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Range of Issues in Mexico and America

Enrique Pena Nieto:Hi, President Obama! I am currently the leader of Mexico

and we are having multiple problems with the country of Mexico. To begin with, a
major problem that is occurring in Mexico is the economy. President Barack Obama:
Hi, Enrique Pena Nieto! What is wrong with the economy in your country? Tell me
some information that is occurring with it and lets see what we can do about it
Enrique Pena Nieto: Even though Mexico is the 13th largest economy in the world,
there is a nominal gross domestic product that is topping $1 trillion in past and
recent years. Also, almost half of the population is below poverty line which isnt so
good to be proud about. Also, there is 18% in dire poverty which is a pretty good
amount. President Barack Obama: That is not very good to hear because the
economy is an important part of a country. Having a bad economy is not good
because then the people living in the country wont have a good lifestyle and it will
eventually go downhill. Is there anything that is trying to improve this? Enrique Pena
Nieto: Yes there is! Well, oil is a great producer and exporter. This oil helps provide a
great portion of government revenue which helps us improve the economy and
make it a better place to live. Is there any problems that you are having in your
country President Barack Obama? President Barack Obama: Yes, a big issue that is
occurring in the United States is the idea of immigration. Each year the percent and
amount keeps on increasing and this is starting become a problem since there is so
much people. Apparently, 40.8 million Mexican born people live in the United States
and this makes it the largest immigration group in the country. But everyone that
moves to the USA isnt considered a US citizen and this causes problems because
nearly 46% of immigrants were naturalized as U.S. citizens. Different kinds of races
come to live in this country but there is nothing that we can do about it if they are
now considered a U.S. citizen.

Enrique Pena Nieto: I am sorry to hear that because there is nothing that you
can really do about it because a lot of people want to live in your country since
everyone knows that the U.S. is a great area to live. But the fact of having nearly 41
million immigrants living in your country to kind of scary to think about because
that is a lot of people that decided to leave their country and move to yours. It is
sad to think about because it keeps on increasing as you had said and this makes it
show that the population will keep on increasing. President Barack Obama: But as
you can tell, 46% which is considered to be 18.9 million people are immigrants
coming from the race of hispanics and latino. This shows that these people probably
dont live a great life or they dont get enough money whicshows that they want to
move to a better environment and be able to go from there. Is there any other
issues that are occurring in Mexico that is a problem for you? Enrique Pena Nieto:
Another problem that is occurring in Mexico is the population growth rate which
shows that there is a lot of people living in this area. The population here keeps on
increasing and it is soon going to have more people than Japan. The population in
Mexico is currently 123.8 million people and 50.7% are females while 49.3% are
males. There is about 2,768 births a day which shows that the population keeps on

growing and growing. Right now Mexico is the 11th most populous nations in the
world and because of this it is the highest population for a Spanish speaking nation.
Also, there is about 63 people per square kilometer and Mexico takes up 1,972,550
square kilometers of area. Since a lot of people live in Mexico it is hard for the
country because when the population keeps on increasing then there wont be a lot
of area for everyone to live. President Barack Obama: This is a major issue because
having 2,768 births a day just shows that it will eventually be a problem for the
country in the future. Having a lot of people living in your country shows that
something bad will happen because there will eventually not be enough space for
everyone in the long run. Enrique Pena Nieto: I totally agree with you because the
population keeps on increasing and there is nothing we can really do about it. But
there is about 250.7 babies born in one hour, but every 56.53 seconds someone
dies which makes it 63.7 people in Mexico dying every hour. From years past till now
the population has went up a lot because in 1950 the growth rate was 4.6% while in
1970 it was 7.2%. This shows that every country isnt perfect and that there is
nothing you can really do about the population. Is there anymore issues or problems
going on in the USA?

President Barack Obama: Yes, there certainly is such as the obesity and
overweight problems that are occurring for a good amount of people in this country.
Apparently, the obesity rate has more than doubled from kids to adults ever since
the 1970s. This is a major problem for the Americans because it is a health problem
for a lot of us and we need to do something about it. For adults, more than of
them are overweight and people have said that the heaviest Americans have
become more heavier than years past. While for the children in the United States,
about a quarter of ages between 2 and 5 and one third of school age children are
overweight. The overweight and obesity rates are considered to be higher and tend
to increase throughout the years. Enrique Pena Nieto: This is not good to hear
because having a good amount of people being overweight can lead to problems
with health which can lead to dying young. People having bad health can be a bad
thing because it could lead down to your kids and it can cause them to also be
unhealthy. Maybe the United States should cut out fastfood places because there is
a lot of problems with that since there is a lot of fat in the cheap foods. President
Barack Obama: To go along with that, Americans eat 500-800 calories more a day
which shows that this leads to overweight in no time. This isnt healthy because
having this much more calories a day can lead to gaining a pound in half a week.
People just tend to buy more food because there is food ads everywhere and not
enough exercise ads in this country. People just eat for social, cultural, and
emotional reasons not just for the reason of being hungry. Enrique Pena Nieto: I am
so sad that your country is having problems along with my country and these issues
need to be stopped eventually. This can be hard to do but it will hopefully be done
and over with in the long run. It was nice talking to you and hopefully your country
does great in the future. President Barack Obama: It was nice talking to you and I
hope good things happen to your country soon because it deserves it!

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