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abate (v)

Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar meaning.
(Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).

Specialists on the China-Taiw an relationship foresee a cycle of recurring tensions that intensify and ab ate
m uch like an econom ic cycle.
Chai, W . (1997) China after D eng Xiaoping [Asian Aff
airs: An Am erican Review ]

Algerians of allpoliticalbeliefs hope the spilling of blood w ill ab ate.But they agree that the struggle for the
nation's soulis far from over.
Viorst, M . (1997) Algeria's long night [Foreign Aff

D istributed pow er has another advantage: during tw o storm s in 2011, the cam pus had fullpow er w hen m uch
of the state w as black. The State of Connecticut is now looking into the possibility of having m ore
independent cogeneration plants scattered across the state to ab ate the eff
ects of future grid blackouts.
Langston, L. (2012) Breaking the barriers [M echanicalEngineering]

d ecrease

in crease

m itig ate


abate (v)
These are some additional examples shown in real authentic context that will help you fuse the word in your brain. When you
read the new word, also replace it mentally with a more common synonym.

Som e econom ists estim ate that China's intense dem and for m etals w ill ab ate w hen its per capita G D P
reaches $15,000.
(2010) [M echanicalEngineering]

N evada enacted legislation that authorizes a district health of f

cer to order a property ow ner to ab ate or
exterm inate m osquitoes or other pests infesting the ow ner's property.
(2009) [Journalof Environm entalH ealth]

The next day, Iw as told not to w orry; the cloudiness w ould gradually ab ate. It did, but it took longer than I
w as led to believe.
(2007) [Southw est Review ]

D EP w as charged w ith im plem enting stabilization/interim m easures to controlor ab ate im m inent threats to
hum an health or the environm ent from releases of hazardous w aste.
(1998) [Boston College Environm entalAff
airs Law Review ]

Allthe W estern dem ocracies,in one form or another, face im m igration pressures from the developing w orld
that are unlikely to ab ate.
(1996) [Foreign Aff

chicanery (n)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar meaning.
(Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).

The title industry's perennialprotectionism has had a predictable side eff

ect: corruption. Shielded by law from
having to com pete on price,insurers resort to bribes and gifts to realestate agents and m ortgage brokers
for steering business their w ay, deceptive front com panies,phony "reinsurance" deals and other creative
ch ican ery.
W oolley, S. (2006) Inside Am erica's richest insurance racket [Forbes]

M uch of w hat w as left w as largely in the hands of a couple of dozen oligarchs w ho had gained control-through
n ancialch ican ery, thuggish intim idation and outright bribery- of m ost of the business assets of the old
Soviet system .
Pearlstein, S. (2007) O il, oligarchs and opulence;

[W ashington Post]

Sincerity, trust, generosity,and even love have virtually disappeared. In their place, a culture based on
ch ican ery and deceit has arisen, epitom ized by the entertaining but treacherous saltim banquis w ho prey
on "the blind trust of the populace.
Roof, G . (1993) The vision of Paris in the Recuerdos de Viaje of Ram on de M esonero Rom anos [Sym posium ]

d ish on esty

h on esty


tru th fu ln ess

chicanery (n)
These are some additional examples shown in real authentic context that will help you fuse the word in your brain. When you
read the new word, also replace it mentally with a more common synonym.

As charlatan "m edicine people" proliferate,and m ake huge profi

ts from their ch ican ery, M abel's story show s
us the truth about the w ays in w hich the spirit
(1996) [Am erican Indian Q uarterly]

From Bert Iagain obtained dram atic quotes for the record,and allegations of political ch ican ery offthe
(2001) [AnthropologicalQ uarterly]

As one gas-industry expert put it, M cClendon's fi

n ancialch ican ery looked like "the subprim e-m ortgage
m arket just before it m elted dow n."
(2012) [Rolling Stone]

These critics argued that the racialstatus quo w as achieved and m aintained through violence and legal
ch ican ery rather than through any innate biologicaldiff
erence betw een the races.
(2001) [G eorgia H istoricalQ uarterly]
W hen Putin cam e to pow er,he m oved to curb the pow er of the "oligarchs," a group of industrialm agnates w ho
had deployed ch ican ery and politicalconnections to acquire vast fortunes in the freew heeling
privatizations of the 1990s.
(2009) [Christian Science M onitor]

gainsay (v)(v)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar meaning.
(Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).

M any Am ericans w ould like to believe that the Vietnam W ar w as not lost on the battlefi
eld but in the headlines.
The Pentagon denies that it shares that view , but its actions g ain say its w ords.
(1991) Looking over their shoulders [Tim e]

It is true that the free m arket can coexist w ith authoritarian politicalform s, and indeed it has often done so in
Latin Am erica; but even so,that does not g ain say the fact that a m arket econom y is the necessary (if not
suf f
cient) condition for the em ergence of a free and dem ocratic society.
Rom ero, A. (1996) Radicaldem ocracy [W orld Aff

A group in Paris calling itself Am ericans for Peace has issued "Bulletin N o. 1." It calls for a dem onstration
picketing the U .S. Em bassy w ith such slogans as "Blood is m ore precious than oil," "Let the diplom ats do it,"
"M ake peace not w ar." N obody could g ain say these slogans, but they don't suggest how to m ake peace or
how the diplom ats should do it.
Lew is, F. (1990) Policing the w orld [The N ew York Tim es]

accep t

ad m it

con trad ict

d isp u te

gainsay (v)
These are some additional examples shown in real authentic context that will help you fuse the word in your brain. When you
read the new word, also replace it mentally with a more common synonym.

Postm odern critics of culture g ain say the culturalstability that anthropologists em phasize.
(2006) [TheologicalStudies]

Yet that sam e reticence enhanced the im peratives of sexuallove, m aking such feeling alm ost tangible and
certainly hard to g ain say.
(2000) [Raritan]

O n the contrary, m ulticulturalists adam antly g ain say the idea of an identifi
able and defi
nable Am erican
culture that m ight form the basis of a core curriculum .
(1996) [U SA Today]

W hen professionalhistorians can't agree on w hat did or didn't happen and no docum ents exist to support or
g ain say their opinions,w hy reject the historicalnovelist's ingenious guesses and fabrications?
(1992) [Am erican H eritage]

That is perhaps because it is so axiom atic that no one can g ain say it.
(2000) [Am erica]

latent (adj)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar meaning.
(Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).

H undreds of m illions of people around the w orld have laten t tuberculosis infections. In m ost cases,
tuberculosis never becom es active, but the disease is m uch m ore likely to explode into a full-blow n
infection in people w ho also have H IV/AID S.
D ouste-Blazy, P. and Altm an, D . (2010) A few dollars at a tim e [Foreign Aff

Third, besides the upw ard (or dow nw ard) course of the single individual, there is also, especially in M ahayana
Buddhism , the belief in a generaland inevitable upw ard trend w hereby allbeings w illone day reach full
sentience and thence enlightenm ent,w hereupon allw illhave attained the Buddha-nature,hitherto only
laten t w ithin them .
(2010) O ther religions [H um anist]

D etections of pathogens rem ained steady over tim e,despite im proved regulatory eff
orts. Characteristics of
pathogens such as their m icroscopic size, cryptic signs and sym ptom s, and laten t period render them
especially dif f
cult to detect at ports of entry.
(2010) H istoricalAccum ulation of N onindigenous Forest Pests in the ContinentalU nited States [BioScience]

Indeed, her laten t sensibility m ay be aw akened and tested in conjunction w ith M aria's narrative,enabling
readers to w itness her recovery of " fem inine em otions " (253) and the virtuous action they inspire, but the
character's ow n history unm istakably serves to check the pow ers of sentim entalfi
Tegan, M . (2010) M ocking the m other of the novels: [Studies in the N ovel]

Am ong these m oralelem ents it is necessary to em phasize a sentim ent w hich at fi

rst w as laten t but now has

latent (adj)
These are some additional examples shown in real authentic context that will help you fuse the word in your brain. When you
read the new word, also replace it mentally with a more common synonym.

The team could classify people into groups -no infection, laten t infection or active illness- just by looking at
the gene activity profi
les in the blood.
(2010, TechReview )

About 10 to 25 percent of people w ith laten t infections had signatures sim ilar to those of people w ith active
infections,indicating that people w ith the active-type profi
le m ay go on to develop the disease even if their
infection is currently dorm ant.
(2010, TechReview )

Though I'm in pretty good health, Ihave severallaten t conditions, including an autoim m une disease.
(2010, Atlantic)

Africans in Am erica w ere in a constant state of laten t or overt resistance to a system of w hite suprem acy
sustained by physicaland psychologicalviolence.
(2010, BlackScholar)

India has the size and the population,but apart from being the poorest of them all,it is trapped in a
perm anent confl
ict w ith Pakistan (and a laten t one w ith China), w hich m onopolizes its resources and
(2009, ForeignAff

aberrant (adj.)(adj)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar meaning.
(Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).

As w riter Litsa D rem ousis asserted in "I'm M ad at You Because You're an Idiot, N ot Because I'm a W om an," a
recent post on the w om en's w ebsite Jezebel, it's "tim e for m ore m en to understand our behavior isn't
ab erran t, and for m ore w om en not to feel'guilty for not staying in the narrow range of traditionally
accepted em otionalresponses."
(H olm es, 2012 [The W ashington Post])
It appears this constitutionalproposalis about a w ord: m arriage.Apparently, som e kind of civil
arrangem ents w illbe allow ed as long as they are not called m arriages. W hat it really is, though, is a
statem ent that hom osexuals are to be of f
cially considered ab erran t and less than hum an.
(The O pen Forum , 2004 [D enver Post])
But for dozens of other products -sneakers, spoons, bicycles, underw ear, suitcases, drinking glasses,T-shirts,
plates, and m ore- tariff
s of 8-30 percent are neither ab erran t nor tem porary.In fact, they are norm aland
perm anent parts of U .S. trade policy.
(G resser, 2002 [Foreign Aff
ab n orm al

d evian t

n orm al

reg u lar

aberrant (adj)
These are some additional examples shown in real authentic context that will help you fuse the word in your
brain. When you read the new word, also replace it mentally with a more common synonym.

by em otionaldiscom fort and insecurity plagued by feelings of alienation and ostracism (Berk,2007).A
question being explored here is w hether schoolenvironm ents tend to exacerbate those feelings. The
generalunderstanding of the experiences of Eric H arris, D ylan Klebold, and Kip Kinkel(the schoolshooters
in Colum bine, Colorado and Springfi
eld,O regon respectively) strongly suggest that they do (Edw ards & ;
M ullis, 2001; Sm okow ski& ; Kopasz, 2005). # The Construct of Alienation in SchoolAlienation is a term that
is used to describe a state of disconnect or estrangem ent and aberrant behavior.Alienation is a com plex
construct w ith diff
erent signifi
cance depending on the discipline under review . In education,alienation
refers to the lack of belonging and engagem ent of students in a schoolsetting.M au (1992) identifi
ed four
dim ensions that have guided the research of alienation in schools. They are: pow erlessness,
m eaninglessness,norm lessness, and socialestrangem ent. # Pow erlessness. Pow erlessness m anifests
w hen a student places value on a goal, but at the sam e tim e has low expectations of realizing that goal.
Teachers and
To date,the ab erran t religious ideology that opposes allsecular governm ent has developed only m oderate
traction am ong the large M uslim populations of India and the surrounding states of Centraland Southeast
(2004, ForeignAff
A production of a sentence w as judged to be error-free w hen it did not contain substitutions,om issions,
additions, distortions, disfl
uencies, ab erran t prosody, or inappropriate pauses.

dissolution (n) ( (n)n)

Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar
meaning. (Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).

w as suf f
cient by itself to induce m assive dispersion of oilinto fi
ne droplets; the d issolu tion of w ater-soluble
hydrocarbons; and the creation of em ulsions of oil,gas, w ater
form ation of the Beatles, the phenom enon of " Beatlem ania," and the eventual d issolu tion of the band.The
last tw o chapters describe the solo careers of each band
repressive m easures and after the referendum abrogate the nationalconstitution in order to prevent the
d issolu tion of the country.
statem ent, Ang Lee him self points to the globalnature of the story of the d issolu tion of m arriage and fam ily
that is a com m on them e in his w ork. The universality





garrulous (adj)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar
meaning. (Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).
can be. H ow do your characters talk? Are they stiffand w ithholding or g arru lou s and foolish? W hat clues do
they give about their intentions by the w ay they
three associates, M ichaelFinnegan.The 29-year-old Finnegan is as reserved as Anderson is g arru lou s. H is
father,a St.Paulpublic defender, is a longtim e friend of
to get allaround every subject he took up. This could m ake him som etim es g arru lou s in conversation and
cause him to bring in m anuscripts forty or fi
fty pages longer than
sam e day? " Irritation bubbles up in M iranda.H ad Valerie alw ays been so g arru lou s? So vague? H ad she,
M iranda, alw ays found her so annoying -during the conference callw hether M icrosoft m ight consider shedding som e business lines,the usually
g arru lou s Ballm er said nothing for a few seconds, then boom ed forcefully that both he and
seem ed barely able to ask for a cup of coff
ee w ithout letting his young, g arru lou s aide G ene Sperling speak
for him .That w as before federalbudget battles,





laud (v)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar
meaning. (Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).
" M m m -m m m ,that's w hy you get an allow ance." D on't lau d your kids for putting every penny in the bank. M y
son, M alcolm ,
lack of youth gangs, and centralized controlof crim e data. U S diplom ats lau d the eff
ectiveness of the
N icaraguan navy in fi
g hting drugs but are less positive about the
encourage greater liberalism and dem ocracy in various countries.The U .S.adm inistration can continue to
lau d dem ocratic ideals in other countries through Voice of Am erica broadcasts and to prom ote them in
crew ,sensing his m ood, had obliged him . But the hum an com pulsion to lau d success w as irrepressible, and he
accepted it w ith stoic grace.H is ascendance to
w hen Isee these titles, and others, Iw onder.D id the academ y lau d these fi
lm s for their artistry,or rather for
their scale and popularity? In





abeyance (n)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar
meaning. (Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).
A deputy received a 60-day suspension, w ith 30 days held in ab eyan ce, in 2008 for repeatedly hitting
inm ates in the groin w hile conducting booking searches.
Britain,Chile,France, N orw ay,and N ew Zealand-m aintain territorialclaim s in ab eyan ce, for the tim e being.
Along w ith 39 other countries,they w ait,
Cam bodia's application to join the W TO ,fi
led in 1994,rem ained in ab eyan ce in G eneva for fi
ve years. In the
m eantim e, the Cam bodians prepared for the
trillion tim es over. The glacier is com ing and no pow er w illhold it in ab eyan ce. " Ididn't bother w riting any of
that dow n; Iw as plenty
the last tw o days they'd been granting entry to feelings they'd held at ab eyan ce for m onths. They'd reached
the top of a m ountain so steep that the





abscond (v)
Read the word in context in the following sample texts, and then select the two words with the same or similar
meaning. (Note: The sample texts are independent: theyre not related to one another).
to the form of the song.Identify introduction,verses,chorus, and cod a. O n a subsequent hearing,invite
students to dem onstrate w hen they hear a
m e,visibly excited.That is the last act, the m orning's cod a. W e have been w atching the play for three hours.
The big cats abandon
across the nation -- - represents the w elcom e end to the Iraq W ar,the cod a to nearly nine years of hom efront
prayers and faraw ay horrors, trium phs and setbacks,
com pany is past its prim e. The G ates era has already ended: this is the cod a,says M itch Kapor, founder of
Lotus,the spreadsheet giant hum bled by M icrosoft
the next. This scene, w hich closes the m ovie,is an appropriate cod a. As m uch as the fi
lm 's heavies m easure
them selves against gangsters past and present





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