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Cu Hnh dch v Double Play HSI + IPTV ONT I-Gate GW040


Khi to ONT
Khai bo ONT

T Ne->LT1->Pon1->ONT Provision:

Create ONT ID: 1

Khai bo thng s provision theo Serial Number:

Chn Finish kt thc.

Cu lnh CLI tng ng:
#configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/1 sw-ver-pland DISABLED sernum
VNPT:000DA494 subslocid WILDCARD sw-dnload-version DISABLED plnd-var SIP enableaes enable sn-bundle-ctrl bundle
#configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/1 admin-state up

Khai bo thng s provision theo SLID:

Chn Finish kt thc.

Disabled Planned SW cho ONT:

Cu lnh CLI tng ng:

#configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/1 sw-ver-pland DISABLED sernum
ALCL:00000000 subslocid ABCD1234 sw-dnload-version DISABLED plnd-var SIP enableaes enable sn-bundle-ctrl auto


To card v port trn ONT

T ONT1-> Create->ONT Card

Khai bo thng s v card:


Card ID: 14
Planned Type: VEIP
Number of Data Ports: 1
Connected Node Type: UNI

Lnh CLI tng ng

#configure equipment ont slot 1/1/1/1/1/14 planned-card-type veip plndnumdataports 1
plndnumvoiceports 0 port-type uni admin-state up
#configure interface port uni:1/1/1/1/1/14/1 admin-up

Khai bo cu hnh 7 thng s xc thc HSI

Chn NE mc Object Detail

Lnh CLI tng ng

#configure system loop-id-syntax efm-based-pon " Access_Node_ID atm

To QoS Profile cho HSI v IPTV

To bandwidth profile downstream cho HSI

Note: Tt c cc profile u c to t tab:

Note: ID s t ng generate.

Chn Finish kt thc

Lnh CLI tng ng
# configure qos profiles shaper Fiber36M committed-info-rate 0 committed-burst-size 0
excess-info-rate 39600 type singletokenbucketgpon


To bandwidth profile upstream cho HSI

Note: ID s t ng generate.

Chn Finish kt thc

#configure qos profiles bandwidth Fiber36M committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 0
excessive-info-rate 39600

To bandwidth profile downstream cho IPTV

Bandwidth profile cho downstream

To nh vi HSI.

Lnh CLI tng ng.

#configure qos profiles shaper IPTV_down_22M committed-info-rate 0 committed-burstsize 0 excess-info-rate 24200 type singletokenbucketgpon

To bandwidth profile upstream cho IPTV

Bandwidth profile cho upstream

To tng t nh HSI

Lnh CLI tng ng

#configure qos profiles bandwidth IPTV_up committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 1100
excessive-info-rate 1100

To QoS Ingress Profile cho HSI

Note: ID s t generate

Lnh CLI tng ng:

#configure qos profiles ingress-qos HSI_TC0 dot1-p0-tc 0 dot1-p1-tc 0 dot1-p2-tc 0 dot1-p3tc 0 dot1-p4-tc 0 dot1-p5-tc 0 dot1-p6-tc 0 dot1-p7-tc 0

To QoS Ingress Profile cho IPTV

Tng t nh HSI

Lnh CLI tng ng

#configure qos profiles ingress-qos IPTV_TC4 dot1-p0-tc 4 dot1-p1-tc 4 dot1-p2-tc 4 dot1-p3tc 4 dot1-p4-tc 4 dot1-p5-tc 4 dot1-p6-tc 4 dot1-p7-tc 4

Khai bo VLAN cho HSI

Khai bo vlan cho HSI


Mode: Residential Bridge; Name: HSI

QoS: chn QoS khai trn.


Lnh CLI tng ng

#configure vlan id 502 mode residential-bridge in-qos-prof-name name:HSI_TC0
#configure vlan id 502 name HSI
#configure vlan id 502 pppoe-relay-tag configurable
#configure vlan id 502 circuit-id physical-id

Khai bo vlan cho VOD v multicast cho IPTV

Tng t nh VLAN cho HSI.

#configure vlan id 2407 mode residental-bridge
#configure vlan id 99 mode residental-bridge
#configure vlan id 2407 mode residential-bridge name VoD in-qos-prof-name name:IPTV_TC4
#configure vlan id 99 mode residential-bridge name Multicast in-qos-prof-name



To Vpls v gn vo sap cho HSI v IPTV, Multicast

Thng s tng ng:


Service: v-VPLS
VLAN ID: 502 cho HSI/ 2407 cho VOD/ 99 cho multicast
Administrative: unlocked

To sap cho HSI

T L2 Service 502 (vVPLS, 502)->L2 Sap

Sap cho Uplink:

Chn next->Finish
Sap cho Downlink:

Chn next->Finish
Lnh CLI tng ng:
# configure service vpls 502 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 502 description HSI_7_Parametters
# configure service vpls 502 no shutdown
#configure service vpls 502 sap lag-1:502
#configure service vpls 502 sap lt:1/1/1:502
#configure service vpls 2407 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 2407 description VOD
#configure service vpls 2407 sap lag-1:2407
#configure service vpls 2407 sap lt:1/1/1:2407
#configure service vpls 2407 no shutdown
#configure service vpls 99 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 99 description Multicast
#configure service vpls 99 sap lag-1:99
#configure service vpls 99 sap lt:1/1/1:99
#configure service vpls 99 no shutdown

To knh multicast cho IPTV

T Multicast->Sources

Note: To trn AMS ch to c tng knh, to bng CLI 1 ln c 255 knh.

#configure mcast capacity max-num-group 255

#configure mcast chn src-ip-addr vlan-id 99 end-ip-addr

Khai bo Mcast trn VPLS

#configure service vpls 99 vlan 99 igmp-snooping query-src-ip

//IP ca trm

#configure service vpls 99 vlan 99 igmp-snooping no shutdown

#configure service vpls 99 sap lt:1/1/1:99 igmp-snooping send-queries
#configure service vpls 2407 vlan 2407 igmp-snooping query-src-ip //IP ca
#configure service vpls 2407 vlan 2407 igmp-snooping no shutdown
#configure service vpls 2407 sap lt:1/1/1:2407 igmp-snooping send-queries

Khai bo IGMP system

Trong ca s object detail ca:

#configure igmp system lt-ont-signaling

#configure igmp mc-vlan-xlate 99 ponvlan 2407

// vlan ID ca Multicast (99) v VoD

#configure igmp system netw-igmp-version 3

switch uplink

// Ph thuc vo IGMP version trn

#configure igmp system user-igmp-version 3

switch uplink

// Ph thuc vo IGMP version trn

#configure igmp system src-ip-address

#configure igmp system start

To Bridge port v gn bng thng

T ONT 1->VEIP Port 1

// IP trm

Thng s:

Gn Profile BW vo vo Queue trn ONT:


Downstream Queue 0 cho HSI:

Upstream Queue 0 cho HSI:

Lm tng t vi IPTV trn Queue 4.

#configure bridge port 1/1/1/1/1/14/1 max-unicast-mac 20
#configure qos interface 1/1/1/1/1/14/1 queue 0 shaper-profile name: Fiber36M
#configure qos interface 1/1/1/1/1/14/1 upstream-queue 0 bandwidth-profile name:


#configure qos interface 1/1/1/1/1/14/1 queue 4 shaper-profile name: IPTV_down_22M

#configure qos interface 1/1/1/1/1/14/1 upstream-queue 4 bandwidth-profile name: IPTV_up


Map Vlan cho HSI v IPTV

T UNI->VLAN Association:

Lm tng t vi VLAN cho IPTV nhng vi IPTV th Priority l 4

#configure bridge port 1/1/1/1/1/14/1 vlan-id 11 tag single-tagged network-vlan 502 vlanscope local
#configure bridge port 1/1/1/1/1/14/1 vlan-id 12 tag single-tagged network-vlan 2407 vlanscope local

To IGMP channel cho IPTV

T GPON VLAN Association Interface->GPON IGMP control Channel On VLAN Port

Max Number of Video Channels: 8

#configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/1/1/1/14/1:12 max-num-group 8


Cu hnh trn WEB UI cho HSI v IPTV

Login vo ONT theo a ch, Account admin/admin

Network Settings->WAN Add
Thng s cho HSI:

Chn Apply/Save -> lm li mt ln na cho IPTV

Thng s cho IPTV:

Chn Apply/Save:

Advanced Features->Interface Grouping

Chn Add
Thng s:
Group Name: IPTV
Wan Interface used: br_veip0/veip0.3
Available LAN Interface: chn cng cn map cc LAN tng ng ( LAN4)

Chn Apply/Save, kt qu:

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