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In: Convergencias, Publication of desdeAmrica Foundation - Year 1 Nr. 1- Fall


Nowadays everyone is announcing the arrival of a new epoch. The end of the year, the third
millennium. The atmosphere of change is continuously becoming stronger and more
generalized. We are perhaps approaching one of those points of maximum tension, of
bifurcation, in which a slight movement can unleash a change of direction and a general
reordering of the whole system. What will be the direction and the character of this new
The futurist sociologists speak of the end of history and ideologies, the astrologers indicate
the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the millenarians prophesise the apocalypse, the new
evolutionists the are divided into those who predict an evolutionary leap and those
foreseeing the extinction of the human species. And continuing like this, we could make a
long list.
A wonderful condition of our time is the ability to enjoy such a diversity of visions. But it is
even more: having the privilege of assisting and being protagonist in this trance. A great
adventure! To support equally the confidence, the enthusiasm and the profound restlessness
of uncertainty. And we go on, day after day, trying to amplify our perception and to refine on
our sensitivity in order to accompany the multiple rhythms of this time. Five years ago, on
February 3rd 1994, the desdeAmrica Foundation was legally founded. With time we realised
that this initiative would also be a form of accompanying the change of epoch. Although we
did not know it then as we do now, the Foundation has found its sense of being in the
paradox of advancing the new change, the new paradigms and the reunion of science, art
and spirituality- but looking at the old, the indigenous traditions, our American roots.
Today we want to celebrate and share with you the pleasure of presenting the first edition of
Convergencias. An old wish has been granted. We hope that this publication is another knot
in the enormous web that is being spun, another string which we add to the it. The doors are

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