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Chapters 25-27 Test Review: TIMELINE

Late 18c

Qing Dynasty in decline: Corruption of civil service system: bribery to obtain

posts; neglect of public works; increased crime (banditry); Opium dens were
detrimental to civilization and caused conflicts with Britain.


British traders introduce opium to Chinese creates addicts and the notorious
opium dens which added to the widespread corruption and neglect of the Qing


Haitian Revolution; slave revolt led by Tousaint LOuverture; inspired by French

Revolution and American Revolution; only successful slave revolt (Haiti gains
independence in 1804); Haitian slaves take advantage of French divisions during
the French Revolution to rebel.


Rule of Muhammad Ali in Egypt: increased Westernization efforts in Egypt, but

made Egypt dependent on the export of a single crop (cotton), which was
detrimental to the Egyptian economy.


Portugal is invaded by Napoleons armies King John VI flees to Brazil and sets
up the royal court there. Brazil acquires an equal status to Portugal


Britain ends their participation in the trans-Atlantic slave trade caused by

Enlightenment ideas, religious conviction, and the Haitian Revolution.


Napoleon invades Spain and puts his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, to power. This
creates a national crisis in both Spain and its colonies regarding loyalty. Gives
colonies an opportunity to rebel.


Independence wars in Latin America:


Creole priest, Miguel Hidalgo who led revolt against Spanish rule. Creoles fear
social disturbance, so they abandon the rebellion. Hidalgo soon captured and
executed. However, his efforts put the revolution in motion.


NORTHERN SOUTH AMERICA: Creole officer, Simon Bolivar, establishes a

national congress and declares independence from Spain Civil war Wins
freedom for Gran Colombia (Venezuela, Colombia, Equador)


SOUTHERN SOUTH AMERICA (Argentina): Creole officer, Jose de San Martin

joins forces with various revolutionary leaders and takes the revolutionary
movement into Argentina, Peru, and Chile.


Rio de Plata (Argentina) declares its independence from Spain.


Greek Revolution Greeks gain independence from Ottoman Balkans

contributes to the weakening of the Ottoman Empire. Caused by the increase in
nationalist ideas.


Napoleon defeated from Portugal King John VI returns to Portugal, but leaves
his son, Pedro I to rule Brazil. Pedro then declared Brazilian independence.


Treaty of Cordoba Mexican independence from Spain achieved.


Simon Bolivar creates the nation of Gran Colombia, consisting of Colombia,

Ecuador, and Venezuela. This unified nation is later divided due to regional


Dom Pedro declares Brazil independent from Portugal, as he feared that Brazil
would lose representation in the Portuguese government. Establishment of
Brazilian monarchy and still nothing done about the issue of slavery.


Monroe Doctrine issued: insisted that Latin America was off-limits to European
aggression; Britain supports this doctrine to prevent Spain from re-colonizing
Latin America and so that they can establish trade relations with Latin America.


All of Spanish America had declared its independence and established republics
(except Mexico)


Mexico becomes a republic.


Rule of Pedro II. REFORMS: made Brazil major exporter of coffee; abolished
slavery (1888)


Central American states that had once been part of Mexico as a unified state,
divided into separate independent nations.


Manchus issue imperial edict forbidding the further sale/use of opium. This
angers the British and causes the first Opium War.


First Opium War: Britain vs China, over the opium trade. British win because of
superior weapons and technology.


Tanzimat Reform Era: increases Westernization in the Ottoman Empire in

attempts to revive the Empire. Was initiated too late to create any significant


China forced to sign Treaty of Nanjing, which granted Britain rights to expand
trade with China, and gave them special trade privileges (5 ports opened.)

Spheres of influences established, where the controlling nations enjoy special

trade privileges and extraterritoriality rights.

Britain takes Hong Kong as a British colony.


Taiping Rebellion: advocate social reform, more rights for women, and land
redistribution; caused by the inability of the Qing to get rid of foreign influence
and defeat in the Opium Wars. Ended by the scholar gentry who saw this as a
threat to their power and Chinese tradition.


Crimean War: Russia vs Ottoman Empire. Britain and France help the Ottomans,
since they fear that if the Ottoman Empire were to fall, Russia would grow much
bigger and more powerful. The Ottoman Empire wins.


United States Commodore Matthew Perry arrives in Japan in a steamboat, and

forces Japan to open its borders for trade.


Second Opium War: China continues to resist the opium trade Chinese lose
and costs the opening of all of China to European trade.


Self-Strengthening Movement under the Manchus. Increase Westernization

efforts. However, ultimately fails because of ultra-conservative emperor Cixi and
the Qing government.


Czar Alexander II abolishes serfdom, but this doesnt really change much.
Production is about the same, as peasants continue using traditional methods, and
it is difficult for serfs rise from their lots.


Serbs launch successful independence revolts against the Ottoman Empire

contributes to the weakening of the Ottoman Empire. Caused by the increase in
nationalist ideas.


Official end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.


Emperor Meiji comes to power: Meiji Restoration; caused by overthrowing of the

Tokugawa Shogunate: Feudalism ends and government centralized. Sends
samurai to U.S. and Europe to learn.


Opening of Suez Canal in Egypt, in response to European pressures and huge

debts. Connected the Mediterranean and Red Seas, and made it much easier and
faster for Europeans to conduct trade with Asia and Africa.


Meiji government abolishes the samurai class.


Westernization and quick industrialization in Japan


Flourishing of Russian culture and arts Tolstoys Anna Karenina, Tchaikovskys

The Nutcracker, etc.


Korea declares independence from China (later annexed by Japan)


Samurai class abolished in Japan; a universal military service system among

males was established in its place.


Meiji government creates a bicameral parliament based on Western models.


Britain gains control of Egypt shows the increase of European influence in the
Middle Eastern/Muslim area.


Sino-French War: loses Vietnam


Brazil abolishes slavery (among last)


Brazil becomes a republic, as a result of landowners fury for the abolition of

slavery in Brazil.


Sino-Japanese War: fought over Korea; Japan wins, and grants the Japanese
trading rights in China and control over Korea. Caused by Japans wish for an
empire to acquire resources to run industries.


Spanish-American War: Conflict between Spain and Cuban revolutionaries. The

United States intervenes and backs up Cuba. As a result of U.S. victory, they gain
control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Cuba becomes an independent
republic. U.S. becoming one of the world powers.


Boxer Rebellion in China: Revolt against Westernization and foreigners; backed

by Qing rulers.


Foot binding abolished (shows disintegration of culture)


Russo-Japanese War: fought over Manchuria in northern China; Japanese victory

and led to Russian unrest at all the lost wars.


Russian Revolution: a result of Russian losses to both the Crimean and RussoJapanese War. Displayed the peoples unrest for the extremely autocratic tsarist
regime. The revolution was led by the Bolsheviks, with Lenin as the leader.


Chinese examination system eliminated (shows crumbling of culture)


Korea is annexed by Japan.


Fall of the Manchu Qing dynasty and establishment of Chinas first republic under
Sun Yat-sen


The Panama Canal in Latin America opens, thus increasing global trade with the
Americas. Caused through U.S. support for Panamanian independence and
rebellion, and U.S. interest in Central America and the Caribbean area.

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