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Study of Instruction and Student Learning

EDU 655

9th Grade Biology, Period 5, Crete High School

Phil Thramer

May 1, 2015

Thramer 2

Student Demographic

The second semester freshman biology students in Period 5 at Crete
High School consisted of 21 total students. There was an abundance of
cultural diversity within this class of freshman, along with a broad range
of learning abilities displayed by these students. This class provided me
a great opportunity to structure instruction that varied in order to meet
the needs of each student. I really tried to stress collaborative learning
throughout this chapter. This chapter covered the Theory of Evolution,
which, at times can be controversially so proper class and small group
discussion needed to be facilitated by me.





21 Total Students

Class Composite



No SpeciSic

This graph represents that 5th

period has a vast number of
freshman students with only 2
sophomores. Considering this is a
freshman level course, the number
of sophomores is relatively average
for students who failed the course a
year ago. Cultural diversity is very
high in terms of Hispanic/Latino
students making up almost half of
the class population and also 1
Asian student. 13 males make up
that portion of the class while 8
females represent the other half
when broken down by gender.
The class composite chart displays
the number of students with special
education needs, English language
learning students and finally any
student who does not fit into either
category mentioned above. A large
portion of the class fits in the
category of not requiring any SPED
or ELL classifications.
Accommodations for the SPED
students are closely monitored
throughout class. The ELL student
is very driven and does a good job
of working with me when extra
assistance is needed.

The Unit:
Summary and Instructional Strategies

Thramer 3

For this self-study, I used the Evolution Unit within my 9th grade Biology class. This
unit will allow me to provide an in depth review of growth students have
experienced throughout the unit and also what instructional tools I can enhance in
order to make myself better. I followed state and district guidelines in order to
understand what material to cover with the students. Along with the help of my
cooperating teacher, Dawn Draeger, I designed the unit in a way that we deemed
best fit for students to grasp. This unit provided me with a challenge that I
embraced with open arms. The topic of Evolution can be controversial at times,
dealing with many moral and ethical controversies that may be different from
student to student. Opening the chapter, I had a broad discussion about the idea of a
theory in order to set the tone for the chapter. I wanted to express that the material
is not factual, but rather supported with research and data that supports the
viewpoints of past and present scientists. I wanted this unit to be very discussion
based, while still maintaining the integrity of each students values and interests.
Therefore, before implementing any instruction, we were adamant about everyone
respecting the thoughts and beliefs of others throughout the unit.

In order to gain an idea of what their understanding of the Evolutionary topic was, I
implemented an 8 question multiple-choice pre-test. Scores were calculated and
each question consisted of different ideas of the unit and the data suggested where
prior knowledge was stronger and weaker. This data will be expressed later within
this study. From the results of the test, I designed or borrowed ideas and activities
in order to effectively communicate the material for students who may struggle
without specific types of instruction. I included many collaborative learning
opportunities throughout the unit, which provided a great way for discussion to be
implemented. Both interactive web activities and hands-on learning labs were
executed in order to create a deeper understanding of the instructional objectives
throughout the chapter. Within the unit, I also wanted to include multiple examples
from many spectrums. Students seem to relate really well with animals and not
quite as well with plants. Evolution can be seen across many organisms, whether
basic or extravagant. In order to gain the attention of students, I wanted to use
examples of organisms that they would be more familiar with or organisms that
would be more visually appealing. By using these various techniques along with
formative and summative assessments for students throughout the unit, a level
mastery for the material was anticipated and served as the ultimate goal.

Thramer 4

Included Materials

Samples of student work covering areas of homework, in class discussion

topics and assessments

Figure 1: visual representation indicating the mastery level of 3 different
learning objectives within the unit

Figure 2: visual representation of the growth, as a class, according to the

content within the unit of Evolution

Grading Report of individual growth from pre-test to post-test throughout

the unit

Unit Objectives

Students will be able to:

12.3.4.a- identify different types of adaptations necessary for survival
(morphological, physiological, behavioral)

12.3.4b- recognize that the concept of biological evolution is a theory which
explains the consequence of the interactions of:

1.) species increasing their numbers

2.) genetic variability of offspring

3.) limitation of resources required for life
4.) selection by the environment; offsprings ability to survive and reproduce

12.3.4.c- explain how natural selection provides a scientific explanation of fossil
records and molecular similarities among very diverse species

12.3.4.d- apply the theory of evolution to explain diversity of life over time

The following pages include the lesson plans for the Unit of Evolution. Each lesson
plan is displayed in the Madeline Hunter format with an objective for each day.
Reflections at the bottom of each lesson plan for that day are provided in order to
understand how successful the lesson was and what instructional strategies need
enhanced. This unit covered 13 instructional days from March 16th to April 4th.

Thramer 5

Biology-Mr. Thramer

Powerpoint Notes 10.1
Fillin Note Packet 10.1-3
PowerNotes 10.1

Anticipatory Set (11): What is Evolution?

Picture of Ape Evolving as the figure of Evolution
Discussion of Theories and Opinions

Objective (1): Students will understand who the key contributing theorists behind
evolution are and also understand the geological reasoning behind evolution.

Instructional Input (15):
PowerPoint Notes of 10.1
4 Key contributors of evolution: Linnaeus, Buffon, E. Darwin, Lamarck
3 Geological Changes
o Catastrophism, Gradualism, Uniformitarianism

Models: Geological Changes represented in notes.

Checking for Understanding/Guided Practice (20):
Reading Groups (Heterogeneous) pgs. 280-283
Power Notes 10.1

Closure (3): Review of Power Notes 10.1

Discussion of theories vs. opinions provided a great transition into the idea of
evolution. That discussion took a little longer than expected, but that extra time was
valuable in setting the tone for the unit. Power notes 10.1 provided a good way to
formatively assess what was taken from our PowerPoint notes.

Adjust: Reading groups could have used a little less time. Discussion got a little off
topic so provide them with prompted questions.

Thramer 6

Biology-Mr. Thramer

Powerpoint Notes 10.2
Fillin Notes Packet 10.1-3
StudyGuide 10.2

Anticipatory Set (4): Introduction of Galapagos Island Studies

Objective (1): Students will understand that variation and adaptations are key
elements to the theory of evolution.

Instructional Input (20):
Powerpoint Notes 10.2
Variation: physical trait differential among organisms in the same group
o Morphological, Physiological, Behavioral

Models: Examples of specific organisms within notes.

Checking for Understanding/Independent Practice (20):
Independent Read 10.2 pgs. 284-285
Study Guide 10.2

Closure (5): Discussion of 3 types of adaptations not listed in the reading.

Morphological, Physiological and Behavioral adaptations were not listed in the
reading, but were a big part of our learning objectives set by the district and state.
Class discussion over these 3 adaptations was positive and time was well spent
because of the objective set to reach them.

Adjust: Since the independent read is something I am not a huge fan of because
some students rely more on a collaborative setting, allow for the independent read
to occur then group students up for Study guide 10.2. Do not do both individually.

Thramer 7

Biology-Mr. Thramer
Study Guide 10.2 KEY
Adaptations Video and Wksht
Formative Assessment Questions

Discussion and Correction of 10.2 SG (10)

Anticipatory Set (4): Discussion of certain Human adaptations during the 21st

Objective (1): Students will be exposed to examples of 3 adaption types and will gain
knowledge of how organisms develop these adaptations.

Instructional Input (20):
Adaptations Video (10)
Worksheet (collaboratively completed) to identify the types of adaptations for each
organism. (10)

Models (within video)

Checking for Understanding (10): Discussion of 3 different types of adaptations
presented in the video

Closure (5): Formative Assessment, Plickers (iDevice APP) of 10.1 and 10.2

Adaptations video/activity was a big success! 8-10 examples were shown within
the video and students had to become their own advocate to what adaptation
was presented for a certain organism. Group work was then accomplished
(homogenously) to complete the worksheet of identifications.

Adjust: Allow more time to discuss as a class the adaptations that were present
in the video, additional 5-10 minutes could have been used, discussion was very
positive before having to transition into closure.

Thramer 8

Biology-Mr. Thramer
Homework Quiz 10.1/2
Pocket Mouse Video

Summative Assessment: HW Quiz 10.1/2

Anticipatory Set (4): Collaborative Review of sections 1 and 2
Objective (1): Students will understand how a specific organism (pocket mouse)
adapts to the environment that they live within.

Instructional Input (20):
Pocket Mouse Video, mice and their ability to survive considering their adaptations
After video is completed, Homogenous groupings for an essay of video

Checking for Understanding (10): Review essay of pocket mouse video
Prompt asking what about the mice changed/adapted
What types of organisms also act this way
What would happen if no adaptations occurred

Closure (5): Group review and critiques of essay of Pocket Mouse video

Students seemed well prepared for the summative assessment of information
within 10.1/2. Pocket mouse video was also a success. Students were able to
take notes and then put together a formal essay discussing what was observed
based off of material that we had discussed.

Adjust: The last 5 minutes for the group critique is a good idea, but I need to
explain what they should be critiquing more vividly. Create a prompt of what to
look for, include the following:
Inaccurate observations
List of ideas they hadnt thought of before reading this essay
Ideas to give to that group of what to look for in the next video

Thramer 9

Biology-Mr. Thramer
PowerPoint 10.3
Fillin Notes 10.3-10.5

Anticipatory Set (4): Darwins Theory of Natural Selection, Believe or Not?
Objective (1): Students will understand Darwins theory of natural selection to
explain the mechanisms of evolution.

Instructional Input (25):
Powerpoint Notes 10.3
Artificial vs Natural Selection
4 Main Principles: variation, over production, adaptation, descent with

Models (5): Jaguar Model, pg. 289

Checking for Understanding (10): Natural Selection Article Review with prompted

Closure (5): Article review Discussion

Overproduction and descent with modification seem to be the most difficult of
the principles of natural selection to understand. Variation and adaptions were
discussed in the previous chapter so they picked up on them very well.

Spend more time modeling the jaguar principle on pg. 289. Found myself
rushing through this, and it seems to be a good way of explaining the two ways
for principles of natural selection more in depth. Add 5-10 minutes for this

Thramer 10

Biology-Mr. Thramer
Reading Groups 10.3
Study Guide 10.3
Formative Assessment Questions

Anticipatory Set (4): Review Article question discussion

Objective (1): Students will focus on the 4 principles of the Natural Selection
process, expanding on their idea of variation and adaptation.

Instructional Input (5): Explanation/Reiteration of natural selection as a theory to
support the theory of evolution

Checking for Understanding/Independent Practice (30):
Reading Groups (heterogeneous) 10.3, pgs. 286-291
Study Guide 10.3

Closure (10): Formative Assessment Questions
4 principles of NS
Changing Environments

Reading groups have again provided a good way to discuss key objectives within
section 3. This time, instead of independent read, we went with group reading then
independent work on the StudyGuide 10.3.
Input of the discussion on theory lasted longer than expected (10 mins), but proved
to be okay. I think it is important to reiterate these ideas once again so everyone is
valuing opinions of others.

Formative assessment questions were heavy on the 4 principles of NS, need to
incorporate a few more questions concerning fitness and changing environments.

Thramer 11

Biology-Mr. Thramer
Study Guide 10.3 KEY
Bean Hunter Lab Packet
Bean Prep for Stations
PP for Graph Data

Discussion of SG 10.3 (5)

Anticipatory Set (4): What adaptations do we have as humans, what about fake

Objective (1): Students will understand, first hand, how dealing with an adaptation
can cause certain species to thrive and others to die out.

Instructional Input (5): Logistics and procedures of the Lab

Models (20): Collaborative Lab Work, execution of Bean Hunters lab

Checking for Understanding (5): Review of Data Collection, making sure it is

Independent Practice (9): Lab Questions completed, Graph construction to begin

Closure (1):Due date for Bean Hunters Lab

The combination of discussing StudyGuide 10.3 and looking at the data from the
formative assessment provided a solid idea of how far along we are up through
section 3. Both resources proved to show that mastery level was average on these
topics. Spent additional 5 minutes reviewing the 4 principles of Natural Selection
after opening discussion.

Better procedure discussion before we execute the lab and also reminders of the
procedures once we get into the lab. Students were very eager to begin and may
have missed some of the instruction, so reviewing the procedure while at the lab
tables needs to happen next time.

Thramer 12

Biology-Mr. Thramer
Gizmo: Natural Selection

Anticipatory Set (9): Review article of Peppered Moth for background information
of the Gizmo

Objective (1): Students will understand how the Peppered Moths adaptation during
the industrial revolution gives evidence to support Natural Selection

Independent Practice (35): Gizmo: Natural Selection
Implementing the manipulation of the Peppered moth in differing

Checking for Understanding (4): Formative Assessment Quiz at the end of the Gizmo

Closure (1): Discussion of Due Dates for Bean Hunters Lab and Gizmo

Review of the Peppered Moth article was poor. Allowed students to read it
themselves and then we were going to discuss it. However, I think grouping them
for the quick read of the 3 paragraphs would have been more advantageous.
Gizmos were executed fairly, but I think with a better understanding from the
preliminary article, achievement and understand could have been higher.

Time for Gizmo was not quite enough due to some technical difficulties, work time
in class will be allowed tomorrow.

Thramer 13

Biology-Mr. Thramer
HW Quiz 10.3
Prepared Graphs w/ Questions

Anticipatory Set (4): Review of Independent and Dependent Variables
Objective (1): Students will understand the technique used to comprehend graphs
that are used to support Natural Selection.

Instructional Input (15):
Prepared Graph discussing various organisms survival rates of time

Independent Practice (20):
Prepared graphs with questioning to deepen the understanding of data
that supports evolution

Checking for Understanding (9):
Discussion of Graph #2 on Worksheet

Closure (1): Last reminder of Due Dates for Labs

Lesson plan listed above was not executed. Additional time for the Gizmo was needs
(25 mins). Students completed Gizmo at various paces. Students done early were
recommended to read over chapter 10.4 to prepare for our next lesson.
Upon completion of everyones Gizmo, discuss of the activity occurred in a
classroom setting. Also, review of our formative assessment at the end of the Gizmo

Schedule 10-15 minutes more for the Gizmo from the previous day. This may only
allow time for 1 of the graph example activities to occur from the lesson above.

Thramer 14

Biology-Mr. Thramer
PowerPoint 10.4/5
StudyGuide 10.4

Anticipatory Set (4): How fossils play a role in evolutionary support
Objective (1): Students will understand how the anatomy of organisms provides
support to the theory of evolution.

Instructional Input (20):
PowerPoint 10.4/5
Fossils, Geography, Embryology, Anatomy: Further Evidence
Genetics providing future evidence

Checking for Understanding/Independent Practice (20):
Studyguide 10.4 Completion and Discussion

Closure (5): Review of Chapter 10s key points, where we have been to where we
are now
Discussion of Studyguide 10.4 served as a good way to formatively assess the
section before our review day tomorrow. Also, spending a little time reviewing the
entire chapter allowed me to prepare our review game properly.

Spend more time discussing section 10.5. Not going to be thoroughly tested over,
however the information will add to the depth of knowledge for the other objectives
discussed in past sections.

Thramer 15

Biology-Mr. Thramer
LESSON #: 11
Interactive Evolution Website
Formative Questions
Review Packet

Anticipatory Set (4): Formative Assessment of 10.4/5
Objective (1): Students will use interactive website in order to manipulate an
environment to keep a population alive, given adaptations.

Instructional Input (4): Instructions and Procedures of the Website

Models (25): Interactive Evolution Website

Independent Practice (15): CH. 10 Review Packet

Closure (1): Discussion of Test preparation

Chapter review sheet allowed students to place different concepts in tables and
they seemed to appreciate the visual aid I created to place all the information in
the correct place.

For the interactive website, I need to incorporate objectives or a prompt in order
to direct the students in the right direction. The activity was productive, but it
was a little unorganized at times. By providing more instruction to the activity
they would have gained more out of it.

Thramer 16

Biology-Mr. Thramer
Jeopardy Review Game

Instructional Input (10): Discussion of any topics that may still be difficult for
students to understand

Independent Practice (39): Jeopardy Review Game/Quizlet
Closure (1): Importance of Test Preparation

Jeopardy review game was great! A positive experience for each of the students.
They remained very engaged and took a lot from the game with enthusiasm.

Group partners up for this game more homogenously instead of random.
Transition for final Jeopardy question was off, fix this.


Biology-Mr. Thramer
LESSON #: 13
CH. 10 Test
Ecology Crossword

-Implement CH. 10 Test

-Upon completion, work on Ecology crossword

Discuss the expectation of the essay answer involving the graph for #26. Also,
reiterate what is expected for the short answer questions on the third page.

Thramer 17

The following is a representation of the grading scale used at Crete High School.
Grades may be referred to at times throughout the study, so use this as a guide.
Mastery Level
Grade Representation
Percentage Scale
Above Average
Below Average
69 or below

Figure 1

Structures, Principles of Natural Selection and

Adaptations, Average Points Earned

Points Earned out of 4





Principles of NS







Figure 1 displays the class average for three different unit objectives set up in unit
10. The objectives of structures providing evidence to the theory of evolution was
met at the highest mastery level. This objective received an above average score or
B level on the grading scale. Adaptations was met at an above average score as well,
but a lower B level while principles of natural selection represented an average
score falling in the C level.

Thramer 18

Figure 2

PreTest/PostTest Averages

Points Earned out of 8






Figure 2 represents the growth that was experienced by the entire class during the
Evolution unit. Average points earned out of 8 were collected for both the pre and
post-test, which is represented by 4.7 points and 7.04 points respectively. Pre-test
average was at a failing level F, while post test average met an average B level. This
data also suggests a 29.25% increase in knowledge throughout the duration of the
unit. Questions on the pre-test reached out to various objectives discussed within
the unit and those same questions were reassessed on the post test, among
numerous other multiple choice, short answer and essay questions.

Table 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21




25 13 50 13 26 12 12 38 38 13












Table 1 represents the percent growth for each individual within the 5th period
Biology class. Range in growth appears to exist between 75% and 12%. As
mentioned within graph 2, overall class growth was just under 30%.

Thramer 19

Final Analysis: Instructional Efforts, Impact on Student Learning,

Personal Growth and Instructional Understanding

This evolution unit proved to be a positive experience for both the students
and myself. We had just finished up 3 chapters discussing the cell and genetics so
the students were definitely ready for a change in content. As mentioned before,
the topic of Evolution can be a controversial topic in some individuals minds and
their needs to be a certain level of sensitivity administered when teaching a topic
like this. Students showed a high level of interest across the board and this was
very evident on the first day when we began to discuss the difference between a
theory and a basic opinion. From that point forward, the enthusiasm for the topic
was primarily maintained throughout the unit.

Grades for each student are not included within the study due to not being
able to pull out just this unit of grades considering this instructional period took
place in the middle of the semester. However, Table 1 provides growth, on an
individual basis. according to pre-test and post-test performance. Also, I was able to
collect cumulative semester grades for each student before the unit of Evolution to
see the success students were experiencing. 8 students were at an advanced A level
while 9 students were at an above average B level. 2 students were experiencing an
average performance C grade and 2 students were at a below average D level. Class
average for the Evolution Unit test was 89% or a B level. This was 3 -4 percentage
points higher than what has usually been seen throughout the year on our unit or
chapter tests.

Discussion from students was the main form of feedback that I received from
them. Labs have always been an area that students enjoy since they are able to use
their hands in order to grasp the concepts. A survey at the end of 1st semester
provided me with the insight that students want to see more lab friendly activities
throughout the semester and executing the bean hunter lab within the Evolution
Unit proved to be very effective. Formative assessments were also a great way to
allow me to see what level of understanding was taking place. Studyguides
worksheets, video activities and power notes were either taken as a completion
grade or not graded at all and used to formatively assess the students. The Plickers
APP that I used 2 to 3 times throughout the unit was a great way to not only assess
the content of the unit, but also their comfort ability level within the class during the
unit. As mentioned, I wanted to know how students were responding to a more
controversial topic and checking on that throughout the chapter via questioning
with this APP provided an efficient way to do so. The Gizmo assessment was also a
reliable resource of providing feedback and recognizing their growth at that point in
the chapter. The bean hunter lab provided a great summative assessment dealing
with the manipulation of adaptations, and also graph construction and analysis at
the end of the lab. Scores on this assessment were fairly strong for the majority of
the class. Students that seemed to struggle were ones that have a difficult time
analyzing information in picture or graph form. Finally, both section quizzes 1 and 3
were taken in summative form. I was mostly satisfied with the performance on both
of these. Scores were just above the average C level across the entire class for both

Thramer 20

Collaborative learning is a strategy that I implemented quite often
throughout the unit. Looking back, this is an area that I need to focus on more as a
way for students to become resources for each other while using this strategy. At
times, I felt as if I would position groups in more of a homogeneous layout instead of
a heterogeneous layout. I think that this homogenous type of grouping may have
hindered some growth due to a lack of comfort ability to communicate within
certain groups. Also, the depth of knowledge that was being communicated seemed
to be low in certain groups compared to others. While both group types have their
positives, I believe that grouping students together with a broader range of
academic ability will allow them to use each other and communicate the information
more successfully. The concept of adaptations was an area that seemed to be met
with a solid, consistent mastery level. The reason for this is because of the Bean
Hunter lab we were able to perform collaboratively using a hands on approach. I
feel that any targeted area needs to be met with such an approach in order for
students to fully grasp the concept. The data supports this because the principles of
natural selection objective was not reached to that high of a level. After looking
back to lesson plans, there was not an activity that exposed the students to the
hands approach that I discussed. Moving forward, I will use this data to emphasize
those types of activities more prominently in order to enhance their levels of
learning. In all, I felt that the Evolution unit was a success, but as always I need to
emphasize the areas mentioned in order to improve myself. Evidence was provided
that displayed growth throughout the unit and I want to continue to encourage and
promote that growth in units to come.

Adaptations Activity Worksheet

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Page 1 of Chapter Review Sheet

Thramer 22

Page 2 of Chapter Review Sheet

Thramer 23

Bean Hunter Lab Graph

Thramer 24

Evolution PreTest

Thramer 25

Quiz 10.3

Thramer 26

Page 1 of Evolution Unit Test

Thramer 27

Page 2 of Evolution Unit Test

Thramer 28

Page 3 of Evolution Unit Test

Thramer 29

Page 4 of Evolution Unit Test

Thramer 30

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