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Core French


July 28 1015

DURATION: Approximate 32 lessons

Desired Results
Established Goals (PLOs)

communicate needs, desires and emotions, giving reasons

describe events and experiences
express statements in past, present and future
participate in a variety of meaningful, real-life situations
retrieve, process, and adapt information from French-language
resources to complete authentic tasks
explain in detail acquired information in oral, visual and written

Students will understand that:

Examining past experiences can help us plan for the future

The future is often hypothetical in nature and we will be
using the conditional tense to express this
The future simple tense is used when we are certain an even
will happen in the future
We can defend an opinion opinion using the sentence
structures of opinion + accommodation + parce que cest +
adj ex. Je n'aime pas l'hotel parce que c'est trop cher
or opinion + noun/infinitive ex. J'aime avoir un mini-bar
To give accurate directions we must use another object as a
The imperative tense is used to give people orders
Students will mix up passe compose and imparfait when
describing past events
Students may not have a big enough vocabulary in this case
prompts can be provided or students can be allowed to look
up words on their phone

Essential Questions
How do you describe a trip that you have taken or will be taking?
How can we prepare for a future trip?
How do you convince someone to go on a trip with you?

Students will know:

Describe their past experiences using imparfait and passe

compose correctly
Correctly conjugate avoir and etre in imparfait and passe
Correctly employ Si + imparfait
Give and understand specific and detailed directions
Correctly express their needs using besoin + de
Correctly conjugate verbs in future
Correctly conjugate verbs in imperative
Describe the items that they require for a vacation
Write a letter/e-mail explaining why you are unsatisfied
with your accommodation

Students will be able to:

Describe the benefits and the requirements of visiting a vacation

Give directions to help you arrive at a specific location
Express their hopes and desires
Discuss hypothetical situations
Describe their plans for a future date
What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such
knowledge and skills?
How to use French-language resources to gather information about
a location of their choice

Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:

Answer questions about their holidays using imparfait or

passe compose
Present a skit about a funny travel experience set in the past
Students discuss a hypothetical situation by employing the
structure of si + imparfait = conditional, using their
partners last verb in the imparfait tense and using a their
own verb of choice in the conditional tense to complete the
Students try to find the student who the vacation item list
belongs to by asking in the future tense if they would bring
the items
Describe someone's location orally and interpret oral
information about someone's location
Students will guess conjugate verbs in the imperative form
orally to guess was is being done in the charade


Students will write out a skit set in the past tense demonstrating the
correct use of imparfait and passe compose
Written scenario of a friend convincing another the friend using the
conditional tense to go on vacation
Students fill in the blanks and endings of imparfait verbs in et si tu
n'existais pas by Joe Dassin
Create a list of items needed for a vacation using complete sentences
Pro's and Con's list of different accommodations
Figuring out the accommodation based on the description
Writing a complaint to your vendor explaining why your
accommodation should be changed
Write a detailed account of how to get somewhere
Students will create a travel brochure to advertise their dream
location using the imperative tense to convince the reader to go there
Students will create their own vocabulary lists based on their own

& Date

IRP Outcomes

Specific Lesson
SLO (students

Teaching Strategies



Hook: Teacher introduces the topic of travel. He/She

begins the class by telling students a story of a murder
mystery that takes place on a cruise ship using verbs
conjugated in passe compose and imparfait.

- copies of the
murder mystery

- Formative assessment:
students answers to
questions, discussion of
who is guilty, proposed
rules for the use of
imparfait and passe
compose, the use of
correct tenses in round
robin activity
- Summative assessment:
students written and
spoken language in the

should be able to..)x


events and
in past,
present and

- Describe past
using passe
compose and
- Correctly
avoir and etre
in imparfait and
passe compose

Task a: --> Students are given a
handout with the story and in groups of 4 students
must answer comprehension questions and gather
evidence from the story to solve the mystery. There is
no real answer and everyone looks guilty in the story
(students should not know this). Once they are ready
the students must defend using evidence from the
story (and the correct verb tense) to defend their
argument to the rest of the class.
Task b: --> Looking at the text students must
devise a rule for when imparfait is used instead of
passe compose. Students also devise a rule on how
verbs are conjugated in the imparfait tense
- As a class and with the assistance of the teacher
students negotiate rules on when imparfait should be
used instead of passe compose. Teacher reviews rules
of conjugation and how avoir and etre are conjugated.
Activity: Roundrobin activity of what did you do on

- blackboard to
write arguments
down on the
board who was
guilty on the
cruise ship

your summer holidays. Students sit in a circle and the

teacher asks them a question about their vacation (ex.
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant tes vancances?).
Students answer the question one after the other using
the past tense (either imparfait or passe compose). To
get the students more comfortable with the task this
activity can first be done in small groups with a list of
prompt questions and prompt responses.

- communicate
classes needs, desires and
emotions, giving
- express
statements in past,
present and future.
- Explain in detail
information in oral,
visual and written

- Correctly
conjugate verbs
- correctly use
a,en,au and

Post-activity: In groups of 4 or 5 students write a

short skit about a funny travel experience they had
(using imparfait and passe compose). After they are
done each group must peer-edit at least one other
group's script. Groups will perform the skits.
Hook: Teacher plays Joe Dassin's et si tu n'existais
pas. Students are asked to listen carefully to what the
song is about. After the song the teacher holds a
discussion about the topic of the song and the time it
is set in.
Pre-Activity: fill in the blanks in the song et si tu
n'existais pas by Joe Dassin. The endings of the
imparfait verbs will be missing to review the past
lesson. In groups students must think of a rule when
conditional is used and present their idea to the class.
- Teacher and students negotiate a rule for the use of
conditional and its conjugations.
Activity: In partners students start the conversation by
saying si je gagnais la lotterie j'irais a...? The second
student must reply by saying si j'allais a
ferais...... They will be taking the last verb
conjugated in conditional and conjugate it in imparfait
adding their own verb. This activity serves as practice
for the conjugation of verbs in the conditional tense.
And introduce the correct use of a, en, au and aux
when talking about places that you can travel.
Post-activity: In partners students will create a short
scenario where one friend convinces another to go on
vacation with her. The verbs of the arguments are to

- speakers and
software to play
the music
- the song lyrics
with the blanks
printed out

- Students are
given the prompt
irais a (for city)
irais en (for fem
irais au (for
masc. Country)
irais aux (for
- pen, and paper

Formative assessment:
filling in the blanks in
the song, the
development of rules for
the use of conditionnel
and its conjugation, oral
Summative assessment:
written scenario of how
to convince a friend to
come on vacation with

be conjugated in the conditional tense.

- communicate
classes needs, desires and
emotions, giving
- express
statements in past,
present and future.

- correctly use
j'ai besoin de +
- correctly
regular verbs,
aller, etre and
avoir in the
future tense

Hook: As a class students brainstorm items that they

would bring on a trip. They can use their phones to
look up words that they do not know in French but are
encouraged to recall words they already know.
Teacher writes these words on the board.

- whiteboard
pens, phones for
students to look
up vocabulary

Pre-Activity: The class sits in a circle and students

take turns identifying what they will be bringing with
them. They will use the phrase Si je vais en vacances
j'apporterai ..... Each student contributes an item.
The next student says repeats the sentence with the
previous student's selection as well as his own item of
choice. The activity goes on until someone forgets an
item. Then the activity can be restarted. This can be
done in small groups so that everyone gets more than
one turn in around and students get to practice new
Activity: Each student will be assigned a travel
destination . They must compose a list of items using
full sentences that they will need on their vacation.
These lists will then be collected and shuffled. Each
student will get another students list of items. They
must then walk around the class asking what if
another student if he/she is bring an item from his list
Est-ce que tu apporteras des/de la/ du..... Once they
find a match they must guess that students travel
destination based on the items they are bringing estce que tu vas en/a/au/aux.... The conversations will
be conducted in the future tense.
Activity: Criteria for a successful trip. In small groups
students will brainstorm a list of criteria for a good
trip using the structure of Pour des bonnes vacances

- a container
which will have
the different
written on paper
- scrap paper to
write travel list
- prompt
questions can be
written on the
- access to

Formative assessment:
vocabulary used to
describe what the
students are bringing,
students ability to find
the owner of their list
and guess their country,
correct use of avoir
besoin de..
Summative assessment:
commercial videos

- communicate
classes needs, desires and
emotions, giving

- correctly
defend the
choice of
by using the
form opinion +
+ parce que cest
+ adj/ opinionn

on a besoin de ..... either using nouns or infinitive

verbs to complete the sentence. Each group will share
with the rest of the class the items that they found to
be the most important creating the ultimate list.
Students can use their phones and dictionaries to look
up vocabulary.

internet or

Post-Activity: In groups students must create a

commercial selling a product that will make your
vacation complete convincing you that you need to
buy it. They can use one of the items chosen by the
class in activity 3. They need to use the expression
avoir besoin de correctly as well as describe the
consequences of having such an item using the future
tense. The commercials will be videotaped using
telephones and must contain subtitles. They will be
played in class.
Hook: Students will be shown a video promoting a
hotel on youtube
v=eCfsDLPzvyw . After the video students will be
asked to discuss with a partner and then with the class
if they would like to stay in that hotel in the video.

- video
computer that
can edit the

- speakers,

Students brainstorm different types of

accommodations, teacher adds to this to increase the
students vocabulary.
Pre-activity: Students are divided into 4 teams. Each
team is given 1/10 cards describing a type of
accommodation and a person's evaluation of it (un
hotel, un tente, etc). Without aids students must figure
out the type accommodation it is. Once they think
they have figured it out they run up to the teacher to
get a new card if they guessed correctly. The group to
figure out all the cards first wins.
Pre-activity: The class is divided into smaller groups.
Each group is assigned a location and given two types
of accommodation. The group must write down the
pros (j'aime ce type de logement parce que c'est + adj
or j'aime/j'adore + noun/infinitive) and cons (ce que je

- 4 sets of cards
descriptions of
written on them.
- poster paper

- Formative assessment:
completion of figure out
the accommodation by
its description,
presentation of the pros
and cons of different
types of accommodation
- Summative assessment:
written complaint about
your accommodation.

n'aime pas ce type de logement parce que or je n'aime

pas/je deteste + noun/infinitive) of each
accommodation. Each group will have a different
types of accommodations and locations. They will
present what they come up with to the class.
Post-activity: Write a complain to the vendor of your
vacation package explaining why you need to have
your accommodation changed.
- explain in detail
classes acquired
information in oral,
written and visual
- participate in a
variety of
meaningful real-life

- retrieve, process,
classes and adapt
information from
resources to
complete authentic
- explain in detail
information in oral,
visual, and written

- Students are
able to give and
follow detailed

- Conjugate
regular verbs
using the
imperative tense

Hook: Treasure hunt: in partners students are

given instructions to find 10 different items in
a big field outside. Using the vocabulary they
previously know they must decipher the
instructions without using electronic aids or
their notes.

Pre-activity: Find your partner: each student

will have a card on their back indicating who
their partner is. They will not see this card.
They will ask passing students ou est-mon
partanaire? to which the other student must
give a clue to that student about the location
of their partner using the vocabulary
vocabulary prompts

Post Activity: The students mother is visiting

them in their dream location. Students will
write instructions for their mother on how to
get from the airport to the hotel.


The ad is posted on the board and the students are

asked to discuss with one another what it is and how
they determined that it is an ad looking specifically at

- Treasure clues
written based on
the surroundings
of the school
- treasure
- tape and scrap
paper to tape the
names of the
students partners
on their backs
- list of
vocabulary used
to describe the
location of

assessment of
how quickly the
complete each
students write
instructions on
how to get from
the airport of
their choice to
the hotel they
will be staying
in their dream

Formative assessment
student responses about
the ad, anecdotal
observations of the
charades game
Summative assessment travel brochure


the language used.

Pre-Activity: Teacher will present to the class the
construction of imperative for regular verbs as well as
aller, avoir and etre. Students will be divided into 2
teams. To practice the conjugations students will take
turns competing against the other team in a game of
charades. One student from each team will act out
verb indicating what pronoun it is conjugated with by
using their fingers. The team must correctly identify
the action and conjugate the verb to get the point.
Students can use their notes at the beginning but are
encouraged to try and play without them as the game
goes on.
Post-Activity: Students will create a travel brochure
promoting a location of their choice. Students must
get their information from the French National
Geographic website. Using the imperative verb tense
they must convince people to come visit their location.

- a list of verbs
as well as avoir,
etre and aller.

- pencils,
crayons, paper
for the
scissors, glue,
paper, access to

Resource list and bibliography:

Guichard, M., (2014). le crime au chateau imparfait passe compose. Retrieved from
The story in this resource will be adapted so that it is taking place on a cruise ship
Mertylle, (2015). Year 8 - Les vacances (Expo 2, Module 5) UPDATED. Retrieved from
This resource inspired many activities in the lessons above, grammatical structures and supplementary vocabulary will be used from this
collection of documents
Charliecharlie2202, (2015). French directions. Retrieved from
This document collection contains structures and vocabulary lists used to express directions.

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