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En un remoto pueblecito viva un joven muy humilde pero de buen corazn que trabajaba en una pequea

plantacin de arroz.
El joven, elocuente, siempre se imaginaba a s mismo engalanado con ropajes de emperador y rodeado de
grandes riquezas, pues pensaba que as las mujeres ms hermosas del reino querran estar a su lado.

In a faraway village, a poor young man but with good heart lived in a small rice plantation.
This young man feeling powerful always imagined himself dressed up with emperor robes and surrounded
by luxury, as he thought that this way the most beautiful women in the kingdom would be attracted by him.

Creo haber dejado mis ropajes de plumas cerca, pero no consigo encontrarlos... se lament,
Al notar que no se haba percatado de su falta, el joven se afan en ocultarlo y, nervioso, respondi:
Por mucho que me empee en buscar, no veo ropaje de plumas alguno le dijo, temeroso y con disimulo.

I guess Ive left my feathers robes nearby, but I cant find them, she regretted, innocently.
Feeling that she hadnt noticed the absence, the young man made a great effort to hide it and, nervously,
No matter how much effort I make in searching it, I cant see any feathers robes anywhere, he told her,
feeling fearful and cunningly.

Pero, al hacerlo, perdi la prueba, puesto que los melones no podan ser tocados por nadie, y del fruto brot un caudaloso ro que los separ por siempre, impidiendo al joven volver con su amor debido a su testarudez.

But, by doing so, he lost the challenge, as the watermelons could not be touched by anyone and a great river
sprang from the fruit and separated them forever, thus preventing the young man to come back with his lover due
to his stubbornness.


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