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Group 3

Solving Sudokus
Aaron Kahn, Yifan Hu, Zhouzhou Zhang, Hongfei Long
• Originated in the United States
• Japanese publisher gave it its name
• すうどく

• Fill every 3x3 square, row, and
column, with numbers 1-9
• Each puzzle starts with numbers as
• The level of difficulty is seen by how
many numbers there are to begin
with, the more numbers the easier
the puzzle and visa versa

Human Solver
• Humans use logic to eliminate
possibilities of where numbers can
• Process of elimination is often used
• Here is a simple example…

Matlab Solver
• Matlab cannot use logic to solve a
problem like this
• Uses brute force method
• Basically solving the entire puzzle for
each possibility until it is done
• Made possible by the almost infinite
speed and memory capabilities of a

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