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CONTENTS About Glass Beads The Basics Let's Practice Little Red Riding Hood Story Book Thumbelina Peter Pan Characters The Wolf & Seven Little Kids Puss in Boots Away We Go Things Bees, Bugs & Butterflies Around Us Kitchen Charms Sea Life Doll House Furniture Dimensional = The Zoo Miniatures Space Travel Party Jewelry Color of Style Fashion Statements Creative Accessories Copyright ©1992 ONDORISHA PUBLISHERS, LTD. All rights reserved. Published by ONDORISHA PUBLISHERS, LTD., 11-11 Nishigoken-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162 Sole Overseas Distriburor-Japan Publications Trading Co., Led, P.O. Box 5030 Tokyo International, Tokyo, Japan Distributors: Uniced States: Kodansha America, Inc., chrough Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016. United Kingdom and Europe: Premier Book Marketing Led., 1 Gower Screet, London WIE 6HA, England. Australia and New Zealand: Bookwise International, 54 Crittenden Road, Findon, South Australia 5023, Australia 10987654 “He 1S0N 0.87040-990-9 Peed in Japan JEFFERSON COUNTY TIN BASS BEADS People all over the world enjoy making thines with stance 6 Let's learn the basic: Glass bead artistry aele ml 746.5041 = KINDS OF BE 752° ae The tiny beads used fc JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRAS e be purchased in packe NORTHWEST: HIGH RIDGE tionery of hobby shops pear! shapes. Most common Spashetil shaped ones, vavou wusiy BEC In the United States. Circular beads come in verlous sizes: small, large, and extra large, with the 2.2m and Sm sizes used most freauenty. Bugle beads are 1.5m, 3m, 6m, Om, with the 3 m and 6m sizes the most useful. Other shapes include curved beads, pear! é beads. ovels, and hexagonals. Spangle. rhine- stone. and acrylic-mirror beads make occe- eA: a sional eopeerance too. WHAT TO BUY Beads which come threaded are called threaded beads. Loose beads come in small celloohene packets. eh | two kinds of soengies Loose beads are more convenient for making miniatures, loose beads threaded beads BEADING WIRE, THREAD, NEEDLES, NYLON FILAMENT Beading wire and nylon craft filament are easy to handle and convenient. BEADING WIRE The wire used to make miniatures and accessories Is sold at hobby shops in small spools according to thickness, either 28, 30, or 34 gauge. Flowers or leaves can be made by bending beaded wire into desired shapes. Be careful not to twist or bend the wire too hard of it will snap. Straighten twisted wire carefully CRAFT FILAMENT Nylon filament is often used in making accessories such as necklaces or rings Where flexibility is desired rather than rigid construction. BEADING THREAD Thread Is used in the same way as filament. Polyester beading thread is strong and easy to handle. CUTTING WIRE, FILAMENT AND THREAD Allow for 10-16cn (4-6") more than you need to make a miniature. The ex- tra length is easier to work with and can be used to attach beads to hairpins or other objects. The measurements indicated In this book include the extra lengths. If the wire breaks while you are working, or if you decide It Is too short, tle en extra length where the knot wor’t show and continue threading the be~ ads BEADING NEEDLES Beading needles are finer and longer than ordinary needles and are sold at hobby Shops. Some packets of needies come with @ convenient threader: These needles are also used for bead embroidery. 1 SEO RAR NORTHWEST: HIGH RIDGE HOW TO MOVE BEADS HOW TO HANDLE THREADED BEADS If you cut the thread of strung beads, the beads will come apart. To avoid this, follow the illustration, Pass end of thread a through a bead and tie with @ half hitch, HOW TO MOVE HOW TO MOVE BEADS TO ANOTHER THREAD Fold the new thread in two and tie to end of the strung beads. ye new thread Move beads with fingertip. BEADS TO NYLON FILAMENT Thread a beading needle with length of filament and move the beads. Or, pick up the beads directly with the fllament. © 3 ett Stretch thread tightly wire celloohane tape HOW TO MOVE THREADED BEADS TO WIRE Draw the end of the wire throueh your hands and lay it straight on the table, secured by celloohane tape. Push the wire through the beads. ENDINGS wiIRE After finishing work, twist wires tightly and pass throush beads. =- = oo Twist wires. Pass through beads. Sena c ESO ist wires around two or three rows. NYLON FILAMENT. THREAD Tie a tignt knot and repeat a few times, Then cut filament or thread. oe Put a little glue on knot. YY knot —seecooee \ i BN Pass through @ special bead celied’beed tin q with hole’and 4 g a small circular bead, Tie & tight knot and repeat a few times, Put a little slue on it. RUNNING OUT OF WIRE HOW TO STRAIGHTEN Bring to an end the wire you have been using, BENT WIRE and start again with a new one. SESS Twist wire — Twist wires Seengen ass around two rows, beads. ¢ new wire new wire Y ] straighten it~ along wire line. HOW to use threader Do not pull hard, but straighten carefully. acrvilc-mirror ae rhinestone BEAD EMBROIDERY one by one f stitch In a straieth line a Boe RBS 960008,,00000-_ RID USEFUL TOOLS PARTS FOR bead tray sessors tweezers | ACCESSORIES Pinch and sew screw earringclios three comers of ee 4001 (4") X 100 (4") : Nt barrette € o> wreay ~ MA Tm awl | 3 white craft al 4h t ortter carring olics metal parts for ending jewelry T-Pin ‘As N S ‘ae Jump Rings, soring ring, end br 9, Start with the designs on these two pages. Learn how to make basic shapes, and then go on to make your own pleces. A LITTLE GIRL Materials ‘small cireular besds, pearl beads (71), wire 60cn (24") | By substituting large beads for the small ones you can | make ¢ larser figure. | Begin by stringing beads a. ‘ b. in the middle of the wire. Tishten wire well. Tighten it well again. Pass two wires through blue bead. ‘Numerals ingicai tighten them well, number of beads. and then pass them Make skirt pert by 4. fpoass it through tlentenine row by row. bead and cut it. tighten them well. 4 1) Cut wire into length specified, start from “beginning,” and put beads in the center of wire unless otherwire Indecated. (The measurements include extra lengh to make your work. easier.) 2) If you want to make a flat figure. like the girl on the opposite page, you have to cross wires from right and left in the beads. (The two crossing wires are illustrated as one wire in most. cases, 3) Wires are illustrated as loose on purpose Inorder to make the sequence clear, but when you work, you have to tighten wires each time you pass them thraush beads. A CAP (THREE- DIMENSIONAL FIGURE) Materials small circular beads, wire 6Oca (24) You can make a cap with vartical strioes by changing arrangement Of colors. ® To the Srd row. The 2nd row. Pass wire through| " five beads (Leave 7m (2%") of wire to make ornament on too) Repeat six times & each time, and ther through the bead to make a flower pattern Tighten wire each time. which is in the center . of the 1st row. _- Besinnins @® View from above. ® side view. 1strow Geach TP of cap 2nd row ‘Srd row js eacn 4th row Sth row }7 eacns ending 7throw 9 each Pass end of wire remaining at the beginning through three beads to makd 8 ornament on top, ~~ Wind it around wire In this book, explanations are: ‘on other side, and given up to the 2ndrow es seen —_—then cut end. from above (or below), and then Numerals indicate a8 Seen from the side. number of beads. | LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD | Deslens @-© Use small beads unless otherwire indicated. Materials : small circular beads, large circular baeds, curved baeds (4m), 34ga wire @GLASSES @SCISSORS @WINEBOTTLE © WOLF wre 000127 weedgaie? wa 7onIDS) wre e0mts2") attach Ge ete Beainning wind 2 wires 6 together. 8 @ GRANDMOTHER wire 80016") Beeinning Beginning @® TREE wire 150q160°) wire 40ca1 6°) Wire 200n8") wire 15006") dé @BASKET “re Wire 7OGKZ8") inc behing nanale, nebcios wire 2500107) wire 4ooK16") Ending. oy @90® FLOWERS Yh wire 30c(1 2") $ laree beac Ending Ending jeree “« @ MUSHROOM ® GRASS peat wire 250/10") wire 25x10 FREE, Enoine ; eaters ~S pesining Senne Be8rin we somiey Besinning pyrrecona eening wre dake" Ende { Besirnins ® HOUSE © Wind around basket without cutting wire. "Ending Wing around basket ‘Bezinniny without cutting wire, 1 7 JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY NORTHWEET Wiad cinee Designs ©-® Use small beads unless otherwse indicated. Materials : small circular beads, large circular beads, tulle lace, bugle beads (Sm) (6m), bells 1.4cn(5/8") in diameter, 31a wire @ SWALLOW @ PRINCE © THUMBELINA wre 7001281 ellotic tule lace wire 120m128") wire 1.50060") ‘pass wire through tulle lace 165 Of tulle lace, 2am(9 5/8"), Say, . Wire 50020") gids % © THUMBELINA @ rrr? oe * posimine ®@ wire 100@140" Besinring © MOUSE TURTLE frnxG} weo2cme) —@ MOLE N75 # wre 1001407 teraneiss ite SEB wire sownse, 9% ey Wre sono) wire BOa120" wire Somaor"( Terge beads for a small tutle Ending Attach anotner wine cool Bhs Soa ons @FROG “= Beara wire 6om(24") ® FISH Beginning ree baagiy “EM Se ong @ TULIPS ene wre 6001209 ® CRAYFISH 2 wires 300x112") wire 70028") lores sf . = Quiros 20RD ig 2 Wes Somt12 attach sneer wre bees : 20008 as Begining Beairrine Y © BUTTERFLY — enshe Return by winging 2 wires 79gx28"13 wires 300W12") wire around. ,@ WEDDING BELL *% wire 39M 2°)" Ending wire 60124") 5 3 ads Ge Wee y s ye : zg pave. ea =3 Beginning eas Attach another wire Rag Yer 30012") fone x «(/ CU to each olace teach NV 46 9 A another wre ajo large bead “S01 2") 10n8 4 65/6") Ending to each piace iz <| » OS) am , Ww ae WwW Ua Designs @-@ Use small beads unless otherwise Indicated. Materials : small circuler beads, large circular beads, curved beads (Sim) (4m) (5m), bugle beads (6m), pearl beads (2mm) (2.5m) (Sma) (6mm), small star-shaped spansle, large star-shaped spanele, leaf-shaped parts, 34ga wire @ PETER PAN @ WENDY © JOHN @ HAIR ORNAMENT wire 8032" wire 80032") wire 70m28° wire 300012") wire SOmn(1 2") wire 30mn(1 2°) wire 6omi24") wire 20008") Wire 20016") wire 2000167 § smal soanie Beginning Beginning {12th row lange Dead rot row fat shoved ; me — E54 ane enarne{1] GB ora row [Pouce ean, GS esimins Gm 1698 ood, wire Soa 2") Sey leet shaped : me . we feet = (12°) 38 Geege- 2.0.08") hor i — ® TINKERBELL a &3 wre e004" ga enotner wire Bea Encing €) ncicates the one az : Wire 15016") _98eri bead 5m with blue wings. 38 Ending Enemas. _ (peart ‘Beeinnine Ee curvesveaw... Ghainre pater ae wresomge QOOHOB = = oe a wre done) Whd once rse © TREE gaiige FLOWERS etre te erdns ere, wire 400116") geginning é wire 301 2") lard heat ; Le we sot ot ee “acbeatiine soci SRL rg MeO) a. Suse 5 gonad St2peacs Sm om, large bead ¥ * ounved beads small spengie Ending: ou > & 6. eae @ CHILDREN J foenre ene @TREES ~ wresdnaes nang ® NANA Weary Weerencs wernoata0y for resin Seernng a @ PIRATE wroaouis) fovsnerone ® ACORN Wiregoge2) Se arse beads for larse one wire S0m20 wire 30172") g9 Beginning = wire 200s") Sesinning é , Saas Beainning * Cesgeeeos & Engine 4 aie 7m ® ISLAND aiizxn wire 89124 another win . ® SHIP % fF icave ion. f 7 engine Besinning Wire SOm\207) Ending wire Beginning @® TREASURE BOX Soma 27 Mire 4050163 ene ase . beads F enotner wre [3 % T2008") ion eevasinee (5 fe Begining Ending eisai nh Ending iW esahrine cane star-shaned soanaie He WOLF ‘AND SEVEN LITTLE KOS} | i | ) 4 ‘‘duabbvadie Deslens @-@ _ Use small beads unless otherwise Indicated. Materials : small cirular beads, large circular beads, curved beads (4m), bugle beads (Sm), 34za wire @kKIDS @ MOTHER GOAT @ CLOCK wire 60m124") : rf 62" Sneath tra een ge 2 wires 250110" for boy aerate (pa Beginning are beads: Beginning \ anus large bead large bead A The sa we ‘o ee mee i a8 $ E ees A Beainnins 3 wire 20aW8") lone, 25 cn piace. re G2 Engine a 8 Pass basket Fpoveaene— terousn arm a and te wire. 58 = ba Beginning Aen i another wires “\. . wire 250«10") one S| (See | bean an ——— Beainnin each place, @ WOLF wire 20218) lone, each piace wire 60132) @ APPLES © BASKET 2 wires 350014 wire 600124"1 wine 36an1 47 wire Bent 2" Beeming rae: g x curved bead 4am az 7 2 beads 6 bugle beads Sam: Begining Beginning 6 Cc Ending J AKE wire 5001120") coe — Endine —_—_— Spare 2 @ FLOWERSS2-2-9-9-95 ® SCISSORS Wire 20018) Sigmegme ess f'7 2wires 260110 Bestnnin fooosoospsatoeoea aa oo 20 Been _ © THREAD Pyro Sea 4) wire 300K(1 2") Besinnins Wind wire wire 20016") large fnaroncn ace. Tyg Weswee — wes on 7 % Wind 2 wire @® GRASS t | — leree beads tozsther. wire 200M8") each ~\# 3 PPR Beeirin Seen We esissitian f i ) | | 4283399 P Sposinins | (eS 13 Begining ~ nding Ending. Ending ‘> Ending . PUSS IN BOOTS Designs 0-® Use small beads unless otherwise Indicated. Materials : small circular beads. large circular beads, curved beads (San), ‘small hexagonal beads, pearl beads (Sm) (4m) (8m), oval pearl beads (3x6um), miniatures of srapes. 31ga wire © WINE BOTTLE @ CROWN @®PRINCE @ PRINCESS We 1250N5O1 Wire ZONE wi soya) \ wire 75030") wire 00x32") Ending 2 wires goati a") a Ending wire 3000127 earl besa Sm wind Ending Wire 20a¥8") lone, Wind wire’ attach to bottie, 4 4 P twice getty Bed, 088 at oan a eS Attach We (Gonseogs-oagsscaag another wires 193222038336" a0cat1 2") long, gesagsug? each place, yeS*< s ae mnanro tres F Searing z] ® SACK a wire S0an(36") & «— Ending aesiins : ® MOUSE 2 © PUSS IN BOOTS wire 40m(1 6°) @ HEART wire 1000%40")_ small hexagonal» wire 26en(1 0°) i oe) ae werbaio) Sthee cae eg wi g yy cis) Bearing De oe 3 | = jeginning Attach a Ending 47456604 Atzach eshnning wire Pass wires a 1BaMG lone. 1 Oma) ons ~SaO through the peed, wind Beainnins around’ a meas aS aN a @ CASTLE @ RABBIT wire 120m(48 wire 7000128") wire 20087 ‘Twist 2 wires together. wind the remaining wires around e nesdie to maka feelers. & ourved may ® QUAIL PCOS hexagonal wire 70m128 ot @BooTS eee Wire 5501122") Beginning AWAY WE GO Designs @- Use large beads unless otherwise Indicated. Materials : small circular beads, large circular beads, curved beads (4m oval pearl beads (3x6m), bugle beads (Sm) (6m), 318a wire @ ROCKET @® AIRPLANE ® UFO @ HELICOPTER wire 70028") wire 6000124") " . 5 A wire GO3K'207 wire S0mi20°) wire 20008) wire 20016") wresomti Zt Beginning ugie beads 6m Beginning Besinning wire 40on1 6°) a @_| g ovel pearl beads p. oval pear! g Attach PERS 2 another wire 2Omt6°) ion > sf a 28 2 15 g3 @ 8a sme 4 © buzle beads 6m = 2 © TRAIN wire 60m124") for each car, make train by connecting cars. ule beads om } | Beginning! © SHIP @ SCOOTER © TRUCK @® POLICE CAR 5. wire 4Om(167 wire 1006x240" wire 60024") weet? wire 16006") me sean" curved bead Beinn 4m eEnaing nS _small beads Gog eos a 4 / a8 4 cndne a3 Bae. asinine "3 Beers Ene = @ YACHT @BICYCLE © @ AMBULANCE BUS wire 60247 wre 60a) wire 20036" esau ee 11 ech Beginning Beginning. Beeinnine a SS eS eee ene ey a BEES, BUGS & BUTTERFLIES Designs @-@ _ Use small beads unless otherwise indicated. Materials : smail circular beads. large circular beads, curved beads (4nn), bugle beads (San, 34ga wire © BEETLES @STAG BEETLES @ DRAGONFLIES wire 90m(36") wire 800n'36°) wire 700n(28°) Beginning Besinning curved beads 4m @ BEES © CICADAS ~Endns wire SOan20") wire. 700%28") @LADYBUGS @ BUTTERFLIES Basins aging SUVS wire 6Om120") WO COME CUS ea becca “an leree Besinnine qlowire 150K67) bugle beads 3m Beginning another wire 7 wire 300n(12") “Ending. ‘Engine Foa06" lone, Photographs on page 22 ® SHELLFISH recompa POY oe wire 6OaK24") Beainning wir Seemns @@ SEAWEED wires 40mK' 6") oat) wire 500120" wire 400K1 6") ear! beac 6m, @ SHELLFISH @® STARFISH Beginning — wire 60m(24") Beginning 19 Designs @-® Use small beads unless otherwise indicated, Materials : small circular beads. bugle beads (Om), 31ga wire @ WINE GLASSES @©@PEPPER © SALT @® MUG @ FRYPAN wire 500n220") wire 1000407 wire 6omi24") wire 6000124") wire 700028") go Enane Engine Beginning @SPOON @FORK @CUPCAKE wire 40m1167 wire 40an(1 6" Besimins Erne 70mN28? is @ TEACUP Tireseageesannts BS wire 6Oo20°) Besinnine. ss esate, @EGGPLANT © CARROT eS Engine el wire 6024") yy oF oe coane enns — ending SSNS \pocinine adhe on Y | f 0 ORE IEE ® TEAPOT ee, RSS vine 60056" : [Sk ee wire 20m" wre Boat0 i= Se Pa 5 Se Beginning By S ea partons fA @iRADISH ee wire 800032") ® JAM ® TOAST eee wire 00120 @ WATERMELON wire 700128") eee ab Beovegde: "38050009009080° Boginning. Beginning Bowinnine, Beginning SEA LIFE Designs ®-® —_Use small beads unless otherwise indicated. Materials : small circular beads. large circular beads, pear! beads (Smi)(Sm), 31a wire @SEAGULLS @THREAD-FIN = @ SEA BREAMS Encins We sOmN121 Tees. we 2oaic) | Seernne Wwe Soars L wire 30an(1 2° © Beainnine. Beginning wire 25001 0") Besinning © SUNFISH Wire 9001136'1 for large one wire 70a28") for small one Beginning Use laras beads for large one Beginning © SHARK wire 100m140% © SEA HORSES Besihe wire GOeK36") for large one: wire S8on1 4°) {wre 9001 (1788 276 tan anther wine Lola recone ecemt a? ‘ Som oo one Ree 2 Use large beads Attach another wire for large one 01 2") lone Ending © SMALL FISH wire 40m 6" Seams: Bexining wire 30cm 2") © DEEP-SEA FISH wire 900138") iia Beginning Engine. @ SWORD FISH wire 900136 ‘Attach anotner wire wire 250010") 250x110") lone. Engine * Benin ipek “ce 10 each Ending. @ WHALES ® DOLPHIN wre S02" wire 1203126 tor largo ono “ wre 1 00m40° for sal ene ore 200112" Use largo boads for large one. DRESS-UP DOLLS ® ey . be Ke 8 Desiens @-® Use large beads unless otherwise indicated. Materials : small circular beads, large circular beads, rhinestones, 31a wire, beige and brown felt, cardboard. craft glue. felt-tio pen Se, @ POLO SHIRT firs 238864 2wires 400116) Ending. wires SOmW127 wy bist ‘Attach another wire MAW ‘50an20") lone, LZ 30am7 2") fone. Li J f SomeaietS Besinnine oe = 450118) Attach another wire Be Draw focs 20 wth fett-to cen Perereerrest g = a on = , 1960cn\ Besinnine E o ‘Cut out coil ter sticking elt : b ~ wire 11.00nl44") 8 on earaboara, © SWEATER Pinte Soma 8) 2 ire 5O0N20") ‘Attacn enotner wire BOaI20) fone af af 4 Jone, @ BOOK BAG Ending $ wire Boat2o" fe 18 00) Begining & die boots pr ® TUXEDO, = a Seach JACKET wire 140068") a ibis Bs Use only aA brads for Jacket, 2 wires 6O0x24") ape 27. ‘e8660t for 60 beads af center 2 rows avert Besinins F758 searing wire 600124" «a ® g 2 FO a_i Foor 3, @ TOP Soe = P 3 . Sea ge ae = { = Sarin eis wire 5Oq wire 5020") B Encinas © JEANS, . § wetaomse» ® PANTS = ve = wire 90x36") Beginning Ss 18 g a6 38 8 8 19 e0enf 3g 3 a 5 5 8 setlists Beeinning 3 )® SHORTS wire zones) © SWIM TRUNKS 9 ean. pace wire 700128") mins Wire 400016;) wire 30012") small beads. Beat wine 14.0044") 2 wires 60m(24") wire 50m120°) Gezinning Wire Goma") © SWEATER g Attech another wire 42 2g 50m120" k 3 © RACKET small beads wire 1 80an172") Sesinnine a & eee Ending ® SMALL BAG seeee @ BLOUSE wire r10maay wire 90156 S08 Wire 500120") 2 wires 45au'18") 2 wires 30an(1 2") Attach another wire ‘30qx7 2") lone, @ TOP Wire 140mae") wire 800120") agéach "CSeginning g Attach another wire 50m20") fone. SWIM SUIT small beads wire 1 400N56") @ HAT Small beads — wire 60uni24") Beginning ®@, @ SAILOR DRESS wire 10001407) if Sapescomeay Pd | attoongrotror wird? ER 50m20) 50m20") on Loses a6 ~ Becton @ DRESS wre scomea’y BA RESET 8B). wre Some Ps r2,Besinning —_trinestones ge” Be: as te enacts 4 —B$o00009 ceo N Beainning % 8) g¢-—64 20'a0n - os al 8g Ena beads See "rs @ BRACELET wire 80a 27 45 wire 1600m (64) geginnine x imalibeads | engine @ SCHOOL BAG g 2 a & wire Boma27 | £ Soe 8 a. 38 000 2000;000%00906 Ca b cine 29 DOLL HOUSE FURNITURE ‘ Desiens O-@ Use small beads unless otherwise Indicated. Materials : small circular beads, large circular beads, extra larse circular beads, pear! beads (4m)(Gn). oval pearl beads (86m), curved beads, bugle beads (6m), 31a wire. ribbon, cardboard, craft glue, @ BENCH @OFRAMED PICTURE wre 10001407 vrs Satta} 2 ares omi22") een Stok ribbon and a flower on cardboard laree beads ribbon --cardooard - bs J " i Beginning Beeinning dot MER te Sem, fora % @ FRUIT BASKET secsaas 20 tron See oe @ TABLE wre Soa?) it aig wire 1000¥40") large beads Deer! bead am— 45 hipaa wire soniza) @ CHERRIES © GRAPES @@GP FLOWERPOTS arceveass busle beads wire 2omis) Q BANANAS “re s0a127 \era0 boed wire 80012 esting ‘After the last row, roturn to the 4st row and end, Besinning ae wre deme") ¢ 3 wire 400m16") wire 400W16") 3 Fa cum j 8 a Endre Wire 2008") make 25 wines 20a") @@6@ FLOWERS wine S0mn'12") make 76 wires SOmn1 2") 18 wires 30012) 3 wires 20008") Bunaile these fixing flowers Gundte these fixing 8 wines 300012") ide ieee Bundle these fixing fowers 5 or In the middie, Puree crea: Gj makeg Bundle these fixing flowers inthe miaaie, -Basinning make 5 make 3 ae 5 < meke 5 "Begining a @ 3 wire 20048") & g 3 @ makes makeS 5 2 8 f # § oR ge 8 3 = \ & Om | arse g” 3 a \/\ \ beads a fr ye Ws re Be 18 32| } j | fa ” J ©, 05cm Ending Ending Sending / ® wire 30an(1 2°) @ SOFA ® SOFA ® TABLE wire 160064") wire S0m(36" large beads wine 90m186") 2 wires 550x22") terge beads 2 wires 55022") ear! beads large eave! uoee 02, Make the other sige Beainning infor f ‘a mirror image of this. Nore tecter sap @® TABLE LAMP 2 Mrer ices oF ts @ RUG pq, wre Momiaa") | wire 170058°) anne ean 3 wires 60m124") owe zz, |_ Twist 3 threaded beads together, Cy PN, Sevarate ®@ BIRD CAGE outguriveas — REI wire a0on(1 6°) oxen Wire Som(12") SUres FEO) oetre lars bed ‘Y_-veert beads ain wire aon 5/6") ® FLOWERPOT Pass 8 wres wire 70a(28 ") large beads through the beads Ending Pass! om wire de 5/8") annie A Atioch enotner wire topes te cantar Pass wiro to the front and the back OSL” ore of Biel and wine ines Stenslay tomako a, i al : ending 8 Pace Besining 260107) 4, ne miniature three-cimensional. THE ZOO 8 Designs O-O Use small beads unless otherwise indicated. Materials : small circular beads, large circular beads, curved beads (Sm)(dan), bugle beads (Om), 34a wire, small hexagonal beads. large hexagonal beads. miniatures of banana wire 4 70qN657 Gvire 1 300m¢62°) (wre 13025) rar teres ono, @ ELEPHANTS © BEAR (wire 700m(28) for small one. wire Som") Uso larae beads for laree one wire SOm1z0 2 incoates the smell One. waka ear with wire on the other siae, curved beads 3m / per ialaraed eae Make les on the out sce, gy (small hexagonal bead) or ye PED, Beainne ah : 2 wire wire 170068") & e Gwige fwire 1 30eai62 "1 View from above. e 26 Endine J Besnnine 38 1 Wako eas é j 38 on the other side. H CAN 5 ee z ae © TRAS wire Boa" ea ‘wins 40qn(1 6°) Leave wine Sov2"), wind around the center, 83 § wire SON 2°) 8 7th row 5 each = bead 4a P 6th row tach at wh (curved bead 3m) : 4 a P'stn (wire 500020 11 jnning iow g 4 ¥ ath row Endne__-<{ wire somns67 'Y. § Poa in this orden BE gif (wre Comiza 7) advo drenk-tave nom fg S32 8B In the 1st row 10 each, ‘ear-mano-tallio8, es ty POCEAE S HIMES Lo 2nd row 6 each eae /. 5 each ge ‘strow 4 Be: gas in the center Sener Sea é a8 repeat 5 times a @ FOUNTAIN ® TULIPS @ TREES }, wreosmcey — Snes ome" S wires come’ ag Sesrnns Pasg wire through 1.0 beads. make 4 of tham, Beginning a:tacn another wires 200n8") fone ‘ach place, ® FLAMINGO smalinexagonal Read — wire 7028) bh wire 150cx60") miniature Sana ‘Bunge 242 0} Aeqeuleye 3929 01 UE qUOY) 02 Oui SSB Make tall with wire Twist witn & 4 Beginning c on the other side. © HIPPOPOTAMUS as wine 1500160" 83 wsioaesy af Moke ene win veer te ctner sie #8 torge | WIN wi Beginning Penton © Pass wire to front ‘twist together. Ending ‘and to back alternately gf @ to make mniature ‘three-dimensional © RINGS Decide length of ring Wire 6Omi24") Beginning, wire 7001287) Peas uieltch ‘front and rae wire according t0 82 Bohning of your Finger. 2 wires 400K 6 Designs photographes on page 46. Oe M@@@® EARRINGS Attach encther ici Give small beads on an earring enaine R00 0° 40775) wre comiaa’ with a circular metal base 28001 1/8 ae a Beginning z 2 wires 40mn(16°) wire 20m" Attach enother Beginning 2 wires 40a(16°) ‘wire 200118") ‘Attach another wire 2Oax8") fon, Beainnine Beginning 37 Designs O- Use large beads unless otherwise Indicate Materials : small circular beads, large circular beads, bugle beads (¢ small star-shaped spanele, 31a wire, @ STAR wirecouza") Besinning small beads Leave wire @ STAR wiresoas67 Besinning we wire alittle, wind Seach ithe, ebro sect eround at nef Brecon wind around /c§ 2nd row ends rd row | 2 ‘at the end, srorow | 3 throw +B 4throw f 3, ‘stnrow | Bth row Ending Ending @ SATURN 68 wire 0aN36") UFO wire Soa C12") wire 160m (407) = eoRax's03 sia uoeNY Ending © SPACEMAN larae star-shaped wire 1200N48") spansio Beginning sil @ SPACEMAN wre cosas) eI teins Ax Sean ‘small star-shaped spangle Mace with wire i t left at besingine. $ ‘small beeds ‘1st row 6 eon Engine Beginning. Center of wire (Leave half) 40 @ ROBOT @ ROBOT @ LAUNCHING PAD wire 60m(24") Wire 0013671 4° ~Beeinni wire 170a168") Use small beaas qy Besmnine Sirires tena) AtEGEN anctner wine exCeDt FOr EVES seginning uate bead om 105 pieces, - Use small beads 30028) excent for eves. _ Endings @ om circular soenslo S circular spansie ® ® ASTRONAUTS cream) @ STAR 2 wires 300121 = paleas ew, small busi beads excent for eves. [| ‘Om or om 16.630 Ae eh ge e small star-shaped span @ ROCKET Astrow 14 each Wire 100m(40"), drow $ each 2 wines 4000767 easy st row 15@ach a wire 1800m(72) nerowsesan 2 wires GOem(24") 17th row small beads ‘auLuea Beane Leave wire giittle, Wind around «9 Lwor eure Seach ‘bugle beat wire 1800172") (nm 2 wires 60mi24") ‘small beads teinrow 6 eacn Enna Make the other side ‘@ mirror image of this. 41 Jeino aL Oven Use large beads unless otherwise Indicated, Materials : small circular beads, large oiruiar beads, bear! beads (2am) (2.5m) (Gan) (4nn) (Sun) (Gan) (7m).bead tip with hole, circuler ring, rondelles earring clips, barrette, pin back. Jewelry clasp, chain 3m wide 18ca(7 1/4’) long, 31a wire. bugle bead (Omi @~® BROOCHES wire 6Om(20") each Glue on pin backs wee EL woo 4 Bosinning Beginning —-_-Bewinning smnall beads ‘ireular rine we Pass wre theoush oirculer A, 30m 2°) g rine, cur it up into a bal. : 3 ine 4 © HAIR a g ole 2 5 g ORNAMENTS se Ge wire BOni20" for bas. Boeing 10eeh yO wire 400K16"] for Derfume Gis them on acrvic bartette. § seeinnine ‘end linstick. z a Beainnins 2 oe eer eeaas Smt © an earring: bear! beads 2m | witna ore metal bane. earl beads eads Sm o @® BROOCH 2nd row 12 each. repeat 10 times. wire 600124") ‘1st row 8 each reneat 6 times, ‘Glue on pin back Make midcle part Ending ‘by winding left wire é 2016) around 1st ron. 4 Dull to back eal beads Sm —/ Coane pear! beads Sim eave wire pear beads 6m Loin both fswers together wre 7Uiaizer), 20m16? one with wrons side inside, for a flower and fasten them with wire. @ BRACELET wind around chain with wire lett at back. Jewelry clase: 1807 1/4") one BO RE il Oct [Desiens O-@ Use small beads unless otherwise indicated. ® NECKLACES © EARRING Seefnne beading thread 1 30052") Ending craft filament. PH 6 om gaaonneceseeeag g, / — 80m24" Reosat 50 tes C2 is tor nk ona) @RINGS @NECKLACES ;., seadosvitnnoe eat arene eomee 2 beading threads = Sass Ee. 70ai28"1 Ending large beads Beginning ME08at 6 times. (According to @ EARRINGS tnecrsize.) Loop beads, wire 170068") on OAR \ es) ORNAMENTS Ros straight through eeace> © EARRINGS 2 craft flaments 10m/4") feree beacs @ RINGS craft fllament 2048") leree beads ayuuseg aupua ple 3 wires 1200148") (Tie them on.) @8@@ EARRINGS Photo on page 46. ? whe 6oaiza wre 70ai26") _c> beech threeds doo) each wesoonar) make 2, b, and c, bead tips with note Repeat across comb, ‘ metal rings he to.end etnning strung b ond OR 1 Sigeane 8 My otal i nf Foena yOu COOddU RNAMENTS Beginning wire 60 o24") Attach another wire 30012") long, RCD) i tos rhinestone Ending 45 ole 5 Ending Wt hs ag a Ca @ | ASHION = iE STATEMENTS 4 = “Gb 8880 UO SUO!NIYSU! JEUIO ‘DEOSaO JO suoyjnovysul oy} JoJ ZE osed 68S = Lb Ko gees ‘suuedo J \. eneoruenneson /{ sopsausnummes@ — \ ¢ is ————- sz + s wortumusDUe ; ‘spueRU0 8 199 pue-85s 09 vo ‘ & oan Alene us @uou eats pu C8 agg LRyo uenoan peode sted @ ¢ ‘ROUEBO WOO. spooawen \eapuveco wes pur “BLO .H/E9NL) FapO OPE UNL @ SONS EWSU® waz —~*Po0s90009% "WES DUE UOIAS JelO Aloha 12 PEAq e S3ed® syeoq UeEd ——¢r. : ~ 1 | woKe ssid IO “7 1 -ouaey ouow aan so ‘npussuoongpueueeie & | 8 ‘enge) *y9u;@803 PUR 3NO So's WNL — ina 7 sy) | 'SOPIS UBL LAMM MESO —————— St “wo mes 1.9/9 LLY dvd NONSIHD @@@® euorseuns —_ysnowwa pean speed SBE} ———— @ L SuLed mespue Ul @ Na yn epISU LIAL @ a dy Ey Pads Jougu-oyAsce pedeus-eSu © # Pl vo mos spon Yooe WPraw EBON SSE ith alli | a \_ e)a? BYE B Ils: : a on / & |} é 8 as in J a ( 2 se ua a) eel ee’ Ge 4 S “Vo mes "speEG YORE UENO. PEEL S3Eq 8 ® gy | Kn eheAt aU aie eye] 2 |) je COLEINIOOIOIIOO Pye) ge ile —"(e egec Uo LORONASU) Spead KIEPIOIQUS © @ : b ° l, | —~\, snesa 98.0) ft aie 0 ag: SNO8SIY YIVH A / ore eS ya sme : ces é Boog oe 9 4 pig sw bus Ueno 0 IRS ‘ —— ‘Loznoos Gut yom Bujoeas SHA JOES eq uo MeS © speed ORL anno @ a 2 Pus 03 SEU IejeW (78 LzWoyS um ese (0p) hogy UOAGU UIBJROUR SPM (.8/sitg fume 1 Aq veqUe0 649 Ul GeUROUS UTS 39AIOn OpIm (.V/ENDE'L youn veaaeu037® — SNIQGEIY O@ (.9 aor speeuta Bupe8G OL ‘SuoTNG pus SsuRIeq 'SO|de4 ‘SUOgGL JOJ UO!e.4SNII| 07 4OJOH “OJIM EBLE “Ou “EBS L ‘ani 3J0u0 “speaq SUN]S DUE 04 SAU [279 “BUOISAUIWA "UG "PEEUy sUIDeEq "Quod ‘sdse|0 “JO.WIU-d1|AJOe Padeys-Je3s 'SBUWJee JO Sed “JOY UAIA\ dH} Pesq “(wug) (Wg'Z) SpeEq |Je8a ‘speed JeINOJ}O E812] ‘SP2Eq JEINOWIO |IEWS : SJBLUEICW ‘PexLOIU! esimuELIO SsEIUN speed |ieWIS es @-0 susiseg| Designs O-@ Use large beads unless otherwise indicated Materials letge oreuig Seere oral pear! beads (3x6mi, 1 @ ARIES Mer.21--Apr.1g @ TAURUS Apr.20--May.20 © GEMINI wire B00n'32") wire 60m24) May.24 --Jun.21 2 wires 2008") 2 wires 200¥8") wire 6omi2a") wire 15046") a, Attach another Wire 1 Sax6)iong, 23 wire 2008") tone. e20n place. Begining Beeinnine. @ CANCER © LEO © VIRGO Jun.22--JulL22 Jul23--Aug.22 Aus.23--Sen.22 Wire B0m132" wire e032") wire 60x24") 2 res 2005) ne Endina 2682098 Boginning wire 2Omne") ‘another wire) 2028") ons. 3 Engng Begining feach wlace, Besinning 5 Begining @ LIBRA Sep.23--0ct.23 &"s © SCORPIO Oct.24--Nov.22 wre 1100¥44") wire 7 000W40" © SAGITTARIUS wire 700128") curves beads 3m@ = Noy 93--De0.21 curved bead 4m X enaing @CAPRICORN t Dec.22--Jan.13 Engin Ending wire Gome4") @ AQUARIUS ® PISCES attach 2 wires 20016") Jan.20--Feb.18 Feb.19--Mar.20 enoirien Wis & wire 1506") wire 800/32") wire 700128") 16016") ons FY arial starvanensd Gaeseeo wire 20a6"). Beginning another wire 200 (6 longs, ‘each place, Ending CREATIVE CRAFT TE NSat a ROUND, HEXAGO! e *#SHAPE & SIZE *#COLOUR Ria AN Slane 'S5R MamennneRAe | oI eh ge (1H Renee ‘566 ale 613 615 | 817 165 a@gmgpageans | 91] | yoeubecemeoe | 65 ammanmanann 165 ‘Wanmananae | 917 | eewwwanamane | BG gaeaaegoeee | 610 OU ANIM HEAD OFFICE/2-19-6 MISASAMACHI NISHI-KU TOHO CO., LTD. HIROSHIMA-SHI JAPAN 733-0003 oi a TEL.082-297-5151 FAX.082-238-( es OSAKA BRANCH / TEL. 06-6453-1782 FAX. 06-645: http://www. TOKYO BRANCH /TEL.03-3862-8548 FAX.03-385 over USS. Distributor: Gay Bowles Sales Ine./Mill Hill P.O, Box 1060 Janesville, WI 53547-1060 USA 800-447-1332 Fax: 608-754-0665 e-mail:millhill http: /www.millhillcom £ US$ 15.00 Best Selling Haudionaft Cooke with ONDOR! Warks Patchwork Quilt i . z, “ TMA FULL COLOR ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN Basic Beadwork BASIC ENIT fof Beginners S45p:8" 10" in 4090; 7'4x10%4in USBN 0-87040-972-7 ISBN 0.87090-745-7 FUN & FANCY CROSS-STITCH SIMPLE CROSS STITCH FOR YOUR HOME EMBROIDERY DESIGNS 134pp:7"/.%10"/ sin 120p9:74/4 210" in, ISBN 0-87040-734-1 103pp:84/4 108/sin. ISBN 0-87040.754.6 ISBN 0.87040.647-7, TSBN 0-87040-850-9 | | 90000 ONDORI/ JAPAN PUBLICATIONS 9 "7a0870'408908" Ml Printed in Japan

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