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Subject: Core ESL, Cycle 2 Year 3 (Sec 5)

Cycle / Level: BIG IDEA: Organizing a trip

Desired Results
What do you want your students to achieve?

Students research, create and plan a trip in teams to eventually

present in a kiosk format.

Selected competency or competencies from
the QEP:

Key Features of the competency or


Students will understand that

Essential Question(s):
What provocative questions will foster
inquiry, understanding, and transfer of

-Competency 1 Interacts orally in

-Competency 2 Reinvests
Understanding of Texts
-Competency 3 Writes and
Produces Texts
-Uses information: research
-Uses creativity: creating a visuals
for kiosk.
Broad areas of learning:
- Personal and career planning:
project travel agency work

-Research is an integral part to

planning a trip.
-Working in teams is beneficial to
completing the project.

-Competency 1 Interacts orally in

-Engages in oral interaction
-Competency 2 Reinvests
Understanding of Texts:
-Broadens knowledge of
-Regulates own development
as listener, reader and
-Competency 3 Writes and
Produces Texts
-Regulates own development
as a writer

-How can I find information that is

-How will the team delegate the

Students will know

What key knowledge and skills will students need to know?

-Travel vocabulary; accommodations, transportation, culture, etc.

-The chosen destination will need to include the following; preparation,
location, arrangements and costs, room and board, what is there to
see, language and culture, politics, history
-Geography (how to read a map), historical aspects of destination,

-Organizing, creating, researching and organizing a trip.
-How to create and present a kiosk presentation.
-How to be an active listener and contributor to a kiosk presentation
Assessment Evidence
How do you know your students have achieved the desired results?
Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:
Authentic or complex situations that will
Supporting evidence that demonstrates
demonstrate understandings stated above
understandings, knowledge and skills.

-Student booklet where students

can take notes and fill in sections
to help create their kiosk
-Students will be provided time to
research on their own, with their
team and to brainstorm creative
ideas for their poster. (Library
research including books and
computer internet research)

-Coupon system that encourages


Assessment Tool(s):
What instrument(s) will be used to assess
the students learning?

Assessment Criteria:
What criteria will be used in the assessment
tool(s) to show student understanding?

-Student booklet for each student

-Kiosk presentation (C1)
-Journal reflection the last days of
the unit (C3).
-Competency 1 MELS practice last
days (C1)

-MELS Rubric of Competency 1

during oral interaction.
-Competency 2 will be evaluated for
kiosk and journal reflection.
-Competency 3 journal reflection.

Learning Plan
How will you and your students get to the desired results?

Learning Activities:
What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve
Day 1 Introduction
- (10 minutes) Kahoot world trivia quiz
- (5 minutes) Change seating arrangements (new unit, new group
members) *Students can pick their group members
- (5 minutes) explain new coupon system for participation (C1).
- (15 minutes) Introduce new topic, explain guidelines,
expectations from document. (Teacher can bring authentic

materials to support lesson e.g. travel related books, vacation

pictures, maps, etc.)
- (35 minutes) Students work in teams of 3-4 to brainstorm ideas.
They have to decide on a country as a group. *Not allowed to pick
country of origin nor Quebec since it would be too easy.
Day 2-3 Library Research
- 1st class explain rules of library and recommend research
techniques (internet usage and saving information, travel books,
useful links, etc.)
-Students research in the library using a variety of sources
available to them (C2).
-(CCC uses information)
Day 4-5 Kiosk Preparation
-Students are provided with one poster and are allowed to bring
anything they wish to construct a visual aid for their presentation.
-(CCC Uses creativity: creating a visuals for kiosk)
Day 6-7 Kiosk Presentations (C1 evaluation)
-Students take turns being the audience and presenters by
rotating to various kiosks set up in the
Day 8-9 Reflection of organizing a trip as a team (C3) and interacting
orally MELS setting practice (C1 evaluations)
-Students write a reflective journal type entry guided by questions
to illicit reflection of the past weeks.
-Students in groups of 4 practice for the interacting orally MELS

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