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TONG CONG TY CO PHAN KHOAN CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM VA DICH VU KHOAN DAU KH Déc Lap - Tu Do - Hanh Phiie CONG TY TNHH MTV DIA VAT LY PETROVIETHAM GIENG KHOAN DAU KHi LPV Driling ae Tp. Hé Chi Minh, ngay 8... thang 2... nd 20.25" S6 JRAL/QRDNIL q QUYET DINH CUA GIAM DOC CONG TY DIA VAT LY GIENG KHOAN DAU KHi (Viv: Khen thuténg dinh ki) cho cé nhdn cé thanh tich va dong gép xudt sic trong céng tac AT-SK-MT-CL) = Can cit vao yéu cau cia Hé théng HSEQ cita Cong ty PVD Logging; - Can cir vao diéu 5 va phy lye 1 cita Quy ché thudng an toan — site khe ~ mdi truémg — chat hrgng cia Téng céng ty CP Khoan va Dich vu Khoan Dau Khi (PVD); QUYET DIN 1, Diu 1: Tuyén durong truée toan thé CBNV céng ty va thuéng 16.000.000 ding (mudi sau trigu déng) cho cae CBNV dat thanh tich trong bao céo quan sat an toan thang 01/2015. Cu thé: STT | Ho tn Phong Thanh tich Séti | (VND) 1_| Nguy€n Thanh Duy Karota Khi_| Best card 2.000.000 2 | Nguyén Quang Trong Karota Khi_ | Nhiéu card 3 cards, 05 32 card | 2.000.000 6 béo cdo king an tan & edi tén) E 3_| Wa Trong Khoa Karota Khi_| Duge khdch hang khen card 2.000.000 4 [Trin Thanh Ting Dja Vat Ly_| Buge khdch hang khen card 2.000.000 5 [Vi Quang Karota Khi_| Duge khdch hang khen card 2.000.000 6 | Nguyén Thanh Long Karota Khi__| Duge khdch hang khen card 2.000.000 7_[Neuyén Anh Tuan Karota Khi_| Duge khach hang khen card 2.000.000 8__| Vo Hujnh Anh Karota Khi_ | Buge khdch hang khen card 2.000.000 1.1 Ni dung cdc observation card: xem phu tue dinh kém 1.2 Nguén trich theéng: tte chi phi hoat déng ciia céng ty 1.3 Hinh thite khen thumg: Chuyén khoan 2. Biéu 2: Cée CBNV c6 tén 6 digu 1 cdn duy tri va phat huy hon nita thanh tich da dat duge trong, théi gian t6i, ximg dang véi sy tin cdy cla Ban Gidm Dée va tip thé CBNV Céng ty. 3. Diéu 3: Cac CBNV cé tén & diéu 1 va cdc phdng ban lién quan trong Céng ty ¢6 tréch nhiém thi hanh quyét dinh nay. Quyét dinh nay c6 higu lye ké tir ngay ky. Noi nhdin. d - Niue diéu 3. > Lu VT, AT-CL Tel: (84-8) 39 105 860 - Fax: (84-8) 39 105 859 - Website: a ‘ae Phy lye: NOLDUNG CAC CARD DUQC KHEN THUONG (Kém theo Quyét dinh khen tueéng 36.45.12 /ay_plingay .0212LeiS~ ) sTT Ho ten Noi dung card Hanh dng khitc phye— phong ngira Neuyén Thanh Duy Observed a third party man was standing wrong permitted area in rig floor while running tubing. Time out for safety was called and reminded him to pay attention whenever enter rig floor because there was a lot of risk and hazards, He agreed to be more aware of standing and position. Va Trong Khoa ‘Observed lubricated oil was leaking from cement pump engine and spreading over walk way to Mud Logging unit. It was extreme dangerous for anyone walking on that way could slip and fall Informed cementer supervisor to fix the leaking engine and helped him clean up the mess. ‘Tran Thanh Tang, Saw a half retracted paper knife in desk drawer. ‘Asked the man in charge to retract it fully and tell him how dangerous it is if he put his hand in the drawer searching for something. Vai Quang TObserved man jumping off bottom step of ladder; 2. Man rubbing his eye with dirty glove T. Stopped the man to explain he could get an ankle injury. 2. Stopped him and asked the man to take care his action. Neuyén Thanh Long Found a wrench on top of air control panel near moon pool, this could be a potential drop object ‘when rough sea or rig shaking by ‘over pull from the TDS. T take the wrench and go find the area supervisor to have a talk with him, ‘Nguyén Anh Tuan I. Observed the man going up the stairs not using the handrails. 2. Observed a man working in an area that required hearing protection. T. Stopped him and asked him to use the handrails when going up and down stairs. 2. Stopped him and explained that he needed to also be wearing a set of ear muff. V6 Huynh Anh ‘Observed man using high pressure to clean deck, did not have barrier in place. Wrote observation card. ge ~“DAUKHLZ aS Sr LUONG VAN CUONG

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