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El bar:

Con el nio que le gusta...

Yesid: has bailado bachata?
Paola: s, me encantaba bailar bachata
Yesid: wow... vamos a bailar
Despus de bailar... Yesid va al bao y deja Paola sola...
La chica sentada en la mesa:
El camarero trae una cerveza!
Paola: lo siento! Yo no he pedido nada
Camarero: l joven! enva esta cerveza!
Paola: oh! gracias ..
Entonces el joven se acerca a Paola
Diego: hola Paola, no te acuerdas de m?
Paola: no, no me acuerdo
Diego: Yo he estudiado en la universidad los libertadores
Paola: oh! Yo te he recordado!
Diego: cmo has estado?
Paola: bien, gracias, y t?
Diego: muy bien...
Yesid: hola!
Paola: hola!
Diego, l est Yesid
Yesid, l es Diego un amigo de la universidad
Yesid: nice to meet you!
Diego: agradable tambin conocerte!
Me tengo que ir! Tengo que trabajar maana...
Paola: oh! pero maana es sbado
Los sbados no se trabaja
Diego: s! Tengo otro trabajo.
Y ha trabajado Yesid?
Yesid: s, he trabajado toda la vida por desgracia...

The bar:
For the child who likes...
Yesid: you dance bachata?
Paola: yes, I loved to dance bachata
Yesid: wow ... let's dance
After dancing ... Yesid goes to the bathroom and left alone Paola...
The girl sitting at the table:
The waiter brings a beer!
Paola: sorry! I did not order anything
Waiter: the young! Send this beer!
Paola: oh! Thanks..
Then the young man approaches Paola
Diego: Hello Paola, do not you remember me?
Paola: no, I do not remember
Diego: I studied in college liberators
Paola: oh! I've remembered you!
Diego: how have you been?
Paola: Well, thanks, and you?
Diego: Nice...
Yesid: hello!
Paola: hello!
Diego, he is Yesid
Yesid, he is Diego a friend of university
Yesid: nice to meet you!
Diego: nice too meet you!
I have to go! I have to work tomorrow...
Paola: oh! But tomorrow is Saturday
Saturdays do not work
Diego: yes! I have another job.
And has worked Yesid?
Yesid: yes, I have worked all my life unfortunately...

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