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'Advocacy' means active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or
arguing for something. Educators are in a position where their ability to advocate for students is
a critical part of their work.
Write a one-two page letter (double spaced, 12 point font) advocating for a student*. This could
be hypothetical or something you have actually experienced in real life. Think about some of the
challenges students face such as: academic challenges, violence, drug use, poverty or
socioeconomic issues, special education needs, language and cultural barriers, bullying, sexual
orientation or identity, obesity, eating disorders, sexism, racism to name a few. You are the
paraeducator or educator who has worked closely with the student and you wish to advocate on
their behalf. You feel it is your duty to let someone know what is going on. You write the letter to
your principal, counselor or supervising teacher so that someone else with authority can do
something about the situation, even if it is simply to meet with you and advise you accordingly.
Please describe the challenges the student faces and why you feel this situation needs attention.
You might include what you think should happen.
*We have provided an example in the form of a real-life letter written by a student when she
participated in our program. This letter was the impetus for this assignment.
Grading criteria: The response demonstrates an understanding of contemporary challenges
faced by students in todays schools. The student uses a reasonable and appropriate tone to
communicate the issues to a professional colleague, and is able to articulate why this particular
case requires immediate attention. The student may articulate some next steps toward helping the
student in some way.
It is important that grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are relatively free from errors and
that length requirements are met.

Assignment 8-B

Dear Mrs. Smith:

I am writing in regards to my student. I hope the information I provide is helpful in
understanding the student better and why I feel there should be a change in the level of courses
he is taking.
I have been teaching Fernando Cervantes in math. . I was concerned at the beginning of the year
because I noticed that he takes no notes and seems uninterested in the material. When grading his
papers I found that he understand the work and gets As. He is a very bright student and often I
see him helping the other students with their studies. However when he is not helping he seems

bored and unchallenged. I have given Fernando higher level math to do in class and I am excited
to see him beginning to engage with his work.
In his records I see that he is listed as an ESL student and has basic classes. I asked him about his
classes and he expressed a desire for more challenging work. He informed me that he has spoken
to other teachers in the past but he gave up when nothing was changed. Fernando also told me
that he asked his mother to come into the school, but she feels her English is not good enough. I
have spoken to his other teachers and they have found the same issues when working with
Fernando is very bright and while I understand these basic classes are for students that are
struggling and have English as a second language, I have found that is not the case with
Fernando. He is proficient in English and math. I fear that if he continues in these courses it will
just be a waste of his time. He has informed me that he wants to go into the military and then
pursue a degree in engineering. A task I have no doubt he will complete with the proper
preparation from us.
I hope with this letter Fernando will be able to be challenged and engaged in higher level
courses. If you have any questions, please contact me via phone or email.
Thank you,
Angelina Duran


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