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Session Project 2Piaget and Play

Identify one toy that a 3-5 year old would play with. Answer the following questions about that

1. What is the toy? Describe it fully here. The toy that the 3-5 year old would play with his
a rocketship. It look somewhat like a torpedo. It is silver with orange flames on the
bottom that represent the fire during takeoff.


On the box, what age is this toy recommended for? There is a small box that says that
this certain toy is recommended for children ages 3-8.

3. Write how a child in each of the following stages would play with the toy:
Sensorimotor: The infant reaches and grasps for the toy rocketship. By use of object
permanence, the infant is able to recognize what it is. He waves the object in the air to
represent what a real one would do, i.e. shooting upwards, entering the stratosphere, and
relaxing in outer space. By using symbols, the infant also would engage in pretend play,
as if these actions were happening in real life.

Preoperational: the c=child thinks that the rockesthip is real, with aid of his or her own
thoughts. These thoughts make their ideas toward animism. Caught up in his egocentrism,
the child believes that an object like the toy rocketship behaves as the way he does.

Concrete Operational: The child is growing up and is between the ages 7 to 11. Since his
or her knowledge is more mental, they are becoming more mature than playing with toys
like the rocketship. To get to point: their thinking is becoming more and more
hypothetical and logical so if they did, for instance, still play with the rocketship, then
they would have deeper scoops and quicker motions.

What cognitive processes from Piagets or Vygotskys theories are involved in

Session Project 2Piaget and Play

the toys?
I can relate more to Piaget theories when talking about cognitive processes. There is no
way to be taught on how to play with the rocketship, which buckles down to the first
teaching practice of Piagets theory. The child is getting used to how the world works and
how to interact with playing toys.

What ways can this toy be improved to increase the effect of the toy on cognitive
The toy could have more elaborate markings on its surface. Originally, the simple version
is smaller and is all silver. But, the exclusive version, which comes in packs of two, is
silver with maroon stripes. The flames are larger and fierier at the end. This allows the
child to gain more knowledge of what a rocketship can really measure up to. He or she is
more likely to ask his or her parents about real rocket ships, or look them up on a site of
his or her own Both versions of rocket ships, the simple and exclusive, however, and
lead a child to complete this.

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