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Most of us grow up thinking that the best way for living is when people is the same
like us, or when they are very close to do every thing like we do. In that way we
feel safe because we dont like the difference. The strange things or people are for
us dangerous, or we think that they do the things in a wrong way or they are bad
people, everything because we conceive the world only in our mentality and we
dont open minds for conceive an other options or lives.
This evidenced -for example- to the extent that our social utopia is to see the
world with the same life, every person with the same behavior and we think the
world in a uniform, we dont dream the world in its diversity and in its plurality.
Like said Tomas Moro in Utopia: who had saw one utopia city has seen all, so
similar to each other, as soon as consent of every place. For that reason, is the
same describe this one or that one 1. I repeat, every one dream with a equalities
world and that is impossible for the different world and universe creation process.
I think for that happened Ford, Stone and Sands deaths and I think for that
Captain Lake went in the earth shooting, because their afraid for things or people
strange, their fears of difference and of a world in a different way made them react
with violence. For that they didnt react like June, that she was very kind to Mary
This coupled with when we are react with violence the consequences will be for
future vengeances like books end.
I am not talking about we wouldnt be careful but I am saying that we wouldnt be
violent or have prejudices in the first times when we met some one (of this world or
not), if we give the opportunity to know people without think about your skin or your
appearance, that is the KEY for considerate a world possible from plurality an
diversity, words that we listen every day and that we pronounce every time but that
we really dont know.
For me, this story is about us, not about aliens, the thing is like our differences and
our aberration for them made look us like aliens.

Quien ha visto una ciudad de utopa las ha visto todas, tan semejantes unas a

otras, en cuanto lo consiente la naturaleza de cada lugar. Por tal motivo, da igual
describir sta que aquella. Pg. 93. Ed. Planeta Dgostini. Barcelona, 2001.

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