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Sac County Hometown Pride Committee

6:30 pm 27 August 2015
Lake View, Iowa, City Hall
All meetings of Sac County Hometown Pride Committees are open to the public.
Public input is welcomed. Please state your name when speaking.

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
4. Financial Report
5. Community updates from Steering Committee members
6. Progress update from Georgia Freerks
7. Procedural/Operating updates
A. Consider having Georgia keep/maintain minutes for each local HTP
B. Should minutes of each local committee be shared with steering
C. Methods of publicizing meetings
D. Placement of HTP county signs
E. Monthly reports/summaries from Georgia
8. Consider proposed amendment to Sac County Hometown Pride agreement
as requested by Keep Iowa Beautiful
9. Review of goals
9. Committee forum
10. Next meeting date and location
11. Adjournment

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