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Rizalyn C.

One of the great things that a person can do is to help other human, by giving them food
to survive one meal a day. We often ask ourselves why bad things happen to good
people and why bad people happened to be luckier by means of having more money to
spend. Some of us have a dedication in life, in different ways and one of those is to
help others in a simple way, helping not only one but more people at a time by
teaching them how to fish and not giving them a fish.
I was raised up understanding the kind of life and lifestyle that I can have in
the future by choosing which road I can go forth. This is why guardians /
parents play an important role in our life.
It is like a Foundation; kids can inherit or acquire all of the parents skills and
talents, as most parents want to give the best for them. Good parents teach
their children to be independent and competitive.
I was invited to witness the greatness and goodness of one Villar foundation that aims
to give food and better life to the whole family not only on the day itself but for a lifetime.
One of those livelihood programs is Coco net Weaving, this livelihood program is
created to help the community or one barangay with 40 families or more of less
fortunate families that have no formal job, but by doing little business like selling bote,
dyaryo, plastic and metal are welcome to join in this livelihood program. This villar
livelihood program does not required the family members to do an eight hour job but by
time availability within twenty four hours. Most of the workers spend their time to do their
task in this livelihood program not by number of hours they will work for, but by the
family output. The product came from garbage materials from the river. During the time
that villar foundation was conducting a cleanup drive in the river, they found out that
most of the coconut wastes have been thrown to the river by the buco seller.
This is why Villar Foundation created a livelihood program to help the less
fortunate families and give more chances of living and not to be a beggar.

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