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Bilateral excision of ectopic breast tissue (mamma aberans)

Bilateral multipel excision of lesion of breast with narcose

Bilateral radical mastectomy
Bilateral simple mastectomy
Biopsy insisional dengan anastesi lokal
Biopsi terbuka tumor dinding thoraks
Complete glossectomy
Complete thyroidectomy
Deseksi submandibula
Diseksi leher radikal / radikal neck dissection
Eksisi Biopsi Tumor pembuluh darah
Eksisi gld submandibula
Eksisi higroma leher
Eksisi kista tiroglosus
Eksisi luas tumor ganas bibir dengan rekonstruksi flap lokal
Eksisi luas tumor ganas dengan rekonstruksi flap jauh
Eksisi luas tumor ganas kulit tanpa rekonstruksi
Eksisi luas tumor ganas rongga mulut dengan rekonstruksi flap lokal
Eksisi Tumor Dinding dada
Eksisi tumor ganas kulit dengan flap local atau graft kulit
Eksisi tumor jinak dengan anastesi lokal
Eksisi Tumor Pembuluh Darah Perifer
Eksisi tumor pembuluh darah perifer (hemangioma)
Ekskokleasi epulis
Ekskokleasi kista folikuler
Ekskokleasi kista radikuler

Ekstirpasi kista dermoid

Ekstirpasi / eksisi tumor jinak jaringan lunak
Excision of ectopic breast tissue
Excision of lesion of breast with narcose
Maksilektomi total Rekonstruksi
Local excision of lesion of breast
Local excision of rectal lesion or tissue
Modifikasi RND / functional neck dissection
Multipel excision of lesion of breast with narcose
Muscle flap graft to breast
Muscle flap graft to breast (TRAM flap/LD flap)
Open biopsi of breast
Open biopsy of salivary gland or duct
Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Reconstruction of the breast
Partial thyroidectomy
Reconstruction of mandible
Parathyroidectomy subtotal
Parathyroidectomy total
Parotidektomi superfisial
Parotidektomi total
Partial mandibulectomy
Partial glossectomy
Radical excision of skin lesion
Subtotal mastectomy

Tiroidektomi subtotal/ total nodul tiroid

Tiroidektomi total dengan Berry Picking
Tiroidektomi total dengan diseksi leher fungsional
Tumor Jinak Kulit&Tumor Non Neoplastik Kulit
Unilateral excision of ectopic breast tissue (mamma aberans)
Unilateral radical mastectomy
Unilateral simple mastectomy
Unilateral thyroid lobectomy
Wide excision of Soft tissue tumor

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