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the assumption of a realism of absolute impersonality always does fail if

taken literally. That assumption is itself a way of feeling; it is the ascetic

passion which sustains the youthful drive of a youthful Velazquez, or a
Courbet while they shake the emotional slop from themselves and their
models. Leo Steinberg, Other Criteria. Nueva York, Oxford University Press,
1972, p.37.
The prohibitions and restrictions that govern the structure and order of
everyday life are supended, together with the decorum that underwrites
traditional forms of social hierarchy. 101 Annette Michelson Where is your
Had been that of aspiration to a continous present, one image succeding
another at a pace that allows no space or time for recall or anticipation. The
spectator is positioned wihin a hallucinated now. Warhols film generate
another kind of temporality, for they take, as it were, their time, the
distended time of contemplation and expectation.

I just think people do the same thing every day and thats what life is.
Whatever you do is just the same thing.

En ambos medios se trataba de teatralizar la vida diaria; sin embargo, las

pelculas de la Factory invertan por completo las caractersticas formales de
las revistas de moda. As, la impecable tcnica fotogrfica de stas se
convirti en el cine de Warhol, en toscas grabaciones, la mayora de las
veces sobreexpuestas o infraexpuestas, donde no se editaba la imagen ni el
sonido. 108 surez

Los besos de Kiss son distintos, pero su diferencia (como su semejanza) no

produce ningn cambio en sentido direccional ni imprime progresin alguna
a la pelcula. 290
El artista adivinaba, enla acumulacin fsica del tiempo cinematogrfico, un
potencial efecto hipntico sobre los espectadores que slo las drogas podan

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