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Summary Table

This student has

1) Steve does

Action Plan
1) Meet daily with

Evaluation Plan
1) I will keep a

demonstrated the

not see

Steve to

journal of

ability to do high

value in the

discuss the


level work on

work he is

class and build

s of his


doing in the

a relationship.

behavior. In

I want to get

addition, I

his opinion on

will keep

the class and

track of

what I can do

how many

to get him

times he


comes to

occasions. He

2) Steves

does not actively

social group
participate in
does not
class but usually
has an intelligent
answer if called
upon. However,
which leads

2) Move his seat

he fails to turn in

lunch to

to lower

and pair him


with a positive


partner. Make


sure to pair


him in groups

to track if

with positive

there is any




nt in his



assignments and

2) I will use

has admitted that

he does not study
at all. When
placed with high
students he does
better work but
when placed with
lower achieving

students he

s or test

usually does not


get very much

work done.
During class he
will do the work
when prompted
by the teacher
but will
sometimes get
off task. This
results in lower
grades of Cs or
Ds. He was
recently placed
on a performance
achievement plan
in which he gets
a sheet filled out
by his teachers
and meets with
the counselor
daily. This has
not impacted his
behavior thus far.

Brian Rodgers
Case Study Evaluation
Over the past month, I have implemented my action plan with my challenging
student Steve. I have experienced mixed results. Steves major issues were
motivation to do his work especially outside of school and when partnered with
other low motivation students, failure to complete his classwork. I hypothesized he
did not see value in the coursework we were doing and that his peer group did not
reward academic achievement. My action plan was to change his seating
arrangement and partner him with positive high achieving students. Also, I planned
to meet with him daily at the end of class to try and build a relationship.
The first intervention, the seating arrangement worked well. Per my journal
entries, I saw a noticeable improvement in his engagement in class. I did not have
to re-focus him to do his work. He was completing his in-class activities and
understood the material when I asked him during class. However, he has been
doing worse with his homework this quarter. He currently has several missing
projects. This is partially due to him being absent more days this quarter and failing
to make up the work. Additionally, I have only recorded three days in which he has
come in for lunch. Also, he has been making up his work in his science class. This
has resulted in a failing grade of an E currently. In this upcoming week, we are

taking our multiple choice tests which are worth 25% of a students grade. I expect
he will score well on this due to better engagement during class. Although I have
seen an improvement in classroom engagement, it has not transferred into the
students grade.
My second intervention was to meet with the student daily and try to build a
relationship. I was already having to meet with this student at the end of class as
part of student improvement plan. I tried this for several weeks but it ended being
too time consuming and having little impact. Many times I was trying to teach until
the end of the hour and did not have time to meet with Steve for more than a few
seconds. Prior to this case study, I had tried building a relationship with Steve and I
believe I have a decent relationship with him. However, he is a shy individual and
has some walls up. Even though we have talked about future career goals or other
life goals I have been unable to motivate him. This intervention was a bit unrealistic
due to the time restraints and the difficulty of reaching Steve. I plan to continue to
try and build the relationship when the situation presents itself.
To update where I stand on this student, I currently believe I have reached my
limits of obligation with this student. I still believe my hypothesis to be true. I think
the change of partners has helped Steve during class time but he still lacks intrinsic
motivation for schoolwork. He relies on others to motivate him and he gives a good
effort between 9-3 each day but does not get work done once he goes home. I
believe that the lack of parent involvement especially hurts Steve. I have tried
many different avenues to reach this student and it has been difficult to get him to
care about his schoolwork. Given that he is in 8 th grade, I am hopeful that he
continues to mature and someday realizes the importance of his education. I think

he is a great kid and will be a productive member of society. However, he is

currently greatly underachieving in regard to his academic potential.
I found this project to be useful even though this intervention proved to be a
disappointment. I think too often as educators we label kids as problem students or
at risk but do not do enough to diagnose the problems and find possible solutions.
I was glad that I tried the seat change because that made a large difference. Talking
to my classmates, I found out that many of their interventions were successful. This
is a process I will utilize in the future when I have a student who is struggling.

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