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1. Marco Carola was born in Italy in 1975. It is the second of three brothers.

2. Karola at the age of 13 years got his first drum. He practiced a lot with
the table and quickly learned to take advantage of new sounds that were
heard on the dance floor. Carola transition to techno began in 1993 with
other friends and Neapolitan clubbers.
3. Carola in 2004 renewed and decides to leave behind the most difficult to
choose to focus on the publication of minimalist music.
4. Carola what I admire for his career as dj and why momentum techno
music worldwide.
1. Marco Carola naci en Italia en 1975. Es el segundo de tres hermanos.
2. Karola a la edad de 13 aos consigui su primer tambor. Practic mucho
con la mesa y rpidamente aprendi a aprovechar los nuevos sonidos que
se escuchaban en la pista de baile. Carola transicin hacia el techno
comenz en 1993 con otros amigos y clubbers napolitanos.
3. Carola en 2004 se renueva y decide dejar atrs los ms difciles de optar
por centrarse en la publicacin de la msica ms minimalista.
4. Carola lo que admiro por su carrera como dj y por qu impulso la msica
techno en todo el mundo.

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