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A Comparison Between Characteristics of Antinodes Within Resonance Patterns, and

The Frequency of the Source.

This experiment is designed to be an investigation of the frequency of a sources effect
upon the number of nodes and antinodes created within a standing wave. We tested this by
designing a chladni plate, which we vibrated at multiple frequencies and used to study the
characteristics of standing waves, nodes and antinodes, and resonance. The motivation behind
this experiment was to find a relation between two wave characteristics, resonance and wave
interference. In order to prepare for this ordeal, we investigated two things, standing waves, and
natural frequencies. We found that a standing wave is a specific type of wave interference that
allows for each point in the medium that is affected by the wave to be assigned a specific
amplitude and to oscillate at only that amplitude. With this said, the study we did on natural
frequencies granted us the knowledge that all matter has a specific frequency at which its
molecules naturally vibrate. These are the mediums natural frequencies. Through
experimentation in which we generated a frequency within the plate for 20 seconds, after which
we counted the number of distinct antinodes present, we found that if a standing wave pattern
is created within a medium, from a source with a frequency that is an integer multiple of the
mediums natural frequency, these resonance patterns become far far clearer and more defined
than those created from a non integer multiple of the mediums natural frequency.
This experiment was centered around an investigation of the effect of frequency of a
source on the anti-nodes created within a standing wave. A standing wave is a type of
interference within a medium where each individual point in the medium has a set amplitude,
and oscillates at only that amplitude. Within these specific types of interference different areas
have higher or lower amplitudes due to their position within the medium. Areas within this wave
that have very high amplitude and a lot of energy travels through are called antinodes, while
areas with low amplitude and energy are called nodes. In order to investigate this we built a
device called a Chladni plate. This is a plate that is attached to a rod, which in turn receives
vibrations from a speaker. This was used to create a standing wave at different frequencies
within the plate.
The question we tested in this project was how does the frequency of a source affect the
total number of antinodes within a standing wave? We hypothesized that if the effect of the
frequency of a source on the number and size of nodes existent in a standing wave is tested,
then it will be found that the number of nodes will increase, as the frequency of the source
increases, because of the fact that as the frequency increases, more crests, troughs, and
reflections there of, will create more areas of constructive and destructive interference in the
given area.
The materials we used in order to perform this experiment were one 8speaker, a
computer to generate frequency, an amplifier, sheet metal 16, plexiglass, Salt, 1-12" long 1/4"
threaded rod, 4 - 6" long 3/8" threaded rods, 2 - 1/4" nuts, 2 - 1/4", lock washers, 16 - 3/8" nuts,
8 - 3/8" lock washer, audio wire, and a tarp. We constructed the plate by first drilling a hole in
the center of the plate, then drilling 4- holes into the speakers frame and into the plexiglass

with accordance to these holes in the frame. We then drilled a hole into the center of the
plexiglass and inserted the rod into both the plate and this hole in the plexiglass, allowing for
full contact between the rod and speaker, and the rods into their appropriate holes, and
secured these in place with nuts of the appropriate size. after the physical assembly of the plate
was complete, the plate was connected with the amplifier, and through that, the computer. We
performed our test by first spreading cup of salt evenly over the plate. The plate was then
exposed to a certain frequency at a fixed volume for 20 seconds. After the plate was exposed
for 20 seconds, the frequency was turned off. The number of distinct antinodes present on the
plate was then counted and recorded. This experiment was repeated multiple times with
different frequencies.

From our tests, we gathered the data below, which yielded a very interesting bit of data.
It appears that contrary to our hypothesis, the higher frequencies did not yield more antinodes.

# of anti-nodes observations
very very large



medium amount
of movement, but
7 a lot of antinodes



Did not move very

much. very large



almost no

While this does disprove our hypothesis, it still leaves us with the question of what is the actual
correlation between frequency and number of antinodes? well after some deeper reflection and
research we came upon the answer. Each object has specific frequencies at which the medium
naturally vibrates. These frequencies are called an objects resonant frequencies. It appears that
when the frequency of the source matches an integer multiple of this resonant frequency it
creates many more nodes and antinodes, with much more clarity between the two. These
frequencies are denoted as clear or clean frequencies, as opposed to a non integer multiple
frequency being classified as a dirty or muddy tone. Clean tones in our plate, as suggested by
the data, include 300, and 200(figure 1, 2, and 3 ). Dirty tones include 150, and 400(figure 4).
This correlation explains the odd nodal patterns seen in the data, and why the data was
apparently random.

figure 1

figure 2

figure 3

figure 4

The overall results are not what we expected. We thought that our chladni plate would create
more defined patterns that were different in number according to the frequency of the source.
Instead the chladni plate created patterns that were not related to the frequency as we thought
they would be. Because of this our hypothesis, which was that If the effect of the frequency of a
source on the number of nodes existent in a standing wave is tested, then it will be found that
the number of nodes will increase, because of the fact that as the frequency increases, more
crests, troughs, and reflections there of, will create more areas of constructive and destructive
interference, was disproved. Through this disproving of our hypothesis, we realized that there
was much more to this than a mere correlation between a higher frequency and more nodal

patterns, but it instead was directly related to the natural frequencies of the plate. upon further
research we found that the frequencies that yielded higher nodal activity were frequencies that
were integer multiple, or close to integer multiples, of the natural frequency.
Our experiment was done in order to investigate if the frequency of a sources effect upon the
number of nodes and antinodes created within a standing wave. The expected results were that
if the effect of the frequency of a source on the number of nodes existent in a standing wave,
then it will be found that the number of nodes will increase, as the frequency of the source
increases. On our first test we found that at a frequency of 100 there was 5 anti nodes. We then
reset testing and at a frequency of 200 there were 7 anti nodes. At this point we assumed that
when the frequency went up the antinodes did as well, but then we got to a frequency of 400
and there was only 1 antinode. We then realized that our data was scattered and our hypothesis
was disproved. Our results might be because we do not have the best equipment to create a
chladni plate that gives a accurate data but our ending result was that when the frequency
changed there was no why of telling how many antinodes there would be.
The significance of this experiment is the odd relation found between the number and
distinctness if antinodes and the natural frequencies of the medium for the wave. This shows
that in architecture or other construction that must withstand outside forces, it should be built not
to withstand high or low frequencies, but to withstand frequencies that are close to integer
multiples of that structures natural frequency. Our hypothesis would have been closer to giving
conclusive data if we had more time to refine, and found a better way to build the chladni plate.
We built our chladni plate was for a high school project so we didn't have the funds or time to
create a well made chladni plate that would give us supremely accurate results. We did our best
with what materials and time we had. Possible experiments that we could do to further our
results would be to spend more time refining our chladni plate so that it had more accurate data.
My hypothesis is the same even though our data was inconclusive I believe if our chladni plate
was more refined it would reflect our hypothesis better.

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