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Amazonian Shamanism

Interview with Juan Flores Salazar

Juan Flores Salazar is a shaman of the ashninka ethnic group, whose members
mainly live in the Peruvian Amazon jungle. Juan visited our Fundacin in order to
transmit his peoples' knowledge of the use of medicinal plants.
The following is a synthesis of an extensive talk that we had with him in October of 1998.
How do you, the ashninka, call the shaman?
Why have you become a shiripiari?
My father was shiripiari. When I was very young, very tender, I saw him taking the remedies.
That was how it occurred to me to take ayahuasca. My father could not teach me because he
died when I was still very young. I had to search for another master. It was another shiripiari, Mr.
Dvila, who taught me. The knowledge is transmitted from the master to the pupil. Different
levels exist. Each one begins with a rite of initiation. Then the student goes on different types of
diets. When the pupil accomplishes each level, he graduates to the next. It is very important to
be isolated in the jungle during this period. The isolation normally lasts a year and only the
master visits the pupil to supervise the apprenticeship. When he has finished, the pupil is
acknowledged as a shiripiari.
Which remedies do you use to heal an ill peron?
It depends on the illness: ssometimes a soplada ( soplada is to exhale tobacco smoke over
the patients body) is sufficient, for others it is necessary to use plants. The soplada is done
with tobacco, which is our directing plant. The plants are our masters because they have a spirit
that teaches us. There are methods for learning the plants' qualities: one way is to be taught by
other shiripiaris, the other is to test the plant on one's own body. Both are used simultaneously.
Apart from using the plants, do you work with your mind?
It is very important that the healer concentrates his mind in the plants. When I prepare a remedy,
I isolate myself. I enter a great silence, go on a special diet and concentrate on the plant's spirit.
When a pupil of traditional medicine has not finished his studies yet, it is the master who directs
the concentration of mind.
Do other spirits intervene? Is a rite performed during the healing?
We sing caros (shamanic songs), directed towards the plant spirit of the plant. The great
masters who have died are also called upon to aid in the healing of the person.
Do you believe that the soul goes on living after death?
Yes, that is what we believe. There is a life of the soul. Through the plant, one feels the strength
of the person who has died and who stays to continue the work.

Why do people become ill?

We believe that people become ill because of carelessness, because of not taking protecting
plants. The illness comes because the body is not well prepared.

They are due to the opposition of negative forces.

The negative forces are in the air and come to the people. The forces are malignant, opposed
to the good. The shiripiari have a premonition of those forces. We have positive forces that
advise us, through our dreams, of where they can be found. The majority are generated by
Are there female shamans?
Yes, and more all the time.
How do you see the time that is coming?
As shiripiari I am secure in knowing that thing will progress. This idea appeared in my dreams.
In Peru, I am preparing people with plants to await the year 2000.

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