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Inventing Creativity Lights Up Brains (iClub) Constitution




Article I: Purpose/Goals
a. Section A: Name
i. The name of this club will be and will remain Inventing Creativity Lights
Up Brains (iClub).
b. Section B: Goals/Purpose
i. Inventing Creativity Lights Up Brains (iClub) is a club in which the
students have many opportunities to use their architectural skills to design
models of different buildings and possibly objects. Not only that, students
will be able to compete with each other for the best design. The software
that will be used is called Sketch Up Make 2015. This software is used
commonly by architectures and will help students pull their ideas out of
their mind and put it into a visual screen. We will also be using other
Autodesk softwares.
Article II: Membership & Dues
a. Section A: Eligibility
i. Membership shall be open to all Plymouth Canton Educational Park
(PCEP) students upon payment of the dues as outlines in Section B,
Article II.
b. Section B: Dues
i. No dues shall be charged
Article III: Officers
a. Section A: Officers
i. Officers of iClub shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Chairman,
Treasurer, Web Designer, and a Supervisor. Duties for these office
positions is discussed in Article IV
b. Section B: Eligibility
i. Officers must be able to donate their time in the iClub when needed.
c. Section C: Election
i. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the second to the last meeting of
iClub at the end of 2nd Semester by majority of the votes cast for a certain
office. Time of meeting may be extended on Election Day if needed.
d. Section D: Term
i. The officers shall serve for 2 full semesters.
ii. Officers shall not serve more than 1 term for the same office position.
iii. Supervisors shall keep their office for how much they want.
e. Section E: Vacancy
i. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall
assume the office for the remainder of the term and vacancies in any other
office shall be filled by a special election


Article IV: Duties of Officers

a. Selection A: President ______________________
i. Preside at meetings
ii. Vote only in case of tie
iii. Represent the club
iv. Make sure club runs smooth
v. Approve any decisions made by committee officers
vi. Make changes to constitution when needed upon agreement of more than
half of the committee officers.
vii. Lead decisions made in meeting discussion
viii. Teach the fundamentals of software used in the club
ix. Provide leadership and management in the club
x. Keep control of discussion related to iClub
b. Selection B: Vice President ______________________
i. Preside in the absence of the President
ii. Deliver news to all other iClub officers for further examination.
iii. Should be able to answer any questions about the club
c. Selection C: Secretary ______________________
i. Records the minutes of all meetings
ii. Keep a file of the clubs records
iii. Maintain a current roster of membership
iv. Takes care of paper work
d. Selection E: Treasurer ______________________
i. Receive all funds and process all requests
ii. Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make
reports as directed
iii. Make ideas for fundraising
e. Selection F: Web Designer ______________________
i. Keeps the iClub website, which is, up to date with
all information
ii. Provide all the information iClub members need on the website in a
comfortable format
f. Section I: Supervisor ______________________
i. Responsible for supervising the iClub
ii. Makes sure that the club runs smoothly and that all the officers make
appropriate decisions.
iii. Responsible for taking and counting votes during the election day of the
iClub officers.




Article V: Meetings
a. Section A: Meetings
i. Regular meetings shall be held on every other Wednesday after school day
ii. The duration shall be about 1 hour
b. Section B: Special Meeting
i. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Vice President with
the approval of more than half of the iClub officers
c. Selection C: Quorum
i. A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the membership.
Article VI: Advisor
a. Section A: Selection
i. Advisers shall be the officers who has been selected for their offices
ii. The Advisers shall be the President, Vice President, Web Designer,
Secretary, and Treasurer
b. Section B: Duties
i. Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs
ii. Meet on a regular bases with the leader of the student club to discuss
upcoming meetings, long range plans, goals, and problems of the club
iii. Lead the projects done in club and assist others who need assistance
iv. Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the club
v. Inform club members of those factors that constitute unacceptable
behavior on the part of the club members, and the possible consequence of
said behaviors.
Article VII: Amendments
a. Amendment 1: Selection
i. Amendments should be made by 2/3 majority vote of the members and
club officers
b. Amendment 2: Notice
i. All members shall receive advance notice of the proposes of amendment
at least five days before the meeting


Article VIII: Declaration

a. iClub hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide
regulating the actions of members.


Nisarg Patel


Param Patel

Ayushi Patel

Malav Patel





Web Designer

Maitra Patel


Vice President











Carolyn Costantino


Sponsorer / Supervisor

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