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Keesee 1

Gage Keesee
Professor Jenifer Wortman
English 101
3 December 2014
Table of Contents
Outcome Assessment..........Pages (2-4)
Revised Copies of Essays..........(5-19)
Concealed Firearms..........(5-10)
The Power Music Has On Your Life..........(11-15)
The Closest Thing to American Life..........(16-19)
Movie Review..........(20-21)
Self Evaluation..........(22)

Keesee 2
Gage Keesee
Professor Jenifer Wortman
English 101
3 December 2014
Outcome Assessment
Demonstrate skills in the reading and writing processes.
I have always been bad at the reading and writing process but I have improved a significant
amount in this area. For one I have never heard of or used the three ways to persuade: Ethos,
Logos and Pathos. I also learned to write a better thesis which definitely improves the overall
paper since the thesis is the main piece. I have written on a large topic, specific text and movies
but I have never written on a global issue on a local level or used Ethos, Logos and Pathos in my
Generate ideas through observation, experience, reading and analysis.
This was very hard for me since most of my essays have always been summaries instead of
my own ideas. By writing all the reading responses and adding a lot of my own opinion to my
writing I believe I have improved my writing substantially. I learned to add my opinion to things
instead of just summarize someone elses.
Recognize, summarize and analyze common forms of college level rhetorical forms, styles and
I learned to evaluate the way an author said something instead of if I agree or disagree with
him. I learned to not just write about a problem but give solutions. I learned the three ways to
persuade: Ethos, Logos and Pathos. I learned to use my perspective to talk about something. I
learned how to find college level appropriate sources to use in my essays.

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Gather and weigh evidence to formulate reasonable evaluations and conclusions.
I learned in essay number one specifically to come up with evidence to create a reasonable
conclusion. I learned in essay number three to weigh the evidence of the writing persuasion to
acquire a reasonable evaluation. I learned in the reading responses to gather and weigh evidence
in the articles to gain reasonable conclusions and evaluations.
Cultivate critical thinking skills and strategies to effectively communicate thesis statements,
supporting details, and the overall effectiveness of a written piece of work.
I learned to write better thesiss. Which allowed for an overall better written piece of work.
Also my supporting detail became better throughout the essays I feel.
Create a thesis and develop it with a pattern of claim and support.
My thesiss improved a lot throughout this class thanks to the activities and homework we
did with thesiss. Also the peer review also helped to get a better thesis and make it easier to
Integrate researched material into original writing with appropriate documentations.
I learned to research better with the research assignment. I learned to put research into my
essay with the MLA handouts. I learned how to research and put that research into my document
much better than I did before.
Recognize and avoid plagiarism and understand the consequences of academic dishonesty.
I learned through the practice tests how to avoid and recognize plagiarism in my own writing
and others. I learned from the syllabus that plagiarism is not okay and will end very badly.
Communicate in a form and style appropriate to a specific audience.
I learned to take a audience and actually write according to my audience. I learned to
persuade audiences in my writing. I learned to think the way my audience thinks to know how to

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effectively communicate with them.
Revise for meaning and order, and edit for effective mechanics.
I learned to revise and edit other peoples draft through peer review. I also learned to revise
and edit my own work in an in class activity. I also learned to revise and edit my essays for this

Keesee 5
Gage Keesee
Professor Jennifer Wortman
English 101
3 December 2014
Concealed Firearms on Campus Good or Bad?
Recent controversy over the subject of gun laws has produced contrasting views on the
allowance of guns in public places. With evidence supporting both sides, the confusion is
understandable. This contentious subject forces the question 'should concealed firearms be
allowed on campus?' Previous experiences prove that concealed firearms on campus prove to be
helpful. An example of this was given by Robert Birnbaum in his article Ready, Fire, Aim: The
College Campus Gun Fight More guns advocates argue that college students and faculty should
be able to carry weapons for their own protection, particularly since history has shown that
colleges can't protect them from assailants. They claim that criminals would be less likely to use
guns or commit violent crimes if they had reason to believe that targeted citizens, or others
around them, might also be armed and able to defend themselves. The alternative of establishing
gun-free zones doesn't work, they say: stickers on campus saying no guns allowed just
announce to criminals and psychopaths the absence of defensive weapon.( Birnbaum) SPSCC
should allow concealed firearms on campus because they provide protection from others, prevent
dangerous situations, and bring a sense of security and stability for the person carrying the gun as
well as others present if something occurred.
As stated above, firearms not only protect the holder but others, also . For instance, if people
knew that there were others carriers of concealed weapons on campus they would be less likely
to involve themselves in a school shooting for fear of being shot back at. Weinberg Talks about a

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university that allowed concealed weapons for protection from shootings. At least one private
university is now thinking that way, too. In March, Liberty University's Board of Trustees
removed the college's ban on students' carrying firearms and allowed concealed weapons in
classrooms on its campus, in Lynchburg, Va. The college's chancellor, Jerry Falwell Jr., told the
news media then that the move would help improve campus safety in the wake of the Virginia
Tech shooting.(Weinberg) However, people need to also be aware of the downsides that can
result from having so many armed people on campus. For example it then allows anyone to walk
onto campus armed and use it against people without fear of carrying it. It takes out the first line
of your conscious telling you your not allowed to bring firearms on campus. (Sometimes this is
enough to stop someone from using a weapon on campus. The fear of breaking the law.) Instead
it says anyone can carry one. It also has the potential for spontaneous retaliation on a fellow
student, if the person has a short temper and doesnt think his actions through first. For example
if a student had been driving around for a long time, looking for a parking spot and one became
available and was noticed at the same time by two different drivers. Coming around to get to the
spot to park, the driver who did not make it to the spot first, could become very angry and feel
justified to hurt that person or their car. Maybe they would use their gun to flatten their tires
before they returned. This would not apply to people who put a great deal of planning into
committing a horrible school shooting. If society is aware of this problem and does not try to
avoid it, they will have the knowledge necessary to take steps in preventing the disaster that
results when a gun is used irresponsibly. People need to also be more knowledgeable of the
students they allow to possess concealed weapons on campus. Not everyone should be allowed
to carry a concealed weapon on campus. Therefore the university chief of police or the president
of the university need to run background checks. If offenses show up on the check, no matter

Keesee 7
how small the offense, the person will not be granted the ability to carry a firearm. Further safety
procedures should be taken, but with a more personal approach. Interviews with the person, their
family and even their friends should be given to ensure the person does not have a tendency to
act irrationally and will not use the gun for anything other than protection. The side of the debate
that believes against concealed firearms on campus views the firearms as the cause for school
shootings,when the person behind the gun is the one completely responsible. These safety
procedures would further prevent the possibility of school shootings by focusing on the person
behind the weapon.
Having concealed firearms present on campus can lessen the possibility of something
horrific happening. Therefore if SPSCC allows their students to carry concealed firearms on
campus they can avoid some unnecessary conflicts, and evade their possibly dangerous results.
For instance, SPSCC could stop incidents such as theft, and murder from occurring on campus.
As stated before, carrying a firearm can lessen the possibility of theft. If people are aware that
others on campus also have concealed weapons, they are less likely to attempt robbery out of
fear of retaliation. Theft is a progressing problem, especially in dorms. So having concealed
weapons gives people the ability to defend their possessions and themselves. Murder is another
prevalent problem. The news has been filled with stories of school shootings, especially colleges,
lately. With these occurrences slowly becoming more and more common, now is the time to act
before it's too late. By allowing concealed weapons on campus, people are much less likely to
attack and open fire on victims that could potentially protect themselves by having the ability to
return fire. Another risk concealed fire arms can stop is; dangerous situations.
Having concealed firearms on campus provides students with a sense of security and safety,
instead of blatant helplessness and the inability to defend themselves. For instance, who would

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not feel safe with a concealed weapon within reach? If several people have concealed weapons
on campus other students would feel safer knowing they have protection from others, and the
shooter is not the only one with a weapon. In general people feel safer when they have a form of
protection from others near, or in this case, on them where it can be easily accessed. People like
the assurance that they are safe and free of trouble. No one wants to feel in danger. As Joseph
Hayden says in Robert Kittles article Bill Would Allow Concealed Guns on SC College
Campuses If someone does ask him, he's ready to explain that he thinks banning CWP holders
form carrying their guns helps only criminals. This is an open campus, where people are free to
come on campus and leave. There's no barriers keeping people on or off, and, I mean, that allows
the criminals to come and go as they please. But law-abiding citizens that are licensed by the
state to carry a weapon have to stop at that line or leave their firearms off campus, and it just
creates a dangerous situation, he says.(Kittle)
In conclusion, if SPSCC allows concealed arms on campus it would allow for a safer
environment. Students would learn stress-free knowing they are safe and not at risk, which
would then improve the success of the school and its students. Of course no school can be perfect
but I believe that this would improve SPSCC. I also believe in safe and friendly environments.
Concealed arms on campus has the potential to highly improve SPSCC as a school by preventing
risky situations and providing it's students with the ability to defend themselves if needed. With
any one free to come and go as they wish, it's too dangerous to allow the shooter to be the only
person holding a weapon. With responsible students possessing concealed fire arms, they have
the ability to defend themselves as well as their fellow students. The colleges mentioned above
with shootings in its past changed it's no-guns policy after the affects of not having concealed
fire arms already took place. Other schools can learn from this campus' mistakes and act by

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changing their policy before it's too late. SPSCC should step up and allow concealed fire arms to
responsible students, allowing for a safer campus, and an easier learning environment.

Keesee 10
Works Cited
Weinberg, Cory. "2 States Expand Gun Rights On Campuses But Resistance Grows Elsewhere."
Chronicle Of Higher Education 59.42 (2013): 27. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov.
Kittle, Robert. Bill Would Allow Concealed Guns on SC College Campuses. May
07, 2013 1:15 PM. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.
Birnbaum, Robert. Ready, Fire, Aim: The College Campus Gun Fight. Change: The Magazine
of Higher Learning. October 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

Keesee 11
Gage Keesee
Professor Jennifer Wortman
English 101
3 December 2014
The Power That Music Has In Your Life
Do you know how many suicides occur a year within a group of around 100,000 people? I
will tell you. There are about 2059 people out of 100,000 that commit suicide every year. Now,
as Durkheim said in his book Romans and Greeks had a relaxed attitude towards the concept of
suicide, however Christians did not agree with it and said it was the work of the devil back in
452 b.c. In the 19th-century, suicide had shifted from being seen as caused by sin to being caused
by insanity. In ancient times suicide was used to escape capture from enemies. Now by reading
The Effect of Country Music on Suicide, the reader benefits by receiving great content while
also receiving good writing style. I felt his writing was good because of his examples and
supporting information that backed up his argument which I will touch on in the following
The text The Effect of Country Music on Suicide has interesting content about the affects of
country music on suicide rates. Its content shows this by pointing out that country music can
nurture suicidal thoughts. One example of this is, as the text The Effect of Country Music on
Suicide says, Content analyses of country songs note a number of suicidogenic themes that can
foster suicide. One such theme is disharmony between the sexes, especially marital strife and
dissolution. In a content analysis of 1,400 hit country songs, Rogers found that nearly threefourths had the travails of love as at least one of their themes. Given a link between marital
breakdown preexisting suicidal mood. Furthermore, the same songs often contained other

Keesee 12
references to social problems that might serve as additional points of identification. So as this
says, country music can take an old preexisting problem and slowly worsen and worsen it by
having the listener dwell on it until it becomes so bad that it leads to suicidal thoughts, which can
lead to suicidal actions. However, disharmony between the sexes is not the only thing that can be
nurtured into suicide. Other themes include alcohol abuse, unequal money distribution, and work
issues but the big one is loneliness.
Alcohol abuse is an easy one to nurture in country music with the majority of these songs
portraying drinking as a problem fixer. When in reality, drinking can be a factor in suicide.
Alcohol is often used by people to escape reality. Drinking is often used by depressed people to
forget their problems and the effect will make them feel good, until the effect wears off. Then
they are back to feeling terrible again. A cycle of drinking to feel better then begins, to escape the
depression, until all to often a drinking problem develops. Which can lead to death. (Intentional
or not.)
Unequal money distribution can also be a factor to suicide. Country music often uses the
blue collared worker a lot: a man who works hard and receives little pay. This can cause
someone struggling with money problems to develop suicidal thoughts. Money problems cause
stress, fighting, and ultimately lead to relationship breakups and or divorce. This can cause
feelings of inadequacy for people trying to provide for their families. It can lead to feeling like
youll never get ahead which can then lead to giving up.
Another nurturer is work issues which are brought up in many country songs. These work
issues, such as losing your job, can really lead to suicidal thoughts or actions by making a person
feel hopeless. This one ties in which the previously mentioned unequal money distribution..
Feeling like things will never get better or I will never get a better job, or better pay. This leaves

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the person with thoughts of why try, it will never change.
But let's not forget the big one: loneliness. This can have an effect on anyone, for humans
were created to interact and communicate. Without these two things anyone can fall prey to
suicidal thoughts and/or actions. No one wants to feel all alone in this world. Everyone needs to
feel needed and like they have a purpose. Everyone wants to find their special someone.
Someone to love and be loved by. Loneliness alone can drive a person to suicide They dont want
to be reminded in songs that they are lonely. When music, such as country music, nurtures
preexisting loneliness it turns into major loneliness, which allows you to fall prey to suicidal
thoughts and/or actions.
Now, lets finally talk about disharmony between the sexes. This one is big in country music
for three fourths of 1,400 hit country songs involve love in some way or another. We see that
country songs about disharmony between the sexes can nurture thoughts and/or actions towards
suicide. An example of this found in Country Music often is about unfaithfulness. Its often in the
news about a person who committed suicide, because of an unfaithful partner.
Good content needs to be complimented by good style or it is not successful. The text The
Effect of Country Music on Suicide has great writing style that uses ethos, pathos, and logos. The
writing style is easily understandable while keeping an expansive vocabulary and having
transitions when necessary. Ethos in this text is excellent, it uses wonderful word choices, which
makes you find them credible and legitimate. Also the image of the author is not negative even
for country fans who may disagree with what he has to say. In this text, the author uses Logos to
sound logical while he does not use words the reader cannot understand. The author is persuasive
but not overly persuasive to the extent that it causes you to catch yourself and think. Pathos is the
authors weak point in this text. The author does not turn the emotions of a regular audience.

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However he may affect the emotions of people that have been directly effected by suicide. Still,
he does a poor job of reaching people who have not been impacted by suicide. Besides ethos the
writing style of this text is very well done.
Overall the text The Effect of Country Music on Suicide is a well rounded, insightful text
full of interesting context. While the writing style was okay, it lacked emotion. However, I would
recommend you read this text to familiarize yourself with the impact country music can have to
vulnerable listeners. While the majority of country songs are enjoyable to listen to, it is important
to be aware of the negative effect they can have, as well. The author did a superb job of stating
valid reasons, while at the same time remaining likable. He came across as persuasive but not
harsh. This text displayed the power of music in a person's life, and the importance of the content
of every song.

Keesee 15
Work Cited

"country music." Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition.
HarperCollins Publishers. 02 Nov. 2014. <
Durkheim, Emile. Durkheims Suicide: A century of research and debate. London: Routledge,
2000. Book.

Keesee 16
Gage Keesee
Professor Jennifer Wortman
English 101
3 December 2014
The Closest TV Show to The American Life
The Robertson family became wealthy from their family operated business called Duck
Commander. The West Monroe, Louisiana business makes and sells products for duck hunters.
The main product being a duck call, otherwise known as Duck Commander. Now, however they
also have a television show depicting their daily life called Duck Dynasty, which is on A&E. In
this TV show, it follows their life at the work place, at home and doing everyday activities and
routines. Duck Dynasty on A&E succeeds in portraying the American life because it combines
all aspects of what it means to be a true American. Those aspects are family work ethic, free
time, freedom and rights.
Duck Dynasty portrays the American lifestyle by the families work ethic. In an episode of
the show, they strain themselves to complete a large order of duck calls. There is fun interaction
with a sense of humor in this episode. They have to work together to meet the demand placed on
them by the size of the order. Every one of them is needed to complete the order. Not only are
they a family, but they are also a team. In another episode, the boys are productive by taking the
boat out in a swamp with their father to catch frogs. They take the frogs back to their mother.
While she is making the supper they decide to make a cooking video so their church members
can enjoy her recipes and learn the secrets to how she is such a wonderful cook.
Duck Dynasty gives a realistic impression of the American life by exercising their rights. As
Charles Dantzig said in Objectif Lune It is the only countries where rights count(71). Well the

Keesee 17
Robertsons make their rights count by building their own water park. On a hot day, the
Robertson wives want their husbands to take the kids to the water park. But Grandpa Phil says no
because there are too many germs and it cost too much to go to a water park. Especially when
they have a large backyard at their disposal. So instead he builds a redneck water park in their
own backyard. This illustrates them using their rights to use their property as they wish.
Duck Dynasty shows the American lifestyle by their use of their free time. An example of
this is when they set up the Christmas lights for their mother. In their free time the boys help
their mother put up the Christmas lights on the outside of her home. In this episode its very
comedic. The boys have to redo the lights after not doing it to their mothers liking. The second
time the lights are everywhere even her car is decorated.
Duck Dynasty includes all the aspects of the American life: freedom of speech, freedom of
religion, freedom of desire and freedom of fear. An example of the family exercising their right
to freedom of religion is shown by their mention of God, church and their faith based views
throughout all the episodes. They also end each show with the family together eating a meal and
giving thanks in the form of a prayer. Freedom to pursue the American dream, which is a job,
family, home and car. As Aaron Morales said in American Mashup When it comes to the idea of
a national identity it is worth noting that nearly everyone in America has heard of the American
dream, which many of us see as our birthright.(65) The Robertson family is a good example of
Americans living the American Dream. They started out poor and unknown, living a fairly
normal life. But that changed quickly. What started as one man making duck calls became an
entire family making duck hunting videos, which eventually made them famous all around the
world. From there, they began making all sorts of hunting clothing. Followed by that, they begin
a reality TV show which was a hit and resulted in the family becoming even more famous across

Keesee 18
America. Next, they introduce Buck Commander which not only sold duck hunting equipment,
but all sorts of hunting equipment.
Duck Dynasty does an excellent job of weaving in the basic American freedoms into the
shows episodes. Each show portrays at least one aspect of Americans desire to live the dream.
They do this with comedy as well as seriousness. The characters likable and down to earth kind
of people. Most Americans can relate to them. They dont flaunt their riches which is why the
show is so well liked. By having a show that exercises freedom and rights, ties in work ethics
and free time, intrigues people to watch and is relate-able.

Keesee 19
Dantzig, Charles. Objectif Lune. American Mashup, New York: Pearson, 2012. 71. Print.
Morales, Aaron. Identity Construction. American Mashup, New York: Pearson, 2012. 65. Print.
Season 1: Episode 1; Family funny business. Duck Dynasty, 2012. Video.
Season 2: Episode 21: Sweatin Bullets. Duck Dynasty, 2012. Video.
Season 2: Episode 28; Im dreaming of a redneck Christmas. Duck Dynasty, 2012. Video.

Keesee 20
Gage Keesee
Professor Jennifer Wortman
English 101
3 December 2014
Movie Review
In the movie Wild Hearts Cant Be Broken the character I will be talking about is Doc
Carver. Doc Carver was the older guy that gave Sonora a job as a stable hand. Throughout this
movie he is always mentally and physically pushing her and not ever letting her give up. He
helps teach her that she can do anything she just has to, want it bad enough. He also doesn't give
her any help or let her give up which allows her to keep going and not give up when she becomes
blind. Doc Carver helps shape Sonora, helps raise Sonora and helps Sonora find out who she is.
Doc carver helps shape Sonora into not only a diving girl but also the person she became in
the end of the movie. Doc Carver gave her a chance to become a diving girl. However, he did not
make it easy he made her mount a moving horse. She failed many many times but he would not
let her give up even when others wanted her too. Instead he had her keep trying until she finally
got it. The amount of failure and hardness that she endured to become a diving girl helped her
then to become a blind diving girl. Becoming a blind diving girl was very difficult but she was
used to achieving difficult things. She gave it all she got and achieved this difficult task cause
she does not give up easily.
Doc Carver helped raise Sonora into the woman we saw in the movie. He helped her by
providing a job, a house to stay in and food to eat. Also he taught her how to be a diving girl. He
raised her not to give up, he raised her to keep trying, he raised her not to listen to people that say
it cant be done and he raised her to work hard. Another thing he did was help her to tolerate

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Doc Carver helped Sonora to find out who she really was. He helped her find out that she
was born to be a diving girl, he also helped her find out that she can achieve anything she tries to
do and he helped her find out that its a hard world out there. Another thing he did was give her a
chance to be a diving girl. He didnt have to give her a chance he just chose too.
Doc Carver was the man who helped her throughout her life the most. He may have been a
hard man but he was one for a reason. That reason being to raise hard workers. He allowed for
her to become something famous and not some normal kid at school. Also he helped her by not
letting her become soft. For if she would have been soft she would not have been diving blind
because she would not have the hardness and toughness to dive blind. Therefor, Doc Carver was
the most contributing character to Sonora.

Keesee 22
Gage Keesee
Professor Jennifer Wortman
English 101
3 December 2014
Self Evaluation
In this class I struggled but not because of the teacher or the work I did but instead the
subject of study. I have always struggled in English class. However, I see myself improving
slowly every class I take. I hardly missed class and only turned in one assignment late. But I will
say that I should have had more conferences and revised my essays. However, I used my time
efficiently and completed every assignment to the best of my ability. To me this class was a
success even though I know to others they would say differently. I still do not have a great hold
on the things I learned in this class but I am getting it slowly. I also got lots of help from my
mom, dad, sister and a friend. They helped a lot by giving more perspectives and more editing
help. In conclusion, I would say that I used the best of my abilities and the few skills I had to
gain knowledge in this subject.

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