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Tag questio with my father in the newspaper (Yo

trabajo con mi padre en el peridico)
2.I read the bible every day (Yo leo la biblia
cada da)
3.I watch the tv in the night (Yo veo la tv en la
4.He closed the window. (El cerr la ventana)
5.They lost the keys. (Ellos perdieron las
6.Alice brushed her teeth (Alicia cepill sus
7.I am making my house will ( estoy
hacienda mi casa)
8.I can rest at will
(puedo descansar a
9.she studies with a will (estudia con una
10. They are going to buy a new house.
(Ellos van a comprar una casa nueva)
11. She is going to buy that car ( ella va a
comprar ese coche)
12. Are they going to stay at London for
more that a week? (van a quedarse en
londres por mas de una semana?
13. We are going to wash the dishes
(vamos a lavar los platos)
14. Would you length me your computer
please? (Podras prestarme tu computadora
por favor?).

15. Maybe I would have done things in a

different way, but you did a great job. (Tal
vez yo habra hecho las cosas de diferente
manera, pero hiciste un excelente trabajo).
16. They would listen to you if you bring
good arguments. (Ellos te van a escuchar si
llevas buenos argumentos).
17. You are cooking somethinf delicious. (tu
estas cocinando algo delicioso)
18. He is ready for the test of math. (el esta
listo para la prueba de ingles)
19. He is waiting that you come back. (el
esta esperando que tu regreses)
20. They are in the bus. (ellos estan en el
The pas perfect

I had bought a new car.

Yo haba comprado un nuevo auto.

You had cleaned the house.

T habas limpiado la casa.

He had brought the gifts.

l haba trado los regalos.

She had lost the credit card.

Ella haba perdido la tarjeta de crdito.

Had he brought the gifts?

Haba trado l los regalos?

Had she lost the credit card?

Haba perdido ella la tarjeta de crdito?

I had not bought a new dress.

Yo no haba comprado un nuevo vestido.

.you had nit washed the car

T no habas limpiado la casa.

Must and mustnt

1. You must be back before midnight.(debes estar de
vuelta antes de media noche)
2. She must respect her parents.( Debe respetar a
sus padres).

3. I mustn drive si fast ( no debo conducer rapido)

4. I mustn,copiy an exams( No debo copier un

5. Must i do my homework?(debo hacer mi tarea)

6. Must you do sport to get fi t?(debe hacer deporte
para ponerse enforma)

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