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Las personas que piensan que el xito consiste en obtener lo que se desea y la felicidad,

en disfrutar lo que se obtiene son capaces de lograr grandes xitos. Las carreras de
Albert Einstein y el productor Steven Spielberg son grandes ejemplos de personas
exitosas. Sin Albert Einstein, todava podramos estar calentando las cosas en la estufa o
incluso invertir ms tiempo para lo mismo. Einstein tardo mucho tiempo en hallar una
relacin matemtica que le diera un sentido a toda su investigacin es por eso que l
deca que la poltica posea un valor pasajero, mientras que una ecuacin vala para toda
la eternidad. Durante sus primeros das en california, el fue rechazado 3 veces de la
misma escuela donde quera entrar. Quizs si l no se hubiera lanzado directamente a
dirigir despus de esos fracasos ,en la actualidad no estaramos disfrutando de algunas
de las pelculas dirigidas y producidas por este famoso cinematogrfico estadounidense.
Aunque algo muy cierto es que el triunfo siempre viene despus del fracaso.

People who think that success is getting what you want. happiness enjoy what you get are
capable of achieving big successes. The careers of the physical Albert Einstein and the
producer Steven Spielberg are great examples of successful people. Without Albert
Einstein, we might still be heating things on the stove or even invest more time to do the
same. Perhaps not for its scientific basis the creation of the microwave would not have
been posible. Einstein took a long time to find a mathematical relationship that would give
meaning to all your research, that is why, he said that politics is for the present but an
equation is for eternity because the equations are more important to him more than the
war and violence because he was an advocate peace movements. During his early days in
California, Steven Spielberg was rejected three times from the same school where he
wanted to go. Perhaps if he had not thrown directly to direct films after these failures, we
would not be enjoying some of the films directed and produced by the famous American
film today. Although very true is that success always comes after the failure.

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