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Machala, febrero 6 de 2015



Apreciado ___________________________________ identificada con C.C. ______________,

por medio de la presente nos dirigimos a usted con el fin de informarle que los datos que se
encuentran actualmente en la base de datos son los siguientes:

Nombre: __________________
Apellido: __________________
C.C. ______________________
Direccin: __________________
Telfono: ___________________

Por este motivo lo invitamos a que se comunique a la lnea de atencin al estudiante 313 244xxxxxxxx o al telfono fijo 0985xxxx, tambin puede acercarse a nuestra oficinas ubicadas en la
carrera xx a xx-xx piso 2 barrio Los Laureles o en la pgina web .

The antioxidant activities of methanol extracts of oregano, dittany, thyme, marjoram, spearmint,
lavender and basil were tested in lard stored at 75~ The concen- tration of extracts in lard varied
from 0.01 to 0.20%. Oregano extract was found to be the most effective in stabilizing lard,
followed by thyme, dittany, marjoram and lavender extracts, in a decreasing order. The induction period of lard increased with antioxidant concentra- tion. After the induction period, peroxide
formation pro- ceeded rapidly, following pseudo-zero order reaction kinetics. The rate of the
reaction decreased slightly with increasing plant extract concentration. Combined addi- tion of
plant extracts in lard showed a low synergistic action between thyme extract and spearmint

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