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Christine Byrd

Inspiring teachers group
Cover Letter
I knew this was the perfect ad because it had so many meaningful things about teachers. I
knew that I could use everything it was saying to really analyze the ad. The comparison between
a teacher and a guiding hand really stood out and helped me express the purpose of the ad. I
enjoyed how it not only was trying to say thank you, but it was for this education program. They
werent just using the ad to pull people into the program, but to show appreciation and grab
peoples attention. They want people to know what it would feel like to be a teacher. It was a
little difficult to pull out the ethos and logos for this add. I noticed pathos when I visualized how
some kids are hit by their parents hands while teachers are applauding them with their hands.
This made me very sad because it is true.
For SLO C, I had to really read over the inspiring words over and over. I had to
understand what the purpose of it really was. The purpose wasnt just to say Happy Teachers
Day; it went further into what teachers do and why they even deserve a day of appreciation. For
prewriting, I completed a paper proposal. This prepared me for the major assignment because it
helped me expand on what I wanted to talk about. There were so many different points I wanted
to make and emphasize. I also took the feedback from my peers into consideration.
For SLO G, I had to take my opinions into consideration because some people wouldnt
agree with me. The words in the ad about the teachers were very powerful and I had to ask other
peoples opinions about teachers. I know all that teachers do and I believe it is hard work. Some
people may not agree, so I had to ask other people what they thought. My beliefs about teachers

arent the only belief there is. That is why I had to emphasize the words within the ad and use
them the back myself up.
I chose this ad because of the great comparison of the hand and the teachers and all of the
meaningful things said about teachers. It is important for teachers to know that they are
appreciated and this ad seems like it is directed at teachers from a student. The purpose for this
ad is to show the appreciation for teachers and all that they do

Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 3:57 PM

Comment [1]: I didnt see any areas youd
like me to look at specifically, so Ill give
general feedback. Everything else is here
For future assignments, please use the
format from the example on Learn.

To Inspire or Be Inspired: A Rhetorical Analysis of Teaching Ad.

The MC Education ad for teacher appreciation day is very inspiring. They compare
teachers to a guiding hand to highlight how much work teachers do. Teachers guide students
through their lives inside and outside of the classroom. They hope to lead students down the right

Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 3:58 PM

Comment [2]: This should be on a new page
with an essay header. Ive moved it down.
Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 3:58 PM
Comment [3]: I really like the title!
Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 3:58 PM
Comment [4]: Teacher Appreciation Day it
doesnt get put in quotes, but if it is a
holiday persay, it would be capitalized.

paths to make the right choices. The preparation for the future is very important and teachers
emphasize it.
Being a teacher goes much further than just making students learn certain things.
Teachers dont only teach students certain material, but they prepare them for their future lives.

Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 3:59 PM

Comment [5]: I feel like this paragraph
should be second or synthesized with the
second paragraph so that youre thesis is
more immediate and you can immediately
begin supporting it.

Most students look up to their teachers as role models. If teachers do their jobs and do them well,
students are very inspired to do their best. This ad for the Marshall Cavendish Education
program shows how teachers make an impact. The ad is stating wonderful things about teachers
and all that they do. It is directed at the teachers. It is showing the appreciation people have for
teachers. They guide students through their lives and it is a learning process. They hope that they
never choose the wrong path. The learning process continues in students every day lives.
There is a Teachers Day that honors the hard work that teachers do. In many countries,
Teachers Days are intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers. The day that

Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 4:00 PM

Comment [6]: This part is a bit choppy
because all the sentences are similar length,
so the flow gets a little weird.

Teachers day is celebrated on varies from country to country. In the United States it is
celebrated in the month of May during teacher appreciation week. It is the people giving thanks
to the teachers. At the top of the ad the Marshall Cavendish Team has a tag on what looks like
cans of chocolate. It is almost like a gift. The gift is for the teachers to say thanks. The bottom of
the ad has a big hand that has a lot of writing in it and the hand is what drew me to this ad. The

Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 4:01 PM

Comment [7]: Go super into detailcolors?
What does the font look like? Be super vivid!

writing in the hand states that A teacher is the invisible guiding hand which is a great visual
and attention grabber. The hand is very symbolic and the words inside of it are very meaningful.
Sometimes people need a helping hand when things are tough. Teachers are there for
students through almost every step of the way. People need help and teachers are there to give
advice and listen. Teachers teach many different lessons, but they also make sure that students
learn from their lessons. If students make mistakes, a teacher will not shun them, but make sure
they dont make the mistake again. The comparison between the guiding hand and the teacher is
very powerful. It goes much deeper than just someone standing in front of a room and giving out
lessons to students. It explains how important teachers are and why students look up to them and
listen to them. There are reasons why teachers do what they do and they want to make students
feel smart, important and be the most successful people they can be.
Teachers applaud students and make them feel good about themselves. I think this ad
used pathos by using the hand as an image and how it mentions, The hand is never raised in
anger, only in applause. This brings an image in my mind that some kids get home and never
get applaud, but get punished/hit every time they do something wrong. It breaks my heart.
Teachers focus more on the right doing than the wrong doing. It is important for students to
feel like their action matter. When a student feels important, they feel good about themselves and
they have the motivation to always feel like that.
This ad also appeals to ethos because it is from an education program and it has its logo
on the bottom of the ad. This makes the ad look credible. The people who created this ad
appealed to logos by making the main focus on the hand. The hand is the most important part of
this ad. The fact that teachers are a helping hand or guiding hand is inspiring. The reason why
the teachers are so important is because all that they do. All that teachers do is really appreciated.

Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 4:03 PM

Comment [8]: What is pathos/logos/ethos?
Be sure to explain these terms.

Some people dont realize all that teachers do and this ad really emphasizes how much of an
impact they have on students.
This ad is very important and inspiring because of the wonderful things said about
teachers. It appealed to pathos, ethos and logos. Pathos was an attention grabber because of the
guiding hand comparison. I know I have always wanted people to look up to me someday. I
would love to be a teacher. Being a teacher is not an easy job. It is very important because you
have such a huge role to guide the future generations. It goes much further than a classroom and
lessons and that inspires me. I would love if people realized all that teachers do more often.



Needs Work


Cover Letter (10)


Introduction (10)


1 0

Explanation of concepts (5)

Summary of text (5)

Ethos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Pathos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Logos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Conclusion (10)


Bonus awesome point (+1)

Total: 89/100

Sunny Diaz 2/8/2015 4:01 PM

Comment [9]: Theres a lot here about being
a teacher, but not all of it is tied back to the
ad itself. I really recommend you use this
MWA for the traditional revision for the
portfolio and expand more on the
ethos/pathos/logos sections, as well as the
description of the ad.

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