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Political Issues Assignment

The Growth of Unemployment Rates in Oregon

Political Issue Research Paper
Kyra M. Berry
UNST-137G-001: Globalization
October 20, 2014
Professor Christopher Carey

The Growth of Unemployment Rates in Oregon

Political Issues Assignment

Many people are currently unemployed and are having a difficult time finding employment.
Unemployment is a worldwide issue that has yet been repaired. Oregons unemployment rate
has dropped to its lowest point in the past three years. I have a different view on unemployment
that may take more effort to change. Researching on past Oregon employment issues, I see that
Oregon had been in the whole for quite some time. Governor John Kitzhaber and Representative
Dennis Richardson do have a plan for this issue of low unemployment rates. Both the Governor
and Representative would like to get Oregon back to how it was in the past. They have the same
approach to raise employment but different ways to do so. Oregonians are striving for a governor
who will help them get better long last jobs.
Governor John Kitzhaber is the blame for the unemployment rate dropping to its lowest point.
(Tims, 2014) Kitzhaber has plan to make Oregon better than before. With him being accused of
the unemployment downfall, he would like to make voters believe that he could make Oregon
better. Not to forget that when he took office, over 25,000 jobs were created. (Priority, 2012) He
wants Oregon to remain in the top 10 states for businesses and by doing this, he would proceed
with the supporters who made Oregon successful. Also to make Oregon successful, Kitzhaber
would like job training to begin at an early age to prepare the young for the future. He would also
upgrade older systems with new and up to date programs to make business easier and non
complicated. This would also make big and small business alike. (Priority, 2012) Lastly,
Kitzhaber mentions that the state of Oregon should expand their business and collaborate with
others for economic development. Governor John Kitzhaber has a thoughtful plan laid out for
Oregons future. He mentioned everything specifically what he changes he would like to see in
the future.

Political Issues Assignment

Representative Dennis Richardson comes from a different approach with unemployment. He

wants to reboot Oregons economy. He has broken down exactly what he wants to change in the
economy. Richardson would make equal pay for women. He believes that the current governor is
underpaying women versus the men. As governor, Richardson would like to create over 2,000
additional jobs to the union jobs. (Meet, 2014) Expanding the farmland with the share of the
Columbia River that Oregon owns would create more opportunities for jobs. (Meet, 2014) He
would like to do this without damaging the sea life that lives in the river. For Oregon to return to
prosperity, Richardson mentioned to open markets and other job opportunities to create more
jobs for the people. (Meet, 2014) Richardson believes that if he could promote Oregon, the
government would earn more money to create more better jobs for the people. Promoting Oregon
would bring in business and create larger organizations.
My topic was not discussed in this past governors debate. However, in the previous debate
unemployment was mentioned. Both Governor and Representative explained what they would do
to help those unemployed. In the first televised debate that they participated in, they talked about
minimum wage. Both Governor Kitzhaber and Representative Richardson mentioned that no
can live off of minimum wage.(Hammers, 2014) Richardson believes that minimum wage is just
something to start with but later raised a reasonable amount to be able make living. He also
mentions that Oregons unemployment rate has been higher that the national average. Governor
Kitzhaber believes that minimum should be no higher than $11.00 an hour. (Hammers, 2014)
Richardson had a more stable connect with the unemployment topic. In my opinion, I believe
that Representative Richardson had a more complex explanation for the minimum wage being
more efficient to the people.

Political Issues Assignment

In my research, Oregons unemployment has not changed in 2014.(Young, 2014) The

unemployment rate in Oregon as a whole state was not much higher than Portland, OR as of July
2014. (Database, 2004) I believe that more jobs should be available for any citizen to have an
opportunity to work. Jobs should be created for anyone no matter their age or experience. For
example, teenage who have little to no experience have a difficult time finding employment.
Many jobs prefer to have employees over the age of 18 with experience. If business change their
policies, there would be more employment for the young adults for them to build their work
For those who has been employed for many years, they become unemployed due to pay cuts
and job cuts. Oregon has created more job opportunities to decrease the unemployment rate. The
unemployment rate fell after the additional jobs were added in 2012. (Young, 2014) However,
the unemployment rate has not changed as of 2014. I think if the government spent time figuring
out how to decrease the unemployment rate, it would not be a major issue any longer. I believe
the government does not put their attention to those who have been unemployed longterm.
Although, jobs are being created, that is not helping those who are unemployed. They remain
unemployed because businesses are hiring newer employees who may not have much experience
in their firm. Minimum wage is also a problem for unemployment. Many people can not rely on
their minimum wage paycheck to make a living. This is a reason why the unemployed stay
unemployed because they would like to receive a reasonable check that will support them.
In the last three years, Oregon reached their lowest percentage in unemployment. With the
new jobs that are created, there is not change in the unemployment rate. Majority of Oregons
unemployed are new comers and those who quit their job. (Database, 2004) Although, Oregon as
a state has lost may jobs in the past year, gaining more jobs balanced it out. It is shown that the

Political Issues Assignment

employment is improving but has not taken care of the unemployment. Oregon is able to regain
the jobs that were lost in a short amount of time. This past June, Oregon lost a high amount of
jobs then gained more jobs the following July and August. (Young, 2014) Research shows that
Oregon has been attempting to make the unemployment rate decrease since earlier this year.
They have created more and more jobs after losing jobs. The employment rate has increased
while the unemployment rate stays the same.
Dr. Michael J. Hammers did research on how minimum wage effected unemployment rates
throughout the US. Minimum wage increased back in 2008 and took a change on unemployment.
(Hammers, 2008) As minimum wages increased so did the unemployment rates in some states.
Oregon is one of the states that was effected by the outcome. Oregon was one of the states whose
minimum wage did not increase in 2008. However, Oregons unemployment rate increase 0.5
percent between June and July in 2008. Not only does job cuts raise the unemployment rate but
also minimum wage plays a role in the issue.
Unemployment is an important issue that does not get the attention it should. Oregon has a
candidate that I believe could resolve this issue. There are many different problems that makes
unemployment a bigger issue. No matter how man job opportunities that are open does not make
the unemployment rates decrease. With the help of the government and them willing to support, I
believe Oregon could resolve this issue easily. Governor Kitzhaber and Representative
Richardson have made important points to resolve unemployment issue. There were many
reliable sources that provided resourceful information. I believe Oregon would overcome this
issue and become better than before.

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Political Issues Assignment


Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject. (2004, January 4). Retrieved October 19, 2014,
2014, from
Hammers, S. (2014, September 27). Kitzhaber, Richardson square off in Sunriver. Retrieved
October 19, 2014, from
Hicks PhD, M. (2008, September 24). Did the Increase in Minimum Wage Cause Our
Unemployment Rate to Rise. Retrieved October 19, 2014, from
Meet Dennis. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2014, from
Oregon's Economic Summary. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2014, from
Tims, D. (2014, July 2). Under Gov. Kitzhaber, has Oregon's unemployment rate dropped to its
lowest point in three years? Retrieved October 19, 2014, from
Young, M. (2014, January 22). Oregon's economic rebound reaches more people in 2013,
building momentum into 2014. Retrieved October 19, 2014, from

Political Issues Assignment

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Young, M. (2014, August 12). Oregon pulls in just 200 jobs in July as unemployment rate climbs
to 6.9 percent. Retrieved October 19, 2014, from
Young, M. (2014, October 14). Oregon job stalls, unemployment rate flat in September.
Retrieved October 19, 2014, from

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