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Grade 3
Student 1
Literacy: Student 1 is fully meeting expectations in reading and viewing. He can read fiction and
nonfiction books with fluency and understanding at his grade level.
Numeracy: Student 1 is fully meeting expectations in all math areas. He has a good
understanding of place value and two digit addition and subtraction and is quick with math facts
to 15. He enjoys working with numbers and is able to explain his math problem solving process
to others.
Social Responsibility: Student 1 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. He is a
friendly and considerate student who demonstrates a strong interest in learning and he
participates well in class activities and discussions. He also works well with his peers.
Student 2
Literacy: Student 2 is fully meeting expectations in reading and viewing and approaching
expectations in writing and representing. She can read a variety of stories with fluency and
Numeracy: Student 2 is fully meeting expectations in mathematics. She has an understanding of
place value, two digit addition and can print numbers to 200.
Social Responsibility: Student 2 is meeting expectations for social responsibility. She is a funloving, social and kind-hearted student who often volunteers to help other students with their
work. She loves to read and draw, which at this times interferes with her learning. Student 2 has
many creative ideas she likes to share with her classmates. She does get silly often, but refocuses
when asked.
Student 3
Literacy: Student 3 is approaching expectations in reading and writing. He has begun to work
in a small group in the mornings to improve his reading and writing skills.
Numeracy: Student 3 is meeting expectations for mathematics. He understands place value,
double digit addition and likes to challenge himself by attempting the extension questions
provided by the teacher.
Social Responsibility: Student 3 is meeting expectations for social responsibility. He is an
enthusiastic student who always comes to school with a smile. He is friendly to all students and
works well with his peers. When following instructions student 3 needs to slow down so he does
not miss steps.

Student 4

Literacy: Student 4 is fully meeting expectations in reading and writing. He enjoys reading the
Hunger Game series and has good understanding and can retell stories well. Sometimes while
writing he rushes to finish so he needs a reminder to proof read his work.
Numeracy: Student 4 is fully meeting expectations in mathematics. He has a good understanding
of place value and two digit addition and subtraction and is quick with math facts to 20.
Social Responsibility: Student 4 is meeting expectations. He is a friendly, kind and helpful
student. He has a positive attitude towards learning and he participates enthusiastically in class
activities and discussions. He has very good listening and work habits. Once his work is
complete he likes to socialize so he needs gentle reminders to no distract others around him.
Student 5
Literacy: Student 5 is fully meeting expectations in reading and writing. She takes pride in
printing neatly and adding details into her writing.
Numeracy: Student 5 is fully meeting expectations in mathematics. She has good understanding
of place value, two digit addition and subtraction and can write numbers to 200.
Social Responsibility: Student 5 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. She is a
friendly, kind and helpful student with a good attitude towards learning. She has no problem
working in new partnerships, participates in discussions and has great work habits.
Student 6
Literacy: Student 6 is fully meeting expectations in reading and writing. She is reading at grade
level with good comprehension. She is able to use decoding skills on unfamiliar words. Student 6
takes pride in proof-reading her work and keeping it organized and neat.
Numeracy: Student 6 is fully meeting expectations in mathematics. She demonstrates an
understanding of place value and two digit addition and subtraction.
Social Responsibility: Student 6 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. Her warm,
kind nature makes her popular among her peers. She often helps out without having to be asked
and she challenges herself and has great work habits.
Student 7
Literacy: Student 7 is not yet meeting expectations in reading and writing. She can read books
that are below grade level independently for 15 minutes. She is working towards developing
phonemic awareness and word building skills to increase her literacy skills. Student 7 is also
working on sight words and decoding skills.
Numeracy: Student 7 is minimally meeting expectations in mathematics. She has some
understanding of place value and with support can add two digit numbers. She is working on
developing her speed and accuracy of addition and subtraction math facts to 20.
Social Responsibility: Student 7 is meeting expectations in social responsibility. She is quiet and
shy in a large group setting but playful and talkative when with her peers. I would like her to take
on more of a leadership role in the classroom to boost her confidence and help her participate
more in class activities and discussions. Student 7 listens attentively and is very good at
remembering what has been taught or said during discussions.
Student 8
Literacy: Student 8 is exceeding expectations in reading and viewing. He is an avid reader who
can read and comprehend text above grade level. He demonstrates good written fluency and uses

appropriate spelling in his daily work. He is working on reading with more expression and
changing the tone, volume and the pace as he reads.
Numeracy: Student 8 is fully meeting expectations in numeracy. He demonstrates an
understanding of place value, double digit addition and subtraction and enjoys being challenged
with word problems.
Social Responsibility: Student 8 is meeting expectations in social responsibility. He is a cooperative, good humored individual who enjoys learning and playing. He demonstrates an
interest in learning and he takes pride in always doing his best work. Sometimes student 8 needs
reminders to follow school expectations and think before he acts.
Student 9
Literacy: Student 9 is minimally meeting expectations in reading and writing. She can read
stories with fluency and understanding with some support. It takes student 9 a while to organize
her thoughts before and during writing and she is working towards being able to work more
Numeracy: Student 9 is minimally meeting expectations in numeracy. She has an understanding
of place value and two digit addition but needs support on subtraction and quick math facts to 20.
Social Responsibility: Student 9 is meeting expectations in social responsibility. She is a social
and kind hearted individual. She volunteers to help her peers with their work and if someone gets
hurt she is there to help. Student 9 is a friend to all and enjoys working with her peers. Student 9
is working towards taking responsibility for her own learning by focusing during lessons,
discussions and directions rather than socializing.
Student 10
Literacy: Student 10 is fully meeting expectations in reading and writing. He can read fiction
and nonfiction stories with fluency and understanding at grade level. When reading out loud,
student 10 is working on expression.
Numeracy: Student 10 is exceeding expectations. He uses a variety of mental math strategies
which is illustrated by his quick math facts to 20. He has an excellent understanding of place
value and two digit addition and subtraction.
Social Responsibility: Student 10 is meeting expectations in social responsibility. He is a
friendly, kind and confident student. He demonstrates that he is a responsible learner and he
works hard and stays focused until his task is completed. Once it is completed he likes to
socialize. He needs gentle reminders not to distract others around him.
Student 11
Literacy: Student 11 is exceeding expectations in reading and writing. She can read well above
her grade level with fluency and understanding. She demonstrates strong writing skills by
starting with a variety of ways and includes and topic and closing sentence.
Numeracy: Has a great understanding of place value and two digit addition and subtraction and
is quick with math facts to 20. She likes to challenge herself and enjoys solving challenging
word problems.
Social Responsibility: Student 11 is meeting expectations in social responsibly. She is
conscientious, friendly and a considerate individual. She is enthusiastic and is always engaged
during class lessons and discussions. She is very organized and it shows in all her school work.

Student 12
Literacy: Student 12 is exceeding expectations in reading and fully meeting expectations in
writing. He can read fiction and nonfiction books above his grade level and write paragraphs
independently that include a topic and concluding sentence. He is encouraged to add more detail
in his writing answering: who, what, where, when and why.
Numeracy: Student 12 is exceeding expectation in mathematics. He is quick with math facts to
20 and also knows some multiplication facts.
He enjoys being challenged with word problems.
Social Responsibility: Student 12 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. He is a
kind and considerate student. He demonstrates an interest in learning and he takes care to always
do his best work. He has good listening skills and work habits.
Student 13
Literacy: Student 13 is meeting expectations in all literacy areas. She is able to read
independently and retell stories. She is able to write a 5 sentence paragraph including a topic and
concluding sentence. She does well on weekly spelling tests but is encouraged to transfer the
spelling into her daily work.
Numeracy: Student 13 is fully meeting expectations in numeracy. She is quick with addition and
subtraction math facts to 20 and can independently add double digit numbers. Student 13 is able
to articulate some basic mental math strategies she uses.
Social Responsibility: Student 13 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. Her
warm, kind nature makes her popular among her peers. She often helps out without needing to be
asked. She likes to socialize and often needs reminders to save the socializing for recess. She
works well during cooperative activities and often gives compliments to her classmates.
Grade 2
Student 14
Literacy: Student 14 is not yet meeting expectations in reading and viewing. She is minimally
meeting expectations for writing. She can read books that are below grade level independently
for 15 minutes. She is working towards developing phonemic awareness and word building skills
to increase her literacy skills. Student 14 is also working on sight words and decoding skills.
Numeracy: Student 14 is minimally meeting expectations in numeracy. She can print numbers to
120 accurately. She knows some of her addition math facts to 10 but needs more practice with
doubles and subtraction.
Social Responsibility: Student 14 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. She is a
quiet student. Her warm, kind nature makes her popular among her peers. She often helps out
without needing to be asked. She has good work habits but needs to challenge herself more
Student 15
Literacy: Student 15 is fully meeting expectations for all areas in literacy. She reads at grade
level and does well on the weekly spelling tests. She is encouraged to transfer more of the
spelling to her daily work. She is able to write independently adding detail and simple
punctuation like capital letters and periods.

Numeracy: Student 15 is fully meeting expectations in numeracy. She is quick with basic
addition and subtraction facts to 10 and knows her double math facts. She can count to 100 by
fives and tens accurately.
Social Responsibility: Student 15 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. She is a
considerate, friendly individual who makes friends easily. She demonstrates a keen interest in
learning and participates in all class discussions with enthusiasm. She is kind to others and
includes all students. If she has issues socially or academically, she will ask for help from the
Student 16
Literacy: Student 16 is not yet meeting expectations for literacy. Each morning he works in a
small group to improve his reading and writing skills. He needs support to complete written
Numeracy: Student 16 is meeting expectations for numeracy. He can recall some of his addition
and subtraction facts to 10. He is able to count to 100 by ones, fives and tens accurately.
Social Responsibility: Student 16 is meeting expectations in social responsibility. He is a
friendly and quiet individual who has settled nicely into classroom routines. He works and plays
cooperatively with all classmates. He takes extra time on most assignments but completes them
to the best of his ability. He is working towards accepting learning challenges more
independently and improving his self confidence.
Student 17
Literacy: Student 17 is minimally meeting expectations in reading and writing. She can read
independently for 15 minutes but needs to work on comprehension. Student 17 has a phenomenal
vocabulary and can orally explain her ideas clearly with many supporting details.
Numeracy: Student 17 is fully meeting expectations in numeracy. She can do basic addition and
subtraction facts to 10 independently and when asked can explain the mental math strategies she
uses. She is able to rote count past 100.
Social Responsibility: Student 17 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. She is a
happy and polite student who enjoys socializing with her friends. She always has a positive
attitude and is willing to participate in class discussions, but often gets off topic and needs
reminders to stop chatting with friends. This sometimes interrupts her work time and makes her
fall behind, but she works hard to catch up.
Student 18
Literacy: Student 18 is fully meeting expectations in all areas of literacy. She reads at grade
level and does very well on her weekly spelling tests. Student 18 takes risks when writing and is
successfully using sight words and sounding out to spell many words correctly. She takes pride is
printing neatly and enjoys writing stories.
Numeracy: Student 18 is fully meeting expectations in numeracy. She is quick with basic
addition and subtraction facts and knows her doubles.
Social Responsibility: Student 18 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. She is a
friendly and considerate individual who is popular with her peers. Student 18 shares her ideas
confidently when working in groups often taking on a leadership role. She takes it upon herself
to help others and the teacher without being asked. She also has great work habits and listening

Student 19
Literacy: Student 19 is minimally meeting expectations for literacy He is able to independently
read books at his reading level for 15 minutes. He needs support getting his ideas on paper and is
encouraged to transfer more of his sight words and spelling works into his daily work.
Numeracy: Student 19 is meeting expectations in numeracy. He is able to rote count past 100
and he is able to add digits to a thousand.
Social Responsibility: Student 19 is fully meeting expectations in social responsibility. He is a
happy and polite student who enjoys socializing with his peers. He works independently, focuses
on his work an completes his tasks neatly.
Student 20
Literacy: Student 20 is exceeding expectations in reading. He loves to read and can read
literature above school level. He is minimally meeting expectations in writing. Student 20
struggles with fine motor skills so he gets frustrated easily with writing. A goal for him is to learn
how to type his work.
Numeracy: Student 20 is minimally meeting expectations in numeracy. He works well when he
has one-on-one support from a teacher or E.A.
Social Responsibility: Student 20 is not yet meeting expectations for social responsibility. He is
still developing his problem solving skills and struggles to communicate effectively with his
peers. Student 20 often reverts to kicking and hitting during unstructured play time. He often
needs adult support in resolving issues. He is working on entering the classroom calmly and
quietly. He enjoys hands-on activities and most days is happy to come to school.


Class Review
Student Teacher: Nicole Stevens
Class: Grade 2/3
Classroom Strengths: What are the strengths of the class? What are the positive things about this group
as a whole?
The class consists of 20 students, 9 boys and 11 girls. As a whole, the class has a good sense of community
and acceptance. They are moving toward working outside of their comfort zones so they will take more risks,
and are continuing to develop strong independent working skills. The students are very receptive and
supportive of one another and will go out of their way to assist other students and teachers in the classroom.
For the most part, the class is enthusiastic and willing to learn and they are not afraid to ask questions or ask
for help if they need it.
The students are good at following routines and well delivered instruction. Academically, this group is
strong in numeracy. They learn new mathematical concepts quickly and are willing to explore and challenge
themselves. All students participate fully in physical education and look forward to cooperative games and
gym time.
Classroom Needs: What are your concerns about the class as a whole? What do you wonder?
My concerns socially for this class are minimal because they are generally very accepting and helpful

toward one another. I do worry about how some students will fare in grade 3 and 4 where they will be expected
to read and write more. I would also like students to become more accountable and responsible for their
I wonder how to best spark students learning so the topics and skills learned in grade 2/3 will stay with them
over the summer. I wonder how to best challenge the students who are reading above grade level, while still
working closely with those who are below grade level and helping all students feel successful.
Goals: What are your main goals this year? (These goals may be based on the strengths and/or concerns,
or on an area of interest, or a new grade level or new curriculum. Each teacher may have three or four.)
My main goal this year is to foster students problem solving skills to help them address issues more
independently. Some students do not resolve problems that arise in the class or on the playground
appropriately. I have noticed that these students are working towards expected problem solving but some still
react before they think and rely largely on teacher intervention to solve their problems. I would like to address
this issue throughout class meetings and check-ins and provide students with role playing opportunities to
solve realistic cooperative play problems such as asking a friend to play.
Another goal I have is that I would like to assist students in self assessment strategies. I believe students
learn best when they are reflecting on their own work and making decisions on how they can improve, so by
creating opportunities to do this students can help themselves learn and improve their work.
My last goal is I would like my lessons to be dynamic and engaging. I have noticed that this group of
students learns best through hands-on, kinesthetic learning. Lessons can include using creative manipulatives,
going outside of the classroom, playing games and using technology.
Decisions: What decisions will you make based on the information gathered?
Based on the information gathered, I would like to focus on continuing to teach with the students interests in
mind and planning lessons that are appropriate not only for content, but in delivery as well. I realize that not
every lesson will be fun but students would have the opportunity to learn in the most engaging environment
available to them. I would also like to incorporate assessment for learning and assessment as learning into my
lessons. I would like to provide specific, positive feedback on students work and ask them relevant questions
so they may further their learning individually (assessment for learning). I also believe that having students
discuss and share the work they have completed is an excellent way to solidify learning and develop critical
thinking skills (assessment as learning).
I would also like to continue to acknowledge student success both individually and as an entire class. These
grade 2/3 students respond well to positive reinforcement. I feel that positive reinforcement is beneficial for
developing student confidence as well as a sense of teamwork within the class. I think it is very important to
recognize students when they make relevant connections that are applicable to their learning.



Individual Concerns
What are the individual needs in your classroom?
Student 4 is often sick and in and out of the hospital. No diagnosis has been
Student 20 is diagnosed with autism.
Student 3 is an English Language Learner (ELL). His first language is Indian.
Student 6 speaks African
Student 7 speaks German.




Student 10 is ELL. First language is Indian.

Student 12 speaks Korean at home.
Student 13 speaks Spanish.
Student 14 speaks Pilipino.
Student 16 is ELL. First language is Korean and she also speaks Spanish.
Student 19 speaks Czech and Slovak.
Student 20 has language delay and processing challenges

Student 7 is below grade level in literacy and numeracy.

Student 9 has difficulty taking risks and needs a lot of support and reassurance
during assignments
Student 10, 11 and 12 read well above grade level so they are in a literacy
group together.
Student 14 is below grade level in literacy.
Student 16 is below grade level in literacy and gives minimal output on most
written assignments.
Student 17 gives minimal output on assignments and struggles in most
curricular areas.
Student 20 is on an Individualized Education Plan to meet his learning needs.
He has multiple E.As.
Student 16s parents work a lot so she is often left alone with her older sister.
Student 15 has four siblings.
Student 20 has anxiety.
Student 2 sometimes shows signs of defiance.
Student 5 moved to Nanaimo in September. She is starting to settle.
Student 19s family is chronically late picking him up from school.
Student 14 moved to Randerson Ridge in September.
Students 20s father moved to Vancouver for work in February.




This assessment has helped me acknowledge each individual learning need in my

class and how I can plan accordingly to accommodate most of the learning needs at once.
This class is an exceptional one in that they follow routine and directions well and the
numeracy academic skill levels are, for the most part, high. Regardless of being a split
class, the class has a sense of community and work well together as a team and I believe

this is crucial to student learning. Students who are not yet up to grade level are willing to
ask for additional support from classmates or teachers and many are working toward
personal goals such as becoming a better listener or mastering their 4 times tables. I will
provide additional support and encouragement to students who are struggling in any
academic or social area.
The class has some individuals who are strong academically. The challenge for
me is to determine how I can extend the learning in the classroom to challenge those
students who need it, while keeping the learning meaningful and engaging for everyone. I
would like to have students use self-regulation skills to help themselves become more
independent learners.
Another important implication that I have drawn from this assessment is that this
class has a thirst for knowledge and they are enthusiastic about new topics and themes.
They enjoy stories, which will be built into all of my units, and they also really enjoy
scientific inquiry so I have decided to plan a unit on plant and seeds. The students will be
excited to examine seeds go through different stages while growing into plants. I learned
these students respond well to a balance between individual and group work and they
especially work well in center activities such as math stations, which I will keep in mind
while designing lessons.
Over the course of the year I have often to know each child and I know which
students work well together and which students do not. I will use this information when
creating groups so as to maximize the opportunity for all students to thrive and fell
comfortable and safe in their learning environment.
Finally, this assessment has given me the opportunity to sit down with each child
individually and give them the opportunity to show off what they know, which they all
seemed to enjoy. It has also given me the opportunity to visit with my sponsor teacher
and discuss each child thoroughly. I briefly learned what life may be like for these
children outside of school which I think is valuable information when building
professional teacher-student relationships. I watch and listen to the students closely so I
can empathize and try to see things from their point of view. Relationship-building plays
a significant part in students behaviour and school work.

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