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practices ad ideologies. If oly fo his reason ay ful study would io have to rat thee views to oer dest, ae and ntatons Inthe society. (Fr frter examples or ferences Se abo Fines 1O7T: Zee, Keapat 1982, Fe 1982 ep T6H, 9K: Danses 197%; 38, Deng 1973, Moyo 1986.) 7 Genres and boundaries ‘Cssistion no doubt enter into all ances of sient study Ii hos been perealy prominent, however, inthe field of oa ‘ts and tredons The contraction of polos played a cena atin many eater studs, nd io turn Tnked wth the notion of eoes dep lel concept witha Hagust pologial and ‘tray ty, a wel aso antropoogy, istry and elves rem estegorir sich as myth oil “ep, or ‘rove®™ {ake onthe ai of real and permancat bets in themeln, seen fnply the unquetloned bas for seni tatoaaics and the fp. Feenlatve of pure and enduring types, Such elieations, and {eparclar the concept of gee ave Been produtve one, and ‘Sri ned tobe ated by ayooelavolved in research on verbal St A® wil apear, however, they alo avave completes and Controversies hind whic sccord well ith reset trends with Sttivopelogy to question traditional single factor Gasieaons and ‘(Hor geerldscusion of caiestios in oa om se Abra amy 198, 96S, b, Bauman, nine and Philips 1967, Basinger 15th, Ben Amos 197, Honko 1976, 196%, Jason 198, Pentainen tnd fasta 176, Pee Poloojo 198%; for vryngtestment of fee mihi Ierry theory, Welek and Wares 199, chap. 17. Babrom 12, Fowler 1982, Deda in Michell 1981, Toso 1975, 1977, Baktin 1985, Roxmarin 1985). {1 APPROACHES TO CLASSIFICATION Anspsing verbal exreson seit conventions raises lemmas ‘thc wil te friar t all anthopologt and other sebolrs Soocerned with ro-eulteal racarch the desire, oa the one hand, to have gonoal terms f0 foie tanlon Sod comparative 136 Ora wadions and the verbal as ndertanding and, on the oer, to represent specifiy, The en- ‘Seas re parca sees Because ofthe subject mater here ‘rth fv aden tmpiations fr how we ce ourselves ae human ings partaking ie shared (and unieral) expressive form of human este: Neverthles some seeges have to Be devised 12 ‘ope with sich probs. Tn the pst these have ten connected ‘ith the concep of ‘genre’ or of pute and supposedly caltureseee Types, and have ranged trom the fvoction af sens fypolopies (asc based on a series of fering erteia over the Yeas) © ‘thnograpicaly-besod verucilardanieatons in mor eco wr tins Te varying aprons act smritngy fellow the fener sequence of theorteal perspectives. Evolutionist senaos as ‘ed forms i itor or origin term ‘pi’ or sometimes poetry generally) a cary in a culture’ history, boo-htow naraine, per Sonali and roves ater, too the Chadwicks’ more empirically teed but tl sweeping theory f epic siached to the her sage of sity (1982-0), or Maret recs of nineteen ‘Century evlutionlsm ia some East European oldre sts (ot ‘eltinary approaches to lasifcation se Ben-Amos 1976 a Edmonson 197%), Mast functionals proaches by contest led ‘ny narrative interpretable a upholding the sats quo wade the Tak of smyth the point beings funtion rater than form oF onten (se Finnegan 1993"). er approaches took pyebo- lopeal role orcogaive structure tthe bata, apn ofen bed ‘my. The historical geogapticl interest content resaled i ssc etegorcs suc sb aeimal ae’ Together with thee “ariows subivsons in terms of plot actors or mis, whe sus Tuts dfereniaed contrasting fps of arrave i tems of thee structure (ee 82,83). In many of these approaches, ad i [atclar inthe tafe nineteenth and ery wentetrcetiry Feklore studies, tere was heavy empbass on the importance of classicaon ari of alain tems to tei de dans nthe Bas for seni cllston and sy The study of ears sso had own sory within Herary schol ship wich complicated mates further. The dascal Gesk tems (Cope eagay yc myth’ Tong bl spoil poston. Those Ive now been supplemented ty later genes lik’ the novel and (Gometimes catego trom the sovaled fk’ geses Tete past ‘och genre tem mete sometimes te a8 the base for preserve ‘modes for wits ras representing somehow solute abd end ing emis. They often cot actos ther theoretical divsions abd Genres and boundaries 137 are sil commonly wed present or sam up obsered textual ‘eguaies However seful hough such terms wil cotaue to befor some purposes, rent wets in 8 number of diepine have been Imoving avay fom the ica of faed genie. One approach 1 Teak more tothe dymamis of performance and practice. Exploring the process though wich geerc expectations ae pled on Derformere and audiences ha le Yo aerate views ogee 28 ff resouce for performance, avaiable fo speakers forthe reaization a specie socal ends ina varity of creaive, emergent and even Sige ways (Bauman etal. 1987- 6) Ths is paralatyefestive {or analysing ‘ukivocl or resent tnthenedtadtion (ike St ‘Vincent ton mestingy or concert prt io Aca wi Mr Stes of ferent forms, Abrahams 198593), or for cmsidering Mkt cat ls fad to the radial apposc in keeping both with cent post modem eoacerms sod wih eiaogzapicallfocesed Peformance studies, of ety challenging carer preoccupations ‘ith red, normative or pur’ genes. Certainly there are convene ‘ons in all accepted forms of linguistic usage: we fd “speech eos in very dialogues a Well nia the ssc copied [tevary gente, each developing is own relatively stable pes of ‘hese eteranoe (Babin 198"), But these generic conventions have to be enacted in practice, And sch enactments and the di sion they arpuably represen ace no alvye fed and df But ‘overlap, proteke expt or implct dagreement among diferent arcpans vary a iferent times, develop dierent i particular “units, and te sujet both to aripanty’ expectation nd the wer faterplay of socal and Wealogkal forces (see Medvedev 1198, Bakitn HS, 1986 and dacoson in Dort 198, Abra 1988, b, Baum, vine and Philips 1987). Ths spproah lols no ost to stable, an eter ses, hut sno t change and figuy,taking acount of "margence, Uassformaio, obs ‘rence, an! #9 on ae posine resies of pnts, that a sete ross tobe ested in her own term and not merely a forms ‘Of defect of Breakdown in generic order (Dorst 198% 13) ‘There ae ths sow challenges tothe long aeatal ws of eave ss representing something enambiguowy, tele, mtually frcluive or univesalysoepod. I geme-enacet is looked at in terms oot of ideal models or fixed types but of cca estes, siderent questions arse. Cesta setled boundaries and conven. thos may indeed be deected = more or les fred preening 138 Ora wadiions and the verbal as forms in th oe my then por it een’ Bala septs Cit) "tt ey sy mayb apt es Se oon tnt ce. Weta are ok jot ate sac oe prec gh ol ep ‘cham (or sno ten) tees seman, fly Sibrquaet sen an php teen ic at fe inna npc! a he snoop perpen wich sre naa opty sd te tpn: Cetin x ea Secasoer sol were ne tan eae Sop Ste simp is ct wal ape om stopp ts ts comple however, een fos fn on ee ‘Rav tntrplog rca, ome owe Seip hed the Sie sane oe whee Inte fw pace, oe yoo ely chr or ep vt tonya ti aye a net are ‘arch othe th dcop! ba pro te son ‘Ste mci fw, you may fal yore things move ce para cing th ou tc, say epg Yet Saher sown ct peso ay apse ‘epi (or cles etl pele ete at ies ‘pe oth of gaan ng uch so) ed ope the wmpons sag fe 92) utr cnn ea frase Saad ina srt iano, ote = pres ely feat any ont Siena es The ote ean hen sone hs fost coment wha ed slg pens pc Sa ic ety sgn, To eee ay of to pos yay hare po ots etree To ringer eres say soso arpa ay tpn eens a vr aly ral ‘py hry clang Se ne, Sa me a ep ‘Godage Wich poe you Sie cna ot hr ay tu a l= and pol ~ es, You) {ip anctng toagVewpins ee wclng rere ee ‘tha he lag one teed cer rn wee he al nici glen, hee she quate o howto psn parc ou wan Seton odoin! ll de a a commen he Sumi dw compart tems pt ov tual sec Tao wiht gen ut me een be seed nih ie pol as igh rte Genes and boundaries 138 The tensions represent ol problems in anthropology and inthe social seaces generally ~ tut ae ne less diffe for Wat ‘One option, nressnpyssepable a cotin sea of the world become beter Known, to use the local words. Tous "ema ke Zale tsibongo, Xhosa inom, Yoruba fale and Somali ello are teponing to segue wide cureney" (ABdrcewsk 18S: 8) and fering the scolar erate in heir own right. In soc cates fesearchers oo longer alvaysgve English rasations (tough rplanations and commentary may be needed), far ls resus Toc forms to Engisvangusge genre terms ~ an appogch that ‘rercomes some, But periaps not all, ofthe problems ‘Whatever the fal posto, yeu do evetially aced to adopt some sttegy for considering ané presenting the Gaston of ear oroiber conventions ~ or perbaps a ers of sales for Alferent purposes. Staring from local terminologies and prctins Inght well be one guiding pine. But jut ow to inerpeet or Drsten thse andre them to the wider theoretical and compara ve beaters roms comple ite, 72 SOME CRUCIAL BOUNDARIES: OR ARE THEY? eran rater geerlbonives ave sometimes ben wed 3 the ts for casieatons which, ough les dius than those Fehtig to genre, ako have thet own. infiense. These are “sere ey below before ging on 0 the dacuson of specie fenres Wh cich cn aves fle im endentandig and essing {Srl toms, the cm can ano be sed simplatcaly sod may {ope some ciel saponin he git oth for clal a {ies and of he gronng outs, postmodernist td eer, sow! ‘apse of sinoltean0 jective boundaries. 721 Speech and sng ‘Te disintonneten ‘spoken’ and ‘ng modes ofen invoked, st partealar at forms using one, «combination, or alterations ‘ofthe wo, tis more complex than jrt a single equal von ‘Setweer speech and song however Theol distinction betwen fpoken toned (or chanted) ané fly sung sre ao made with ‘Gering gradations and emphases betncen These, while In some ears sobbing or weeping plays 3 sigieant role, feeding ong ous, the spokenung ichotomy. So too does the deery ‘Sf poetry throegh drums or otbr isrumens (Piategsn 1077 140 Oral waditon andthe verbal as U9, 1970: chap. 17). And in some caltres generic dtferences ‘aj be mich more complex than single spesciong disintion (see Seeger 1985, 'A farther complet is the relation between words and music within partcuargetes anor performances. Ar they thought of 4 dtinetive or slfstandng? Is, which, ice he emenal ‘ning component? The anewer may ser in diferent cules fd genes in some cases the musi being dominant, im oar, a in-some Flan song, he verbal text Peng repnrsd oi soa sense prior and with an independent extence aay fom i ne ‘The detailed itracons between moss and veal fet can al be signieant (ee Lis 1963, Sherr and Wicks 198, Beinget 1988, Feld 982, Facher 1959: 47-4, ao Fig. 7.2 on p15 below {nd for references on se goneriy 53.3) Distinctions based on the spech-music elton ate olen wed in cesiying verbal forma, They can abo be a factor pethops ‘mea oers for presenting and tanlting partake under the heed, ay, Sons rahe than poem o text Soh bound aes ate mul faced apd relative, however aad ~ the important point ~ aways ned dated jsieaton rather than prior asim 722 Pro and potry “This dition too ie more comple tan it oaks — ook bing the operative word bere for in the context of weing we label peat trough its ible yout ‘onthe page. How Ws ts to be {pled to unwrites fora? The anmer i not seltevidet, hough ween transerpon ela make I Seem 50 by imposing ether 2 ere” oF = pros” yout For oral forme reterehers have Joked 10 ich features as smacked and topsite stim, musi, lnetion, sophie fxm, ‘Belsporcalexpresion, of local evaluations to decide whether to ibe any given case ab "poety’ or ‘prose. The consi it tea St approximation ater than wholly ea ia the for nell and sometimes 2 dispute approximation. Arpimente about ‘Ascn epic. for esample,pariy tra on whether certain sao tives ate fo be tearded ere” or rose wile the prosodic nd stracturl festures of American laden aaeanes previo Pubished as prose have led some scholars t0 relly them Povuy. Alle ealletons that ae ow ia Pit saat br done’ Writs Hymes, they do bot show the rate of the text they present... Hidéeo within the margin-o-maria piste ies are oom, wag tobe acen forthe is time’ (yes 19871), The {ppueat boundary between rose abd poe, Yecopsed ia some Cultures epographicaldfaitons, dus relates oa sero of rltive {nd lose factor and in some cares may not be appropiate st 1 Ge further dacuon se alo Telos 1972, 1077 Bight 1979, Hymes 197,181, 1987: 18, Sherer and Woodbury 1987, Fane sn 197 10. inn a ie bens of a fer eaabaon (pled need in wc iedicremaion,howee, abo owe many pons Stl) et conte apparent Gloom, My crs stn, ‘en te dee Thao) 7128 Art, noma and play eee ats es ogi ‘diary’ or ‘uaa’ fens; paral pment smarty put “ply inthe Bt ether than second of these categories. Upto point this works for some situations of tolls Bet to Cowces sous notary inate problems, Most of these apply to an) study of "art off ‘ply Du the suction of what makse something ‘att’ perhapr cxpecily thse inthe case of oa forms: tey are both in one sense epbem fral and ao without the Boundary whch expression fo ming (OF in) ca interpose between “veryaylnguage abd forms mated fut ab dint, Largeseale and clesly feed genres ike pie haps preseat fewer problems, but shorter forms ke proves, ‘eds, or word pay ae iil 10 deal wit. There maybe otet ffaming devios however tat can te comsered (re Wecuon {nd examples in Ben. Amos 1972, Bauman 1977, Babcock 1977, Fincgan 1968 StS Sewart 179: exp. 2if aio dacusion of parfomance in 5.3 and of syle 8). A iferen nei to bypass Such Boundarsin any genera sense — the concept of at at least, 12 Oral wadions andthe verbal as reparé arity or py a relative of emergent concn that ster, more, or les ito al fos of vital expression, (For some ‘elvan isons we on eratre’ Fowder 182 sap, Kept Toe ep. 30H, Weck and Warren 100: chap. 2. Herd 198, Eagleton 1983; chap. 1, Finnegan 1970: 221, 1986: chap. 4, on ‘an Disanayake 198, Layton 181, Forest 1888, Zolbrg 199; onlays Hing 197, Tamer 182) 17.3 DIFFERENTIATING AND STUDYING GENRES Waether consi of aot, ost researchers get involved a some point in iferenating the ids of spoken oe writen conventions {hat can be Broadly smmed! pin the notion of gene: or atthe Teast in wing genie or seme wos to convey th Bags ‘oe iterpetthowe of others. Is uel to be aware ofthe et Deve, and ofthe ange of gare tems commonly wed or argued over Tt is amays worth tying to vestigate Teal conventions and taxonomies. This obvious point acd staing in ew o he older des elected in Greenways tlre Litre song the Pri hes (964 35), that i oa coments 4 sterary taxone i the fepion and tht any mpi anicton wl need formulation by ouside observers ia terms af thei own cultural canons Tt te that acl cssiatons ae nt alee intellectual or ye tematic ner do they nzcessaly couse ith cutie dvisons the Limta mboro fr example covers ot only seis but ko Fides or provetbs (Bea-Amos 1976. 236, Finnegan 1957) while the ~ to ut ="obiour dtinstion between mye and legend i Sen dfetaty i some other eltres Ge 7.41 elon) Bt here ‘Se vow many Bld taved sodes to exemplify the oscureny of omplesIerary taxonomies (Chimobo 1985, Sherer 183, Feld 1990; Finnegan 1970-79 and references tbe) Taking acount of tes puis i een for 3 fll under: standing ofthe ies and practices ofan lvl art fra if aly 12 place them in context and et thar poclar estures” As Roget We point to genres because by naming certain panera of cexprsion We tee able to tlk about the tational forms and the contenonal sontnts of site representation, at mel 8 the terms of cpt whch bth eat and sos ay (Abrahar 1976: 195) Genes and boundaries 143 ‘The presi dlnation ofthese gene i dom sghoreac, towerer. One conn protic f Bow quel at tt mang to-cmpratve pre trms, Now exiog calectons and sts och nl cs hth or snc ot On ings and communicating temo othe. atthe enopapae dra mos aho ect th pl te moreso ht conpartne tan Sezepted at anyone time doo han ay ssl en “A fre ise what rsa oe nding gers ~ it ths thought desate and ow to ees tase Oren. Thi moe of» problem tan may sec defo tie conse tess for man) gonene cameo, Thee a chen cater of ttergencous, someting scm, cite behind ven spare edie wore Sometins a or most of flow int commonly ets go together - ba smectite do tea sou wi have 1 cme fo a atry (peter Cor ‘Sous dein 1 Sine or formal fee: ating lent, fxm of exresion (Grose? pot mature), poe, sete, pe of Hastie Spresin (vend a gitar polo sure ngage) Simi or ster, and maocr of teataet avin LAs onecp of ‘bsrac se RD). Sch itera aves long history inter theory, sometines hide no outer ort Coe oF Srstre) snd Yan or (one atiade ot oi Webet and Warren 198" 23), a 2 Subjet mater sncther commonly ied instr. Tes eos poet insomcins ocd st boat are and ays ile Ente rom legen bessae abut gos opm: Nartes freon silty sudden he many eobecion par Sed ito “arial tr’ wonder tle, "aor stor peopl, cher aes tories about spernatunl Being) et. Nea 199, Hanan i957), oF cad interme of pot or theme (ee 82) onesie dvons but ons that may r may tot cinie with wt freer. Sach basis man sbecs {Say lovey mourning, or he rigs of the world te nd thensee to comeponng cus ral at (anal for anor core). 3 Oeetion, role and cones when sd why 9 txt is produced Yonbe fe pocty for xampe sdf rough Sela per: ined by and for Runes atthe psherins, and rons ang ft nea, dig dking in nccbanges twee ove 14 Oval wadion and th verbo ars fen iid a laments, drinking songs and lve poetry espeivel (ot nets the sme at ong abou eat dik or Tove). Sly with allbies, chlre's py songs, funeral ‘ratory, and so on This appucaty simple festare sot alvays hy to daciner aad in pracice conte! or role have often Jost fen asamed without desi avetgnton (tribution of se fon i a complen proces, only Yoo easly based on theoreti Preconception rather than empl obseration, se 63). Forformance characteris: sometimes an essetl clement in Slat eomcotions rar than at optona fil (a might be tnt wen forma); indeed for sme gears valued above the purty verbal element So how & parteuar form is performed. Fistal spie, or te role of moe or dance become cena ‘Spm lesigae (ee chaple 5, ao Finegan 1977 121) ‘The presse relaon betwen texts performance can abo be {eleva inking with qooions stout bow far parc texts are ‘Shlised o d,of how snch traon is expctod Between fovflormances ofthe ame” work Local weminolgies and taxonomic: now often emphases, nether ithe fom of special tes of ofan aesthetic eral ‘Vocabulary. oes termiologies iy be more complicated than They seem” in any pubs accounts, however, forthe (Bt thi) eri terms ay aot Be Known to everyone, and may be ‘hepag ov doputed: Hesined or prescriptive term, 40, 3 ot alvayesoreipond to what actually happens onthe ground, Comparative words ike myth, ep, fle and 0 09 may the ‘Shes pny prt in cal lasistione for i i are indeed for Ey cate, wherever i 1 Be uaafocted by wider schlaly “svsion, Indeed i not uncommon for lea atellectals to flay the Key roe In colting and shaping the corpus of material With diet feedosck ‘onthe performers interpretations, Some ‘pote suc lteratons av “rua ako’ Perhape in Some cases ths wa fair ststament. Bot and when these [entsined ang perhaps foreign lnguspe terms do pay apart in Fouling people's conciusnets th sorely merely put ofthe ‘Soper stay the reearher bart comprehend 6 Specs of tne ple and environment what aly lok Uke ‘Roope gees may in pracce vay aot only Between cl teres ot aio at lever times and places wiia cures, ‘epayed tern by een indus or nee. There fan be cmerpent o vvale forms whowe formation and enact ‘ont canbe studied ar dynamic boa processes rather than Genres and boundarier 45 euralsncirone uns. Apparent eae con sho change oret te a iabiouls expat Soeped amevertsh dela say (ee Vander 188 257, weed ovens cn ake oom fom, or now gers be created sy aaonemadeoni coe Srpattaaar ae aueens 146 Oral adiions andthe verbal as requares and cootinites found in many forms of vert expeesion 174 SOME COMMON GENRE TERMS AND CONTROVERSIES Tar and sear usage, many by now wih a qusechniea stats some ofthese wil almost certainly be tems which you wil either ‘edacowed below, as these san llestrate the sootoversies Which ‘A general problem undrjiag all these terms b that even when schol endetvour 10 preenibe stndard deftions, thse are feldom universal follomed.Thas yt, by some conned to oaly fertaintyper of nara (ee Below), i oflen sed in poplar fellectons offer wo ay o all writen verbal forms. The same Sometimes spp t0 legend, spat’ folktale” or even “epi = ties of book andar canbe ending! (GA comprebenve bibliography for this hog seni imposible ee, butt fom sarer~ oot pees systema ~eleenses for ‘peste tems are mentioned blow: oer general ferences worth ensuing alae eas ia M. Leach 1949 (isell despite ts a0), Barmous 198 (ec ep. under Folktale’), Beo-Amos 1976, Bodket 1958 (lst of tes, ith fre elrences), Ranke 1977 and smmaresin-sye of folklore or sompartive Ierstre sich ts Dowson 1924, Eruavand 196, Chadwa 1952-4, Preminget Tra) 741 Myth ‘Tere have been many approaches to this emotive tem from losopbers, canal seholas,lngi anal and eater theor Iss ke Max Mur or Andrew Lang, te the funconalist def. ‘loss (myth socal “surter) or Lisi Stausian sucturlist interpretations more fart anhropologss. This extensive his tory canoe be rehearsed hee (or sme inal flerences sed tamples se Dundes 1984, P. Marands 1972, Pub! 1987, buts ‘rth bearing ia mind as overtones rom these an sia debates ‘ick themscivesvrtounly to the ferm even when tis appreatly ‘Some attempts have been made to leplte on its wage, One Genres and boundaries‘ Jnduenil denon wa ld dows by Bascom, This inks into Bar- ‘Sons daeaon of prose natives more generally ce Fig?) Mythe are pros naraives which, the soit in which they are tol are comtidered 10 be uf accounts of what happened i the rote part. The ate accepted om faiths they ae aught be Geleved. and they cam be ced a aulhoy i aniwer {0 ignorance, doabt, oF delet. Myths afe the eabodiment of dogma: they are wsully soced and they ar olen asocaed ‘nt theology andra. Their main character are pt tally Thuman beings, But they often have human atbuts, they a ‘arler world, when the earth was different from what its today, forthe origin ofthe world, of mankind, of death, for carstr Sts of bh, ssa, gograpial etre, andthe phenomena fof suture. They may recount the atvies of the dees, thee fies their vices and defen, as6se: 4) Legend Piet Recent wit Secor Hamas otic cin Ry ine Maye Etro of This dfn some wp the commonest (foe untated) enn {ans ofthe term, plating Toi egualy Key features. eis bot always easily applicable however, In some Alcan calures the boundary between "ah" and legends ured (Faacgan 1970 5), andthe term i also ‘edly wen broader senses. Tis sy, bat dangerous, 1o sists that all these features sutomaticaly fb togeber, for in practice thi snot alway #0. Ary which Iigpons tobe about ~ say ~ the origin af human tings some ‘ter time, cant be jot abled "my and thus assumed te be or authortatve nares (ncuding many moder so-called ‘aythe) aeeiy about sacred beings or sea tine, “eb 14S Oral wadiions andthe verbal arts two's ict opin down: what is Bleved in one sete oe conten tay not be in another, and it any ease whats it beeve? Thi bundle of associations aces 10 be approached scp i ich specie case checked apalast the elnogrpic Endings ‘Bescon pony foes content sete for some purposes but not all 20 for some it is unstiing a downplaying te fetion of upbldiag the socal order (for some antropaogsts once the ening estence of yh), and the cope pstcholog fat and symbale aspects so emphansed by other ani, I tl lntueata however, and illuminating in its encypation of 50 ‘many common)-held conotaions ‘of the term (or Turter de stony or examples see, besides teerener above, Abrahams {9ssb, Breamer 1988 M0. Jetson 1968, Maino 1948, E-K ‘Marana 197, Ray 1980, Rodveh 1984, Samuel 1968, Samael nd ‘Tompson 1980, Weige 12,1850, Wir TSS; ao refereaces tet decison 2483.33 742 Legend, fil, and ater mareaive frm Given the many collections of naeatves and the importance of arrative in human culture general, the prolieation of connected terms i senrely surprising A few cading or specially controversial terms are picked ot bere (or farther csawion and often ae ‘Scalion 1584, Raich 1984, Finegan 1090 cap. 13, Déqh in Dorson 1972, Bes-Amos 1883, Rooth 1975, ako for naresogy senerally 83.4 below, abd 7.41 above on my). 1) Legend. Usge in the ps ofen implied dsictio rm both ‘my and “olka, agun Well eruncted in Bascom's schema (Gesu: 45 ~ see Fig. 71 above) and with much the same features 2 his eaten of myth widely used and renpived in oughly {hs Sease bul sometimes not ting detaled cthnograpie concepts for practices. Recealy the term has taken on new iaiy ite Spplcaton to contemporary and urbsh legends (Brunand 138, DDR, Barnes 184, Sth 198, Bengt 1985, Benet stl 1987, Benet nd Sith 988 (esp. Par 1,189). 2) Folkale. This i the third component of many clasiestions, plementary t myth and Yegen Basser define flies os ‘prose earraes - regarded fton’ wth the farther are ‘They ate not considered as dogs or history hey may or may Genrer and boundaries 19 ot have happened, and they are not toe tke seriously fay beset im any tie and place. The have ben eiled “purery tales’ but in many soit they ae nok rested 10 shilre, They have also been Known 8 "y tle’ But ths Inappropriate bot because narratives aboot es ae usualy ‘egatded a re, and because fies donot sppete in mot ok {ales Fines, ses, tod even deca may appear, bot faites ‘ually recount the adventures of animal or human characters (com TOK: 4) ‘Tis locaton soften faowed (and if ont for his reaton worth ‘owing abou), egin wth similar sos, tenets and puzaes 3 forthe complementary toms. is equal often eed more brosly to denote (1) any orl marae wiih sot speciclly yt fe lgond’ whether tional or hot and whatever the 4eting. oF (@) afl craves (incloding myths and legeds) reared s ral popular "raion or tld by “he folk” (2 wide and sometines Smbgaoss meaning). But whiter ie ctat referet the ten entice tobe popular and over the yeas hae stinusied 9 mage umber of olctins and publication (for roceatsnajsis nd feferencs sce Ben-Arnon 189, aug Lath 1980), 3) Other nararve rms. Among the many othe ems se: sage (Gometines used san inl term forall ra or folk arative aor the rose equivalent of epi; sometimes roughly ovrlpping Wit ipend andor with the German Sage sce Nisanen 988, Wihybray 1987 13H, Bremner 188 Salon 184, Oss 1978), Murcer, fry sl, howe (ten wed oreo le inerhange ably with otal’ and subject othe same ambigules: perhaps now Tess popu than in the pasta leat English, bt ce Bethe 197, Botiphcmer 1986, Hole 987, Zipes 1979, 1953; aso Bes ‘Amos 1989): ale (asl defined ay short mare aboot animals ‘x plants, with an expt mora for references sce Cares 1985). >memort sn the reo es euaent pertnal nara (afte tinereasing intrest in keeping with curen mphass on ial farsuy and expenence, ce Degh and Vinson 1974, Stahl and Dorwon 177, Beane 198, Personal Naraties Group 1980, Labov 1972: chap. 9, Myerlt 1980, Samuel and Thomo 1990 Abra ms 1985), "The broader term aarav snow coming bck into its wn th ‘he inreasing interest n analyses cating tough more lite ge edison and crossing the oainiten boundary (se Bauman 150 Oral wadtions and th verbal os 1985, Mitel 1981, and fre dicasion and references in 8.3.4, 5) Much the rame apes to sory and ction (Ge Bauman 186, ‘Avian 1985) whee, a with mai, ect stds on verbal {it come Into cose conjunction with cutent mock in erry and Tings eo. 743 Bple “This nfcnis er wis orignly based on cas Greek iter ture (ce exemplars of pic being Homer loos heroic poems), thea wend to apuly sonia forms widely found io Bursa the prt and prewnt and fo leer extent (Uough tis debated) Ebewhore The term iv wily goun, denoting = vaionsy = 4 Single sel-contined poem: a posp or eye of mere or less, related prot porte adn, le adjtvl se hae rondo reference Frauch pase eepc moment "epi les "epic qual’ oF (os in Oli 19) “pie Tavs. The Word aso sed of writen epics, sometimes abelld secondary’ ae agin the pps peimay? tral forms = the exact dividing ine often unclear. All of any of these wns ae well ease, though thelr overlaps and fle. cs can be config "The vlatvely sept vein nthe traditional defi of 3 long earative (orl) poem on Keri subjects ae Rar 10 per ‘Shona in patel fee, Host long elon’ for exam? Some {apet man thowsads of lines, thers around oe to two thousand, ‘ther es aban, or = sone Russian scholahip~ roupags ‘sborterpooms (eee Honk 1988: 23). This in tum res the ‘Quention of how far an epic at to be a singe poem. Here gin ‘Bere are fering views including the category of cyte epee’ Contrsted witty” oe -une eps. W. Jonson 1960: 31) The "vero port” eteron pone problems foo. Some texts dey accepted a epic contin passages which by mont defitons ‘ould be cased ae prose Gee Finnegan 197: 10). Further, the ‘Sneasumed dhison between “prose abd “poetry” is now Being fethougt (eee 722 abo) and mune or performances mel a Posey teva quale sometimes considered. Perhaps we need ew defn ofthe poetic’ spect of epc nthe context of actual ‘oral delivery. Tis mipht mean revsag Some carer eascations (See Olpento 1977172, 186-7, “Tere are comparable probs with oor elements in the det sition "Ora iss sippery word (ee 1.3.1), and the line between vatve and other pct fos, parcel panepyri, smetines Genes and boundaries 151 ard to daw. Finally, what exactly i ‘heroi"? We may feel we fave some inuitve understandag (tll based on readings of Homer? bu tis sacely any to pin down eo th standard definition ths hs problems, suggesting that tne concep of epe maybe esentallypouemous and eave But fo he bs to be added furter controversies and palit overtones. Some dite trom nineteent-centry evlotionit and Eurocontsc ‘model =the assumption that any nation worthy of the ame mst pros thvough © heroic stage wih am epic 10 match Is ele atoll etovemens inten hs. There was a fesing bron’, {S Hatt wel puts i that evry Enropean natin sould ave pia esling wo sro that where there was Aone ah epi way i fot invented severities somehow got togetber and. produc (Gatto 198 1) ~ 2 proces not witout paralls in twentet Coturyposcoloilt-buling Besse of this bckyroand, fen the most facto seeming Sebition or abun of En be emotive. (Among te huge trata se pel, Baden feterencsalcady sited, Oise 197, Kaine 1980, Opland 1986, Foley 1980s; forthe sovroveray ove Asean ei, which ilasttes fhe problem sbove, se Finegan 197 106-10, wih responses or ftrher comments in Biebuyck 1976, Oxpewko 1977, 199, 1. oboion 1980, Bea-Amos 198, Seydou 1982, Opland 1983: 13.) 744 Rides, provers and conversational genres “There is vis erature on proverbs and rides. As so often, there are dapetesabost dfn and iaterpetton, ten wel in pining fo estar tht might othersite be neglected. (On fles woe Abraham and Dundes Dosa 1972, Finegan 1970 ‘2st, Pepa and Casea 1984, Haring T98S; on proverbs Arab tims in Doron 1972s, Kos 197, Mieder and Dundes 1981, Miedet 198, eggs 198 OIL) Tn fovea yar thre has Sees some reve tion agin the compiling of yt more and more Ist of proverbs, te a fivour of move Saas ty oftheir sage, context sed interpretation. ‘ther conversational genre, ike wordplay, retings an Mes: ings, have acted lee work, apd not yet soem, an estas ocbulary (on jokes, however sce Begs 1985 Tif; on comer: ional genes gencraly Abrahams, TH, Tannen 198, 0 farther decaston or exaples in Baan and Sherer 1974, Sher er 1985, Kratz 1989, Finnegan 1969, 1970: 465, 152 Oral waditons ond the verbal ans The tems dace above have aad sbatil nteret and controveny bat ae iatratve rather than compretense, Other ‘sively eablsed terms too may ~ of may not prove Use ifaor tout ther own sonoverc Some re Dy inted elm Ginsome cnc wiht frente random abe Gan se fic bet at eas one enty ito the voluminocr erate) sce aso seve ferences on pr 6 Poneyridprte poery (Opland 183, nd) tre (Burke 151, Fancgan 1970 cap. 5, 197 Mt, Pek Paono 1988); lament (Skea 1955, Nels Kalo 96, ‘Fansh Foktories US Fenn 17, 1974, Kaulman 1988, 1990, Urban 1588, Feld 19) Toad (Cid 184298, Bachan 1972, Webber 1987) han fle (tere prose lterantes with wee) oratory, speech rhetoric (Blok {G75 Bladen 18, Prin 58, Pun 104) hymn (Rober 198, France 197: chap. 7) sermon (Rounders 19%, ©, L- Davis [BSS Lawes 1987, 1988, Suojanen 198) dana (Schein 1988, Schecocr and Apps! 1980, Pencock 196, nop 190 cop 16, Brooks 1580, Tuner 196, Bend 198% ep. chap. 6 and refreces ther) fetal coral akin 1966, Babook 1978, ‘Abra 8, Sole 1589) ~ and many others depending oo ‘teh ofthe eri for caifraon ae followed (negoes esd on content ot funcion re parla poke). 74.6 Crossgnei nays Some scholars prefer to treat all the geres within a community topether rather tn separately. Tis nay iol some sere die ‘tation, Bot mesos tat ll forms can be anayed together and Compared or contrasted within the ste Uamowosk (hs. may {ncude visual or mateal as well es primarily verbal forms). As ‘hatte im Fig. 72 hs approach cas lead to ne sighs ato the relation between fra categories, based on he ethnographic idence, but sometines of wider comparative sigan to (See So Sherzer 1974, 190, Howell 1986, Bigs 988, Clase 1982 ‘Gouen 194, Hare 1977, Tedlock aad Tedlock 186, Bes-Aaios 1987, Fed 198, Moyo 1980), Genes and boundaries 183 en = Senay, Rae — mye teeeeecat Tree ay Sauce cae ie eps by perms of Mion Se 175 CROSS.CUTTING THEMES ‘As well tthe scoped - i shifting - boundaries and geres ust, ‘rcnsed, certain other themes have been posites. These ae nat 0 much he bass for dtferenaton es sands runing throvgh ‘Poumber of genes and vont (ome have Specie gene manson. 715.1 Drama, rhetoric and performance ‘There isa sense in which al forms of verbal exprenion ~ ined allour scons ~ canbe sen a dramatic peste or, silat, Ss shetoriein the sense ofthe conventions of rpumentation una through so much hana sonmuniaton (ee Arnold and Bowers 1984, Perelman and OlbrectTyecs 199, aso references a 8.1 and 7.45 above). Suck iewpolts challenge imposed boundaries between “art and "ie" or between otherise spurte genes. Should we relly draw a line between ull-Aedged "drama or 154 Onl waton and th verbal as “speechmaking’ and everyday performances? Are these themes not sncimes ts sigicat as arguably superical genre-bsed dv 7152 Myth and mythic imagination “The tem ‘myth i sed not ony as specie gore word bat also ins more general sene whch sndiats the somehow symbolising osm ttn laden spect of uma conousass. Myths thos ‘opposed tory’ in he nme of secular chronological marae) rin ts otjectval for, contested with ach cone a5 wordly, “Tien” or tempor Sometimes tis mythic qualiy is seen 36

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