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SYLLABUS 2015-16

Mr. De La Torre
High School
phone: (435) 565-3433 ext 1234
Room 304
Course Title: Biology
Textbook: Miller and Levine Biology 2010. You will receive you a copy of the textbook for
you to take home. If you lose or damage the textbook you will be responsible for paying a
replacement or damage fee. The fee for the book is $92.97.
Course Description: This course is a study of the details of biology. This includes the processes
that occur at the chemical level like photosynthesis. As well as those that are easily seen like
ecology or environmental biology. in this course you will compose lab reports and how to learn
complex procedures of science through application.
Course outline: this is a year long class. We will cover topics listed below. We many not cover
these topics in the order listed. If times allows, other topics will be covered.
1. The nature of science
2. Cells
3. DNA, Protein syntheses, and genetics

4. Evolution
5. Ecology
6. Classifications

State standards:
Strand 1 Matter & Energy

Strand 2 Force & Motion

Strand 3 Living Organisms

Strand 4 Ecology
Strand 5 Earth Systems
Strand 6 Universe
Strand 7 Scientific Inquiry
Strand 8 Science, Technology, & Human Activity
Attendance and tardiest:
1. To encourage attendance, the attendance will be honored.
2. If a student is absent from class, it is their responsibility to obtain all notes and
assignments missed.
a. When the student returns from an absence, the student will have 2 days to make up
missed assignments, including missed labs or exams from that absence.
b. Assignments due on the first day of absence are due immediately upon the students
return to school.

Classroom expectations:
1. Positive- do not be negative
2. Prompt be on time and have your homework in on time
3. Polite- treat others, teachers, and oneself with respect
4. Prepared- have all the necessary materials as well as knowing it.
5. Productive dont waste your precious time in class. Work on your assignments so you
wont have more Work.

If you fail to show respect to others and myself, I reserve the right to choose from
following consequence.
A warning
A Hallway conference
A call to your parents
Student action plan
Referral to the office
Severe disruption: (fights, stealing, drugs lying.) will be an automatic referral to the
Grading policy:
1. A number grades will be given for each assignments including, Papers, exams,
quizzes, lab reports, science notebook, homework, and unit projects.
2. Your final grade will consist of:
30% Test, quizzes
30% Lab activities and reports
30% class work and home work
10% comprehensive final
Grading Scale: (Letter to Percent)
A+ = 100 to 98%

B+ = 89 to 88%

C+ = 79 to 78%

D+ = 69 to 68%

A = 97 to 93%

B = 87 to 83%

C = 77 to 73%

D = 67 to 63%

A- = 92 to 90%

B- = 82 to 80%

C- = 72 to 70%

D- = 62 to 60%

Anything below this is a fail in the class and you must retake it
3. Assignments:
a. All assignments are due the following class period, unless otherwise stated. Any
assignments turned in after the dues date, unless due to illness or other compelling

reason, will be deducted 50%. You may still turn in late work but you could not
obtain more then 50% on it.
b. School excused absence do not excuse you from not doing your assignments. You
will have two days from the day missed to return your assignment.
Cheating will not be tolerated in any form in my class! the first offense will result in a
zero in the test, quiz, or assignment. Any offence after that will be reported to the principal. The
parents will be notified immediately. If the student is on their phone during a quiz or a test is,
consider cheating.
Cell phones and electronics:
You are not allowed to use your cell phone/electronics except for educational
purposes (this will be based on teachers discretion).

Lab safety:
You will be required to return a safety contract and get at least a 100% on the lab quiz in
order to participate in the labs.
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education provides free appropriate
public education services for students with disabilities through three State Board of Education
Operated Programs: School for the Deaf, School for the Blind, and the Missouri Schools for the
Severely Disabled.
The Department ensures that each educational program for children with disabilities
administered by the State Board of Education is under the general supervision of the Office of
Special Education, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
If you have specific physical, psychiatric or learning disabilities and require
accommodations, please let me know, so that your learning needs may be appropriately me.
Extra help:
If you have an questions about anything in the classroom or other information, feel free to
come to my classroom or contact me at .
I have reserve the right to modify the syllabus at any time.

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