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Esta historia se remonta por los aos de 1980 por la familia Puyana, esta es la

Dicen que la familia Puyana es una de las familias ms ricas de Bucaramanga,
Santander (Colombia), pero esa riqueza no vana de familia, o sea, de capital
natural, sino que haba algo turbio en ese dinero. Aos atrs, hacia 1950, la
familia Puyana era humilde y trabajadora, pero un da el padre (el jefe de la
casa) se cans y decidi tener dinero de la noche a la maana. El hombre un
da invoc al diablo y le plante:
Seor, quiero ser millonario, tener mucho dinero.
Yo te lo doy con una condicin contest el diablo: tienes que darme tu
alma dentro de 10 aos.
Est bien.
Al pasar el tiempo, los Puyana se volvieron ricos, tenan de todo, coches, casas,
fincas y cantidad de dinero; pero al hombre se le olvid su trato con el diablo.
Lleg el da de entregar su alma al diablo, pero l se arrepinti; el diablo,
furioso con el hombre, dijo que si no se iba con l, le iba a quitar a su hijo ms
querido, y el hombre no le crey. Entonces el diablo, al ver la irona del
hombre, sali por la ventana de su lujosa casa, y desde entonces esa ventana
es reconstruida pero siempre se cae, as est recin puesta. Sin embargo, los
Puyana siguen siendo una de las familias ms ricas de Bucaramanga.

This history goes back to the years of 1980 by the family Puyana, the story is
this: They say that the family Puyana is one of the richest families in
Bucaramanga, Santander (Colombia), but that wealth does not Vania family, or
of natural capital, but that had something underhanded in the money. Years
ago, toward 1950, the family Puyana was humble and hardworking, but one
day the father (the head of the house) was tired and decided to take money
overnight. The man one day I invoke the devil and you raised: -Lord, I want to
be a millionaire, having a lot of money. -I will give with a condition," replied the
devil-: you have to give me your soul within 10 years. -This well. As time
passed, Puyana became wealthy, had everything, cars, houses, farms and the
amount of money; but man you forgot the deal with the devil. The day has
finally arrived to deliver their soul to the devil, but he repented; the devil,
furious with the man, said that if it was not with him, he was going to remove
to his most beloved son, and the man did not believe him. Then the devil, to
see the irony of man, he went through the window of your luxury home, and
since then that window is rebuilt but always falls off, so this recent entry.
However, Puyana remain one of the richest families in Bucaramanga.

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