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Personal Information
Students Name: Hctor Humberto Hernndez Castillo
Students Number: U126062z0055
Instructors name: Berenice Espinosa Arroniz
Course: English IV
Career: Ing. Industrial
Assignment: The complaint letter
Date: 08 /October/ 2015

UVEG. Derechos reservados. Esta obra no puede ser reproducida, modificada, distribuida, ni transmitida, parcial o totalmente, mediante cualquier medio, mtodo o
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escrito de la Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato.


Subject: stereo acquisition

Irapuato Gto. The Americas
CP: 36524
Santander and Caribe # 241
Dear Sir / a:
The past October 8th I received in my home a stereo, GTXII model, which gained in his
establishment for the price of $ 12,999 pesos. When you turn on the device, I found that the
speakers were burned and the device turns off. I got in touch with you to rectify this
problem, this accompanied with a copy of contract and invoice.
However, and given the time elapsed without the date has been contacted me to solve this
problem, I request that as soon proceed to change the article. In another case, I will
continue with my claim in the ways they consider most appropriate to defend my rights.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I send a cordial greeting.
Hctor Humberto Hernndez Castillo

UVEG. Derechos reservados. Esta obra no puede ser reproducida, modificada, distribuida, ni transmitida, parcial o totalmente, mediante cualquier medio, mtodo o
sistema impreso, electrnico, magntico, incluyendo el fotocopiado, la fotografa, la grabacin o un sistema de recuperacin de la informacin, sin la autorizacin por
escrito de la Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato.

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