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Taste Testing- Familiarizing Our Sense of Taste

Name: Lauren Checker

Content Area(s)


Scientific/Mathematical Thinking


(What do I know about the

students in this class that will help
me plan the lesson?)

1. Why did you choose the objectives you did? In other

words, what about your observation of the students
current level made you decide that this was the direction
to go next.
The objectives I chose are developmentally appropriate
because it allows the children to explore. They will be trying
new things and using their taste buds to gain insights into
flavors. This will be another visitation of the senses, focusing
specifically on taste. Because it is near the end of the school
year, the children have gained a great amount of
independence and know the expectations required of them in
the classroom.
The students write their names every morning on white boards,
so I will have them each write their names on post-it notes in
the morning (what we will use later on during the science
lesson.) Because all students can write their name this is one
of my objectives during the lesson. They are able to identify
letters and sounds to create their names. Although the post-it
notes will be smaller than the white boards, I am confident
they can reach this objective.
Previously, the students have also been using their
observations to gather information, another one of my
objectives. The students have become excellent at noticing
small details and making predictions. I believe this lesson will
allow them to engage deeply with their senses. Last week I
took them on a nature walk and we focused on how to make
observations outside using our eyes and feeling different items
we collected. This taste test experiment will be a continuation
of the exploration of their senses.
My CT has provided a welcoming and safe environment for the
children so that they feel comfortable taking risks. During this
lesson the children will be encouraged by me to try different
foods. Not all of the children have been exposed to these
different tastes, so it will definitely be an unfamiliar experience

for some.
2. Why did you decide to use these instructional strategies,
this material, this grouping strategy? In other words,
why teach this lesson this way?
I am teaching this lesson as a full group because I think it will
be a good opportunity for the children to talk with one another
and feel comfortable trying new things. I think especially for
the ESL learners it will be beneficial to have all their peers
doing the same thing. I will try to make the directions explicit
to the children so they understand what is expected. I think
asking questions, having discussions, and modeling will allow
the children to be engaged and willing to participate.
3. Why did you decide to assess learning in the way you
did? What evidence will this assessment strategy give
you about the level of student learning?
I decided to choose observation as one form of assessment.
Because this lesson is engaging, I will be able to see how the
students are interacting during the taste testing. I will be able
to assess the learning through facial expressions and
conversation. I incorporated the poster of having the children
place their name on their favorite flavor to ensure
understanding. This will reassure that the students understand
different foods have different flavors, and that we all have
different perspectives and taste buds.
Lesson Domain(s)
WMELS, Kostelnick

Learning Goal(s)/

Instructional Objectives
(observable behaviors

Early Literacy, Scientific Thinking, Curiosity, Engagement, and

Performance Standard: C.EL. 1 Uses observation to gather
Performance Standard: A.EL.1 Displays curiosity, risk-taking,
and willingness to engage in new experiences
Performance Standard: C.EL.1 Develops ability to detect,
manipulate, or analyze the auditory parts of spoken language
(This includes the ability to segment oral language into words,
syllables, or phonemes independent of meaning.)
Shows awareness of differences in their environment (smell,
touch, sight,
sound, and taste).
Makes comparisons between objects that have been collected
or observed.
Recognizes letters and their sounds in familiar words,
especially in own
Is curious about and willing to try new and unfamiliar
experiences and activities within their environment.

(Criteria/Look Fors)

My assessment will begin before the official lesson starts. In

the morning the children write their names on white boards, so
I will have them write on post-it notes instead so that they can
later use these to place on the anchor chart what their favorite
taste was ( bitter, sour, sweet, salty.) I will be informally
observing the children when they are participating in the taste
testing. I will be listening to conversation amongst the students
and watching facial expressions. This will allow me to analyze
the childrens engagement in the activity. I will be able to
observe their facial expressions when they are trying the
different foods. I will be able to observe the students sensory
engagement. I will then also assess when the students place
their post-it on their favorite taste.


( Concepts & Academic

Language Focus)
WMELS, Curricular Resource)

(Kostelnick, Based on lesson,
goals, knowledge of students)

Instructional Strategies
(Kostelnick May include but are
not limited to: Task Analysis,
Scaffolding, Behavior Reflections,
Paraphrase, Modeling, Effective
Praise, Telling, Explaining,
Questioning, and Turn &Talk/Pair

Instruction Procedures
(w/Time - Total & by section


Bitter, sour, sweet, salty, taste buds

What do taste buds (inside your mouth) do?
Does anyone know what bitter tastes like?
Does anyone know how salty tastes?
Does anyone know how sweet tastes?
Does anyone know how sour tastes?
What flavor do we think bakers chocolate has?
What flavor do we think sour patch kids have?
What flavor do we think pretzels have?
What flavor do we think fruit snacks have?
Whats your favorite taste?

I will use behavior reflections in my lesson. I will be repeatedly

encouraging the students to make good choices. This will
hopefully inspire them to participate by following the
directions. The students are good at monitoring their behavior,
but sometimes need reminders. I will also model for the
students before beginning the taste testing. This will let them
know that we are going to try each food item one by one, like
we did with the cereal graph. I will also model for them how I
would put my post-it on the poster to indicate my favorite
flavor. I will also use effective praise to encourage the students
thoughts and behavior.
Bakers chocolate, Sour Patch Kids, cherry fruit snacks, pretzels,
poster board, post-it notes
Previous to the lesson I will have the children write their
names on post-it notes that we will use on the poster
Introduction- 2 minutes
- Good morning boys and girls, today we are going to talk
about how we use our sense taste in an experiment.
- We will talk about how our tongue has taste buds that allow

us to taste the flavor in different foods we eat.

-Does anyone know what bitter tastes like?
-Does anyone know how salty tastes?
-Does anyone know how sweet tastes?
-Does anyone know how sour tastes?
- I will then show them this sing along video:
* we will watch it twice possibly
Demonstration/ Participation- 10 minutes
-Now all of us are going to be taste testers and try to figure out
some different tastes
- I will show them the different foods we will be trying.
-This taste test will be like the cereal activity we did a couple
weeks ago.
- I will inform the children that they will each be getting a plate
with bakers chocolate, Sour Patch Kids, cherry fruit snacks, and
- bakers chocolate is not like your regular chocolate and you
may not all like it.
-Just like at lunch time we are not going to touch or eat
anything until I say. Just like the cereal activity we are going to
try each food separate, then stop and wait.
- I will model this
- I will pass out the plates, telling them NOT to yet touch or try
their foods until I say, otherwise they will not be able to
- I will encourage the children to try all 4 foods, but they can
choose not to. I will also tell them that if they do not like a food
to make a huge deal ( i.e. bakers chocolate).
-I will then go item by item, telling the children to try each food
by saying bon-appetite.
- I will use the clap-clap, snap-snap, lap-lap technique to bring
the group back together.
- I will call the children off individually to throw away their
plates and come back to find a letter
- I will tell the children to be thinking about which one was their
Practice- 5 minutes
-I will ask some students to share with me and the class what
their favorite
taste was.
What flavor do we think bakers chocolate has?
What flavor do we think sour patch kids have?
What flavor do we think pretzels have?
What flavor do we think fruit snacks have?
Whats your favorite taste?
-Each student will have the chance to post their post-it note on
the section of the poster they like best, sour, sweet, salty, and

(Summarize the lessons learning,
connect to objectives, foreshadow
next day)

Student Accommodations
(Modifications to support students
who are challenged to understand
the content or have an advanced

I will thank the students for trying new flavors. I will tell them
its important to be open to trying new things even if we dont
like them because its important to have an open mind. I will
inform them that our taste buds on our tongues can taste all
these different flavors bitter, sweet, sour, and salty.
I will allow students who do not want to try the bakers
chocolate or a different food to pass. I will just encourage them
to talk to a classmate about the flavor. I will have students who
may not follow directions to sit by me. I will encourage an open
discussion of the flavors, especially for those who have not
tried some of the foods or experienced some of the flavors (i.e.
sour, bitter.)

(How well did my lesson support
students understanding relative to
the objectives? What worked, did
not work? What adjustments
might be made in the future?)

To be completed.

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