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La persona ms inteligente del mundo

Mahmud crece en un pequeo pueblo para ser la persona ms inteligente

del mundo. El primer da de la escuela los otros nios le hicieron la burla
porque Mahmud quera aprender a leer y escribir, pero ellos no saban que
l era un muchacho muy inteligente. Un dia vineo un inspector del gobierno
y vio los dibujos y sus trabajos y se quedo sorprendido. Se llevo a Mahmud
lejos de ese pueblo con otra familia para que el tuviera xito. A los 19 aos
fue a la universidad que le pagaron el ejercito y se volvi rico. Se mudo a un
apartamento en la ciudad y el Sr. Zaki nunca lo volvi a ver.
Despus de dejar el Sr. Zaki conoci a Ali, quien se convirti en su mejor
amigo. Empezaron a hablar y no le dijo nada Ali al Sr. Zaki sobre la antigua
familia de Mahmud. Ali tena una hermana menor llamada Aisha que se
enamoro de Mahmoud, pero l no le dijo a Ali. Mahmoud y Ali se
convirtieron en amigos cercanos y decidieron viajar por el mundo. Ambos
estuvieron de acuerdo y cuando Ali lleg al aeropuerto se encontr una nota
que deca a Ali que el Mahmoud y Aisha iban a casarse. Viajaron por todo el
mundo ganando dinero.

Mahmud grows in a small town to be the smartest person in the world. The
first day of school the other children made him ridicule because Mahmud
wanted to learn to read and write, but they did not know he was a very
intelligent guy. One day a government inspector came and saw the drawings
and papers and was surprised. Mahmud I took away from that town with
another family for the tubiera success. At age 19 he went to college he paid
the army and became rich. He moved into an apartment in the city and Mr.
Zaki never seen again.
After leaving Mr. Zaki met Ali, who became his best friend. They started
talking and he said nothing to Mr. Zaki Ali on the ancient family of Mahmud.
Ali had a younger sister named Aisha who fell in love with Mahmoud, but he
told Ali. Mahmoud and Ali became close friends and decided to travel the
world. Both agreed and when Ali arrived at the airport a note saying that
Mahmoud Ali and Aisha were to be married was found. They traveled around
the world making money.

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