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EXAMPLE PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS A241, Simplify the block diagram shown in Figure 2-17. Solution. First, move the branch point of the path involving H, outside the loop involving Hs, as. shown in Figure 2-18(a). Then eliminating two loops results in Figure 2-18(b). Combining two blocks into one gives Figure 2-18{c). A-22, Simplify the block diagram shown in Figure 2-19. Obtain the transfer function relating C(s) and RG). th Rw ew 6 Figure 2-17 Block diagram of a i: system. Hy Ge Ro ow ® 6 tn RG) G Cs) » a Figure 2-18 Simplified block diagrams for the system shown in iy A] ew LO Figure 2-17. 1+Ghy Figure 2-19 Block diagram of a system. 46 Chapter 2. / Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems Figure 2-20 Reduction of the block diagram shown in Figure 2-19. Figure 2-21 Block diagram of a system. Ro) i Q a & cw @ © RO) a), SS] aarest © Solution. The block diagram of Figure 2-19 can be modified to that shown in Figure 2-20(a). Eliminating the minor feedforward path, we obtain Figure 2-20(b), which ean be simplified to Figure 2-20(c). The transfer function C(s)/R(s) is thus given by C(s} oo Gat G+1 R(s) Git ‘The same result can also be obtained by proceeding as follows: Since signal X(s) isthe sum of two signals G(s) and R(s), we have (3) = GiR() + RW) ‘The output signal C(s) is the sum of G,X(s) and R(s). Hence C(s) = GX(s) + Rls) = GIG, R(s) + R(3)] + Rls) ‘And so we have the same result as before: ob) _g RG) ‘Simplify the block diagram shown in Figure 2-21. Then obtain the closed-loop transfer function €(s)/R(S) +Gt Hy 2 @ fab @+fa--@+[a a} Le Example Problems and Solutions 47 my th Figure 2-22 Successive reductions of the block diagram shawn in Figure 2-21. Figure 2-23 ‘Control system with, reference input and disturbance input. 48 7 a @-[=p fa of{a ® ms GG 2) Gir Rg GGG oy 26) COG, ow FOGMGGM-AGHsGGaamth [ © Solution, First move the branch point between G, and G, to the right-hand side of the loop con- taining Gs, Gy, and H. Then move the summing point between G, and Gyo the left-hand side of the first summing point. See Figure 2-22(a). By simplifying each loop, the block diagram can be modified as shown in Figure 2-22(). Further simplification results in Figure 2-22(c), from which the closed-loop transfer function C(s)/R(s) is obtained as ls) _ GiG.GGs RG) TF GG, + GGith ~ GGsFh + GGG Fh Obtain transfer functions C(s)/R(s) and C(s)/D(s) of the system shown in Figure 2-25. Solution, From Figure 2-23 we have U(s) = G/R(s) + GELS) 47) ls) = G{D6) + GUES)] 48) E(s) = R(s) = HC(s) (2-49) oF Os) RG) eo) Ge Chapter 2. / Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems ADS. Figure 2-24 System with (wo inputs and two outputs, By substituting Equation (2-47) into Equation (2-48), we get ls) = 6,018) + GG LG,RS) + GE] 2-80) By substituting Equation (2-49) into Equation (2-50), we obtain ls) = G(s) + ,G,{G,R(s) + GLR(3) ~ HC(s)]} Solving this last equation for C(s), we get Cls) + G,G,G,HC(s) = G,D(s) + G.G,(G; + GIR(s) Hence G(s) + AGAGy + G)R(s) ae T+ GG,GF (251) Note that Equation (2-51) gives the response C(s} when both reference input R(s) and distur ‘bance input D(s) are preseat. To find transfer function C(s)/R(s}, we let D(s) = 0 in Equation (2-51). Then we obtain GiGAG; + G) oo) Similarly, to obtain transfer function C(s)/D(s), we let R(s) = 0 in Equation (2-51).’Then C{s)/D(3) can be given by cs) G, Ds) 1+ G.G,GH Figure 2-24 shows a system with two inputs and two outputs. Derive C,(s)/Ry(s), Ci(s}/Ra(s), Cq(s)/Ry(s)-and C,(s) /R,(s). (In deriving outputs for Ry(s), assume that Ry(s) is zero, and vice versa.) .—+@-—+ &y ————+ { Example Problems and Solutions: 49 50 Solution. From the figure, we obtain 1 = GIR, ~ GC) (2-52) C= GR ~ GC) 0-83) By substituting Equation (2-83) into Equation (2-S2),we obtain GR — GG{R2 - G:C\)] (2-54) By substituting Equation (2-52) into Equation (2-53), we get, C= GIR: ~ GG(R, ~ GsC;)] (2-85) Solving Equation (2-54) for C,, we obtain GAR, = GGGRy a 1~ GG.GG, fee Solving Equation (2-55) for C; gives AGrGsRy + GsRy Gy = GER + Gay 57 GOs Equations (2-56) and (2-57) can be combined in the form of the transfer matrix as follows: G, GGG. a] _| T-aaae GG | R, Cy. GG:Gs Ry, “I-GG.GG 1-GGG,G, ‘Then the transfer functions Cy(s}/Ry(s}.Cy(s)/R(s), s(s)/Ry(s) and Cx(s)/Ry(s) ean be obtained as follon els) Ri(s) is) Ri) Note that Equations (2-56) and (2-57) give responses C, and Cy, respectively, when both inputs Ryand Rs ate present. Notice that when R(s) = 0, the original block diagram can be simplified to those shown in Figures 2-25(a) and (b). Similarly, when Rj(s) = 0, the original block diagram can be simplified to those showin in Figures 2-25(c) and (d). From these simplified block diagrams we can also ob tain Cy(s) /Ry(s), C(s)/Ri(s), C\(s)/Ra(s), and Cy(s)/Ra(s), a8 showa to the right of each eorre- sponding block diagram, Chapter 2 / Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems

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