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Ch 10

Human impacts on terrestrial biodiversity

In the US at least 95% of the virgin forest has been logged for lumber and make
room for agriculture, housing, anD industry
Intrinsic value: is a value where ethics is put into thought
Instrumental value: is where there is a economic or ecological service that is
helpful to humans
Managing and Sustaining Forests
Forces at least 10% recover occupy about 30 percent of the Earth's land surface
there are three main types of forest
the old growth forests are uncut or regenerated forest that has not been
seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for at least several hundred
second growth forest or stand of trees resulting from natural secondary
ecological succession
a tree farm is a managed tracked with uniformly aged trees of one or two
genetically uniform species that are harvested by clear cutting and as soon as they
become commercially valuable
63 percent of the world's forests are secondary growth forest 22% or old growth
forest and 5% are tree plantations
8000 years of human activities have reduced the Earth's original forest cover by
as much as 50%
it is estimated that the world's forests are being cleared or degrade exponentially
at the rate of .3-.8% per year
there are many message in which to harvest trees
one is selectively cutting where intermediate aged more mature trees in an
uneven aged forest or cut this reduces crowding removes diseased trees and
encourages growth of younger trees
the US National Forest System has helped to make sure that there is more wood
grown in the United States - cut each year
be healthy forests Restoration Act exit so timber companies are allowed to cut
economically valuable trees increases the chance of severe forest fires for two reasons
by removing the most fire-resistant trees the ones that are valuable to timber companies
this encourages dense growth of highly flammable young trees and when the trees
leaves behind leaves those are also very flammable and can cause forest fires
Managing and Sustaining Grasslands
Rangelands are unfenced grasslands in temperate and tropical climates
pastures are managed managed grasslands or enclosed Meadows usual
implanted with domesticated grass is our other forage
sometimes there are issues with over grazing and under grazing in grasslands
but this is combated with methods such as rotational grazing

This diagram shows the connections between human activities and Earths biodiversity.

Ch 12
Aquatic Biodiversity and Human Impacts
The greatest marine biodiversity occurs in coral reefs, estuary, and the deep
ocean floor
biodiversity is higher in the coast then in the open ocean because of the greater
variety of producers and habitats in coastal areas
biodiversity is higher in the bottom of the ocean than in the surface region
because of the greater variety of habitats and food sources on the ocean bottom
estimate of the value of aquatic biodiversity in ecological services is 21 trillion
dollars a year at least 3.5 billion people dependencies for their primary source of food
freshwater systems which occupy only 1 percent of the Earth's surface also
provide important technological an economic services there is a logical services are
estimated as 1.7 trillion dollars a year
Approximately 20% of the world's diverse coral reefs have been destroyed and
another 20% have been damaged by human activities
up to 58% of the world's coral reefs may be severely damaged or destroyed by
the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem assessment estimated that since 1989 we have
removed more than a third of the worlds ecologically important mangrove forests
more than half of the world's coastal with one's which service Key nurseries for
commercially important fish and shellfish have disappeared primarily the victims of
human development
another problem is the deliberate or accidental introduction of hundreds of
harmful invasive species into coastal wetlands and waters in Lake
throughout the world many of these invaders arrived in the ballast water stored in
tanks in large cargo ships to keep them stable
the Asian Swamp eel has invaded the waterways South Florida probably from
the dumping of a home aquarium these eels eat almost anything including many prized
fish species i sucking on them like a vacuum cleaner
80% depletion of a target fish species can be made by modern industrial fishing
and can be done in an end only 10 to 15 years
it is estimated that 90 percent of the large open ocean fish such as tuna
swordfish and marlin have disappeared since 1950
marine and freshwater fish are threatened with extinction by human activities
more than any other group or species
it is difficult to protect aquatic biodiversity because the human chological
footprint is expanding so rapidly that aquatic areas are being moved into and it is difficult
to monitor the impacts
much of the damage to oceans is not visible to most people
many people incorrectly view the ocean as in an inexhaustible resource that can
absorb an infinite amount of waste and pollution
protecting and sustaining marine biodiversity
the 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species the 1979
global treaty on migratory species the US Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 the US

Endangered Species Act of 1973 see you as well conservation and Protection Act of
1976 and then 1995 International Convention on Biological Diversity

This diagram shows the different types of industrial farming that occurs on the open seas. The
spotlight beside it also lists the environmental harm each method causes.
Ch 13
Food Security and Nutrition
The root cause of hunger and malnutrition is poverty prevents poor people from
growing or buying enough food
food security means that every person in a given area has daily access to
enough nutritious food to have an active and healthy life
people who cannot grow or buy enough food to meet their basic energy needs
suffer from chronic undernutrition or hunger
malnutrition results from deficiencies of protein calories and other key nutrients
the average daily food intake and calories per person in the world and in
developing countries rose sharply between 1961 and 2000 is projected to continue rising
throughout 2030 the estimated number of clinically undernourished or malnourished
people from from 918 million in 1972 852 million in 2005
despite such progress one of every six people in developing countries is
chronically undernourished or malnourished
famine occurs when there is a severe shortage of food in an area accompanied
by mass starvation many deaths economic chaos and social disruption
Phamine are usually caused by crop failures from drought flooding war another
catastrophic events
two-thirds of nutrition related childhood death could be prevented an average
annual cost of 5 to 10 dollars per child with the following measures: immunizing children
against childhood diseases, encouraging breastfeeding, preventing dehydration from
diarrhea, preventing blindness by giving children of vitamin capsule twice a year at a
cost of 75 cents per child, providing family planning services, increasing education for
women with an emphasis on nutrition drinking water sterilization contraception and child
food production rangelands and pastures produced meet mostly from grazing
livestock and supply about 60 percent of the world's food using about 29 percent of the
world's land area
just three types of grain crops including wheat, rice, and corn provide more than
half of the calories people consume two thirds of the world's people survive primarily on
those three
industrialized agriculture for high input agriculture uses large amounts of fossil
fuel energy water commercial fertilizers and pesticides to reduce single crops and
livestock animals for sale this is practiced on one fourth of all Crossland plantation
agriculture is a form of industrialized agriculture used primarily and tropical developing
traditional subsistence agriculture news is mostly human labor and draft animals
to reduce only enough crops or livestock for farm family survival traditional intensive
agriculture is where farmers increasing and puts of human and animal labor fertilizer and
water to obtain a higher yield for area of cultivated land they produced enough food to
feed their families and to sell

enter planting is a practice for many crops are being grown on the same plot
simultaneously intercropping is where two or more different crops are grown at the same
time I like Wat holy Coulter is where many different plants are planted together solo
version and degradation
soil erosion is the movement of soil components especially surface litter and
topsoil from one place to another by action of wind or water
she Dosen occurs when surface water or wind peel off fairly thin sheets or layers
of soil real over ocean currents and fast flowing little rivulets of surface water make small
channels in the soil goal erosion occurs when reveal its a fast flowing water join together
to cut wider and deeper dishes are goalies
soil erosion has two major harmful effects: loss of soil fertility through depletion of
plant nutrients, water pollution in nearby surface water is promoted so I'll and stuff as

This diagram shows the distribution of different agricultural methods being used all over the
Ch 14
Waters importance availability and renewal
Water is one of our most poorly managed resources water is a global health
issue because lack of water and unsafe water and sanitation is the world's single largest
cause of illness
only about. 0 to 4 percent of the world's water is available to us as liquid
freshwater and accessible
groundwater deposits and in lakes, rivers, and streams the hydrologic cycle is a
solar powered movement of water between sea air and land this air place the bowl part
of the Earth's natural capital supports to rest your life provides us with an array of goods
and services that connects the world's rivers lakes and aquifers live forest grasslands
and other terrestrial systems
zone of saturation or spaces completely filled with water the top of the zone is the
water table aquifers are underground caverns and porous layers of sand gravel or
bedrock to which groundwater flows
a third of reliable runoff is the amount of surface runoff so we can generally count
on as a stable source of fresh water from year to year
Withdrawing groundwater to increase supplies
about 70% of the water we withdraw from rivers lakes and aquifers is not return
to the sources non consumptive use of water does not remove or only temporarily
removes water from an aquifer or body of surface water
it takes about 400,000 liters of water to produce an automobile you can save
more water by reducing your animal consumption of grain fed beef buy one kilogram
them by not taking a daily shower for almost 2 years
more than two thirds of the world's households live in hydrological poverty and
have to fetch water from outside their homes
farmers cities and car owners are increasingly competing for access the world
screen and water supplies which in turn can degrade some of the natural capital that
Health provide these resources
strategies to be more sustainable include reducing the massive amounts of
water we waste and work with not against the natural hydraulic cycle that keeps us alive
and supports our economies withdrawing groundwater to increase supplies the
widespread drilling of inexpensive to Wolfe by
small farmers especially in Asia has accelerated aquifer overpumping as water
off the first is removed faster than it is renewed water tables fall and the process
withdrawing large amounts of water sometimes allowed to stand and walk and
offers to collapse this causes the land about the offer to subside or sink a phenomenon
known as land subsidence sinkholes which can appear suddenly and unexpectedly or
another kind of lab land subsidence
using dams and reservoirs to supply more water
large dams and reservoirs have benefits and drawbacks your main purpose are
to capture and store runoff and release it as needed to control floods

the engineering approach to river management is displaced between 40 to 80

million people from their homes in flooded an area of mostly productive land to roughly
equal to the area of the US state of California
this river management often in pairs some of the important ecological services
rivers provide because of evaporation and seepage into pores rock beds the res was
behind some dams lose more water than they provide to downstream areas
using water more sustainably we can use water more sustainably by either:
expanding and improving my aunt and monitoring river flows around water levels
aquaphor side is why should Health on a global basis, overhaul water policy to protect
forests wetlands mountain glaciers watersheds and other natural ecosystems, regulate
withdrawals to event depletion of renewable officer is miso the rate of the uses
nonrenewable off the first, leave enough water in rivers to protect wildlife, remove
government subsidies that cause water to be under priced in the US wasted, switch to
waste treatment system that accepts only non toxic waste use less water or know why
the freeways return nutrients in plant and animal ways to the soil and mimics the ways
that natural decomposes and recycled organic waste

This diagram shows the natural groundwater system that the Earth has and how it participates
in the water cycle.

Ch 15
Geological Process
Convection cells or current with large volumes of rock and heat in loops within
the mantle like a giant conveyor belt.
Huge rigid plates called tectonic plates move extremely slowly the Earth's
surface as they float on underlying CEO of Magma or molten rock.
convergent plate boundaries occur when internal forces push to play together.
a divergent plate boundary is weighing oceanic plates move apart from one
another and molten rock close up the resulting cracks this creates oceanic ridges.
the third type of boundary is a transform fault where plates slide and grind past
one another along a fracture in the lithosphere.
A major external process is weathering the physical chemical or biological
processes that break down rocks and minerals into smaller particles that can help build
the soil.
One type is physical or mechanical weathering a second type is chemical
weathering a third type is biological weathering and which rocks are broken up in the
action of living things that's it.
Minerals rocks and the rock cycle.
Amen no resource is a concentration of naturally occurring material in or on the
Earth's crust that can be extracted and processed into useful materials in an inexpensive
Minerals can be classified as: identified resources, undiscovered resources,
reserves, or other resources.
Massive exports can deplete the supply of a country is non-renewable minerals
this happened in South Korea in the 19 fifties where they exported large amounts of
there iron and copper was exported but now they have to actually import all their iron
and copper because they sold too much.
Rock is a solid combination of one or more minerals as a part of the Earth's crust.
Igneous rocks form below or on The earths surface when molten rock wells up
from the earths upper mantle or deep crest cools and hardens.
Sedimentary rocks form from sediment produced when existing rocks are
weathered in a welded into small pieces then transported by water wind or gravity to
downstream downwind or does.
Metamorphic rock forms when a pre-existing rock is subjected to high
temperatures high pressures chemically active fluids or combination of these agents.
The rock cycle is the interaction of physical and chemical processes that
changes rock from one type to another.
environmental effects of using mineral resources.
So deposits are moved by surface mining and deep deposits are moved by
subsurface mining.
Stripmining Izzys when I canonical for extracting Minogue deposit someone close
to the earth surface and large horizontal beds.

Open pit mining is our machines day Kohls and move or is area stripmining
maybe used where the terrain is really flat gigantic earthmover steps away the overba
giant power shovel Tears it up.
Contor stripmining is used on Hillier mountainous terrain eight Marshall cut the
series of terraces is the side of Hill. Mountaintop removal is another type of surface
mining explosives and huge machinery call draglines remove the top of the mountain top
and expose staying scenes of coal underneath.
What impact is scarring instruction of the land surface another problem is
collapse of land above underground mines subsidence up since because houses to tilt
cracks your lines break gas mains and disrupt ground water systems.
Using mineral resources more sustainably.
Strikes on for many advantages over conventional metals they are harder
stronger later and longer-lasting then many metals and they can withstand intense heat
and do not corrode.
Nanotechnology may also lead to the development of materials I can serve as
substitutes for various metals.

This is a diagram of the Earths layers and its many different components including the crust,
the mantle, and many layers that go down all the way to the core.

Ch 16
Types of energy resources
about 82% of the commercial energy consumed in the world comes from
nonrenewable energy resources.
Net energy is a usable amount of high-quality energy available from a given
quantity of an energy resource.
Energies like your net spendable income your wages minus taxes and W
Petroleum is a thick and gooey liquid consisting of hundreds of combustible
hydrocarbons along with moments of vision Oxygen and nitrogen impurities.
After is extracted crude oil is transferred to a refinery there is heated and distilled
separated into compliance with different boiling points a complex chemistry and ending
in marble.
However there are many problems with this finding eases its net energy yield
And petroleum refining cancer about a percent of all US energy consumption.
Petrochemicals are some of the politics of the solution and are used as raw
materials in industrial organic chemicals such as pesticides plastics synthetic fibers paint
medicines and many othe.
Well reserves are Identify deposits from which crude oil can be extracted
profitably a current prices.
A serious problem is that burning oil or any carbon containing also feel releases
CO2 into the troposphere in this can help fill out climate change from global warming.
Oil sand or tar sand is a mixture of clay sand water and combustible organic
material called you to men. Is mixed with hot water and seem to extract the Beutman it is
heated and huge cookers and converted to a low sulfur synthetic crude oil suitable for
Natural gas.
Liquefied petroleum gas is when I natural gas field is tapped propane and butane
gas is a liquefied and removed.
LPG is stored in Pat pressurized tanks for use mostly and roll areas not served
by natural gas pipe ends.
And I'm conventional source of natural gas is methane hydrate methane draft an
icy cage like structures molecules.
Geologist projects that conventional in nonconventional supplies of natural gas
should last the world at least.
Cool is a solid fossil feel that is formed in several stages of the buried her means
of land plants that live 300 to 400,000,000 years ago they are subjected to intense heat
and pressure. Kohls worlds most abundant fossil fuel.
The United States has 27% of the worlds proven call reabama.
Nuclear energy.
You fear fusion is a nuclear change in which to isotopes of light elements such as
hydrogen our first together an extremely high temperatures until he fusiform a heavier
nucleus releasing energy to the in the process with nuclear fusion there would be no risk
of meltdown early so if I don't materials from the terrace attack and little risk from

additional proliferation of and their weapons because materials are not required for

This is a diagram of a nuclear reactor, showing how the nuclear energy is utilized and the
machinery that keeps the reactor working and safe.
Ch 17
Reducing energy waste and improving energy efficiency
Energy conservation involves reducing or eliminating the unnecessary waste of
83% of all commercial energy use it United States is wasted. One way to reduce
unnecessary energy waste is temperature the energy efficiency of devices Beijing was
energy to accomplish a particular task.
Most energy analysis reducing energy waste is the quickest and cheapest and
cleanest way to provide Marelli do solution environment decoration and spoke about
Forwardly use devices of waist large amounts of energy include incandescent
lightbulbs, motor vehicles, nuclear power plants, color burning car plants.
Waste improve energy efficiency.
CHP is a system that uses and saves energy through two forms of energy that
are produced from the same feel source.
Gasoline costs US consume as much more than the price they pay at the pump.
Hidden costs include government subsidies and tax breaks for oil companies and
will builders pollution control and clean up.
A second reason for low fuel efficiency is that over half of US consumers on
SUVs pick up trucks minivans another large and efficient vehicles.
Third reason is that the government has not provided by us with a large enough
tax breaks rebates and low interest long-term lunch encourage them to buy more fuelefficient vehicles.
Super efficient and alter like cars that can eventually get 34 to 128 km per liter at
posed in 1991 .
He houses my fictionally by having superinsulation a geothermal heat pump or
passive solar heating. He water more fish only by using a tankless and some water
Use energy-efficient appliances like a refrigerator that uses only one eighth of
this month as electricity as those sold a decade ago.
Use energy-efficient lighting like using a compact fluorescent bulbs instead of an
incandescent lightbulb.
Using renewable solar energy to provide heat and electricity
One of natures for principles of sustainability is to rely mostly on the noble solar
solar energy.
Energy could provide 20% of the worlds electricity by 2020 and 50% by 2057
purging developments in renewable energy include: your opinion unions aim to get 20%
of its electricity from nova energy for 2010, costa Rica get a 92% was energy from a
noble sources, and 2004 California got about 12% of its electricity from renewable
resources, Brazil gets 40% it's automotive feel from an energy-efficient duction of
ethanol from sugarcane residue good phaseout is he's gasoline within a decade.

This is a diagram showing the many types of biomass and where each originate and are able to
be turned into fuel.
Ch 18

Risks and Hazards

Risk is the possibility of suffering harm from 100 that can cause injury
disease death economic wants or environmental damage.
Risk is usually assessed in terms of probability.
A risk assessment is the scientific process of estimating how much harm a
particular hazard can cause to human health or the environment.
Risk management involves deciding whether how to reduce a particular risk.
biological hazards for more than 1400 pathogens that can affect humans.
Chemical hazards from harmful chemicals and air water soil and food. Physical
hazards such as fire earthquake volcanic eruption flood tornado and hurricane.
Cultural hazards such as smoking unsafe working in missions poor diet drugs
drinking driving criminal salt unsafe sex and poverty.
A nontransmissible disease is not caused by living organisms and does not
spread from one person to another.
Infectious or transmissible diseases of the body cannot mobilize it's defense
fasten off to keep pathogen from interfering with bodily functions.
Examples of nontransmissible diseases include asthma emphysema and
examples of infectious disease is include pneumonia in the flu HIV malaria
diarrheal diseases tuberculosis hepatitis B and the measles.
Bioterrorism involves the deliberate really causing bacteria or viruses into the air
waters by our food supply of concentrated urban populations.
tuberculosis kills 1.7 million people per year and could kill 25 million more people
by 2020.
The only way to prevent HIV from spreading include reducing the number of new
infections, concentrate on the groups in society there most likely to spread the disease,
provide free HIV testing and pressure people to get tested, to implement a mass
advertising educational program geared towards children school children to help event
disease, provide free or low-cost drugs so the progress of the disease. HIV is the second
biggest killer in terms of diseases.
Chemical hazards.
It talks a chemical can cause temporary or permanent harm or death to humans
or animals.
A hazardous chemical can harm humans or other animals because it is
flammable or explosive or because it can irritate or damage the scanner lungs.
Three major types of potentially toxic agents: mutagens that are chemicals are
forms of radiation that cause were increase the frequency of mutations are changes in
the DNA molecules, Tara children's with your chemicals that cause harm her birth
effects to the fetus or embryo, carcinogens better chemicals are types of radiation can
cause or promote cancer.
Examples of mutagens include H and O2.
An example of Tara Tojan include benzene, chlorine, arsenic, DDT, lead, mercury,
PCBs, vinyl chloride.
Examples of carcinogens include chromium, benzene, arsenic, PCBs, and
various chemicals in tobacco smoke.

The mean system consists of specialized cells and tissues that protect the body
against disease and her full some senses I farming antibodies that make invading agent
Neurotoxins can harm the human nervous system by damaging or destroying
nerve cells that transmit electrochemical messages throughout the body.
The endocrine system is a complex network of glands that release mute amounts
of hormones into the blood stream of humans and other vertebrae of animals.
Hormonally active agents also sometimes called hormone mimics can disrupt the
endocrine system and is Kim perry productive systems and sexual development and
cause physical behavioral disorders.
Examples of her Monalee active agents include DDT, PCBs, herbicides,
aluminum, Mercury, and phthalates.

This is a diagram of the pathways in which humans can contract infectious diseases. It includes
how humans can get diseases from other humans, food, water, wild animals, and many more.

Ch 19
Structure and Science of the stratosphere

Yeah Sears in a most where the troposphere is made up of mostly nitrogen

and oxygen what's more amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide.
At 75 to 80% of the earth air masses found in the troposphere.
The atmospheres a second layer the stratosphere contains less madder than the
troposphere its composition of similar with two notable exceptions its volume of water
vapor is about 1 / 1000 as much and its concentration of ozone is much Higher.
Primary polutants are harmful substances made directly into the air.
Some primary politicians they react with one another or with the basic
components of air to form new harmful told it's called secondary pollutants.
For the past 30 years the quality of outdoor ears and most of all countries has
greatly improved.
One in every six people on the earth lives in an urban area where out there air is
unhealthy to breeze.
The biggest threat towards people from indoor air pollution of the poor must burn
wood charcoal cool or Dunkin open fires are poorly designed stove to heat their
dwellings and cook their food.
Carbon oxide's are some of the basic and most dangerous types of air pull
urban outdoor air pollution.
During the winter people and homes in big cities for exposed to high levels of
industrial smog.
Photochemical smog is it make sure of primary and secondary pollutants formed
under the influence of UV radiation from the sun there are six factors that can increase
outdoor air pollution: urban buildings can slow wind speed in a reduced did dilution and
move the politicians, hills mountains can reduce the flow of air and valleys, higher
temperatures promote the chemical reactions leading to photochemical smog formation,
VO see omissions from certain trees and plants such as some oak species and heavily
wooded urban areas can play large role in the formation of photochemical smog, the
grasshopper affect which occurs in volatile air politicians are transported from tropical
intemperate areas towards the earths poles especially during winter. Scratch that there's
one more temperature in versions that can cause build up of high levels of air politicians.
Acid deposition.
Acid deposition send hands cause acid rain has a pH below 5.6.
Acids apposition is a regional air polish and problem areas the light downwind
from coal mining facilities.
Ask deposition has a number of harmful affects: it can chorizo chronic respiratory
diseases, toxic metals can accumulate in the tissues of Fish eaten my people mammals
and birds.

Ask deposition also harms aquatic systems, most fish cannot survive in water
with the pH less than 4.5.

This is a diagram of the creation and effects of acid rain. Acid rain is made up of many
chemicals released into bodies of water and into the air and can harmfully damage ecosystems.
Ch 21
Water Pollution
Water pollution is any chemical biological or physical change and water quality
Dennis has a harmful fat I'm living organisms.
Point sources of water pollution discharge Politan sets is it specific locations.
Nonpoint sources are scattered and diffusion cannot be traced to a single site of
Industrial facilities and mining and agricultural activities are causes of water
Agricultural activities are by far the leading cause of water pollution.
Two major water pollution problems are exposure to infectious disease
organisms from her having to drink contaminated water and I have enough water for
effective sanitation.
To detect the presence of infectious agents in water one method includes
measuring the number of colonies of fecal coliform bacteria present in a water sample.
Pollution of freshwater streams.
Flowing streams can recover from a moderate level of degradable water
politicians if they are not overloaded in the flows are not reduced.
Stream pollution and most developing countries is a major problem.
Half of the worlds 500 rivers are heavily polluted most of them on through
developing countries.
Pollution a freshwater lakes.
The dilution of politicians in Lakes is often less effective and streams because
lakes and reservoirs often contain stratified layers that undergo a little vertical mixing
and they have little flow.
Each occasion is the name given to the natural nutrition nutrient enrichment of
the Shallowlake estuary or slow-moving train mostly from on off of plant nutrients such
as nitrate and phosphate from surrounding land.
Pollution of groundwater.
The drinking water for about half of the US population a 95% of those in rural
areas comes from groundwater, water include fertilizers pesticides gasoline in organic
solvents I can see into the found.
When groundwater becomes contaminated it cannot cleanse itself of the Grable
waste as a flowing surface water does not.
90% of the US aquifers are contaminated by volatile organic chemicals the fewer
than 2% of samples had unsafe the OC levels prevention is the most effective affordable
way to protect from water from pollutants.
Because of the difficulty and expensive cleaning up contaminate aquifers
preventing contamination is the most effective and cheapest way to protect groundwater
Ocean pollution.
40% of the worlds population lives on or near coast because 14 of the 15 largest
metropolitan areas in your coastal waters and because many of these areas receive
hordes of vacationers, thereby coach the wires are heavily polluted.

One off of sewage and I will go to waste into coastal waters and juice large
quantities of plant nutrients which can cause explosive growth of harmful Audi.

This diagram shows the creation of sludge and its possible harmful effects to soil, water, and air.
Though it was thought to be able to be reused it seems to be too harmful.
Ch 22
Wasting Resources
One major category of waste is solid waste any unwanted or discarded material
we produce that is not liquid or gas.
Another type of voice is hazardous or toxic waste that threatens human health or
the environment because it is toxic chemically active or corrosive or flammable.
Another is municipal solid waste often called garbage or trash produced directed
and workplaces.
United States only has 4.6% of the worlds population leopard uses about a third
of the word world solid waste.
98.5% of this industrial solid waste comes from mining, oil and natural gas
production, agriculture, and industrial activities I prevent provide consumers with goods
and services.
Electronic waste or e-waste consisting of the sky TV sets so phones computers
eToys another electronic devices the fastest growing solid with Bob in the United States
in the world. Integrated waste management.
Waste management attempts to manage this way soon way that reduces my
mental harm. Integrated waste manag variety of strategies For both waste reduction
and waste management.
Waste reduction is based on the five rs: refuse to escape from affluenza by
refusing to buy items that we really don't need, reduce to consume us and live a simpler
and less stressful life by practicing voluntary simplicity, reuse to rely more on items that
can be use over and over and set it on throwaway items, repurpose use by using
something for another purpose instead of throwing it away, recycle to separate and
recycle paper glass cans plastics metal and other items and buy products made from
recycled materials.
There are some disadvantages of recycling then include that it does not save
landfill space in areas with Andelans, that it may lose money for items such as glass and
most Fostex, it reduces profits from landfills and incinerators, that the source separation
is inconvenient for some people.
Reuse and recycling are hundred by prices of goods that do not reflect their
harmful environmental impacts to go view government subsidies and tax breaks and
price fluctuations.
Burning and burying solid waste.
Open dumps are sensually fields or holes in the ground were garbage is
deposited and sometimes covered at soil.
You are landfills called sanitary landfills are spread out in sin layer is compacted
and cover daily with for a fresh layer of clay or plastic foam.

This is a diagram showing the flow of mercury through aquatic environments from human
sources to the aquatic food chain.
ch 23
Urbanization and Urban growth
Urbanization is the percentage of people in a country or the world living in an
urban area. Open growth is the rate of increase of urban populations.
Urban areas grill into Waze by natural increase and by immigration mostly from
all areas.
Urban populations are growing rapidly and many cities in developing countries
have become centers of poverty.
Into thousand 47.5% of people live in urban areas.
Urban resource and environmental problems.
From an economic standpoint cities are centers of economic development
education technological developments and jobs and have served at centers of industry
commerce and transportation.
in terms of health urban residents in many parts of the world longer than they do
in the world well residence and have lower incidence mortality rates and fertility rates
and then do world populations.
transportation and urban development.
A combination of cheap gasoline plentiful in a network of highways produces
dispersed cities.
Such cities are found in the United States Canada and Australia so I was other
With 4.6% of the worlds people the United States has almost a third of the world
800 million motor vehicles.
car accidents of killed my Americans that have all wars in the country's history.
Urban land-use planning and control.
Smart growth is emerging as he needs to encourage one via mentally state
sustainable development requires less dependence on cars controls and direct sprawl
Otis is wasteful resource use.
Most urban in Sumrall areas you some form of land-use planning to determine
the best present and future use of each parcel of land.
Making urban areas more sustainable and desirable places to live.
New urbanism is a step in the right direction but we can go further by creating
more invention of our mentoring sustainable cities called eco-cities.
The easy go cities have the following goals built around before scientific
principles of sustainability: to build cities for people not cars, you solar another locally
available we know but energy resources, you solar powered living machines andwhat
lens to treat sewage, to depend largely on recycled water those purified and used again
and again, keys energy and matter resources efficiently, event pollution and the
reduction in the voice, to reduce our Seikaly 60% of penis pistol solid waste, to protect
encourage biodiversity by preserving surrounding land checking restore natural systems
and wetlands.

This is a model of the sustainability of urban areas. It lists the many inputs and outputs of urban
areas as well as the amount of resources that will go into an urban area but how little physical
outputs it has.

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