheelDown"
Loop,Parse,keys, `,

Hotkey, *%A_LoopField%, MouseDummyLabel, %state% UseErrorLevel


; hotkeys need a label, so give them one that do nothing


iwant the timer to execute mouse and keyboard lock when the countdown ends and assigned a hotkey e.g {F12} when pressed
that will automatically add time from 30min to 60min per press

This code is untested and may accidentally disable your computer. You should be able to regain control going through Ctrl+Alt+Del, but that may just
leave you with an option of restarting your computer.



CustomColor = EEAA99

Gui +LastFound -Caption +ToolWindow

Gui, Color, %CustomColor%

Gui, Font, s50 ; Set a large font size (32-point).

Gui, Add, Text, vMyText w300 cred Center,Internet Station

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WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 190

Gui, Show, x700 y-10 ,Timer
CountDown= 30 ; seconds
SomeDate = 16010101

SomeDate += %CountDown%,S
SetTimer NextSecond, 1000


SomeDate += -1, seconds

FormatTime formattedTime, %SomeDate%, mm:ss

GuiControl,, MyText, %formattedTime%
If SomeDate<=0

BlockInput MouseMove

F12::SomeDate += 1800, seconds ; I guess you could use SomeDate += 30, minutes

BlockInput MouseMoveOff

; ******************************************************************************
; Function:

; BlockKeyboardInputs(state="On") disables all keyboard key presses,

; but Control, Shift, Alt (thus a hotkey based on these keys can be used to unblock the keyboard)

; Param

; state [in]: On or Off


BlockKeyboardInputs(state = "On")

static keys




Loop,Parse,keys, `,

Hotkey, *%A_LoopField%, KeyboardDummyLabel, %state% UseErrorLevel


; hotkeys need a label, so give them one that do nothing


; ******************************************************************************
; Function:

; BlockMouseClicks(state="On") disables all mouse clicks


; Param

; state [in]: On or Off


BlockMouseClicks(state = "On")

static keys="RButton,LButton,MButton,WheelUp,WheelDown"
Loop,Parse,keys, `,

Hotkey, *%A_LoopField%, MouseDummyLabel, %state% UseErrorLevel


; hotkeys need a label, so give them one that do nothing


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thanks for the reply there some problem coz when i run the script and press f12 it adds time 30min to 60min but when i press again the f12 comes back to

30min iwant some thing like adding time like pressing the hotkey f12 it adds 30min to 60min to 90min to 120min so on .timer countdown to lock inputs is
there a way to do it??thank you again

theres another problem coz when the countdown ends it doesnt lock inputs thank you again for your concern.hoping for your reply to solve my problem.

What is your exact F12 hotkey code?

Also, I think I see my problem with getting the input to be blocked. You start out setting SomeDate as 16010101 which is YYYYMMDD. Let's try using in
the timer If SomeDate<=16010101000000 , which has the HHmmSS included, instead of asking for it to be less than zero.

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