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The Differences between Introverts and Extroverts

Imagine sitting at a sporting event and there is a woman sitting all alone away from the
rest of the crowd. Some may think that she is a loser because she does not have anyone to sit
with or talk to. Now some people would believe that she is a snob, and she thinks she is too
good to sit by someone else. While either of these statements may be correct, there is more
reason to believe that she is just an introvert, someone who likes to be alone rather than
surrounded by the noise and actions of others. Knowing the personality of a person can change a
persons perspective about who he or she is and why he or she does the things that he or she
does. There are many definitions that branch off of each other to explain exactly what
extraversion, the opposite of introversion is. These definitions all derive from the basic features
of the extent to which a person interacts with the world (Boyd, Bee 221). Introversion and
extroversion are a component of the Big Five Personality Trait Theory that was developed and
adopted by many researchers and is still used today to help determine a persons personality
(Boyd, Bee 220). Knowing a persons personality can be beneficial for many reasons such as
group placing in school and the workplace, knowing how a person may react in a certain
situation, and being able to coexist with each other peacefully. Introverts and extroverts have
different behaviors; there are tests that can help determine the different personality types, how
the personality impacts a person and the people around them, and how introverts and extroverts
both learn and work better and more efficiently in different work and school
environments. Introverts and extroverts differ from each other in the way they act, the things
they enjoy, and the way that they learn and perform best; however, having a tendency for one
personality is no better than the other.

Introversion and extroversion are components of a persons personality that make a

person who they are and how they are part of the world. Most of the social stimulation is created
by others at work, school, home, or in public. It is human nature to be social, but some people
wish to avoid most of the social stimulation; those people can be classified as introverts. Carl
Jung, a psychologist who founded analytic psychology, believed that introversion and
extroversion are a persons attitude towards life and that a person falls somewhere on the scale of
extroversion and has both aspects of the personalities. His ideas were differentiated from others
because he believed that the personality had more to do with a person's concern with themselves
or the objective world (Aron 99). Many people feel alone and believe no one understands them
at one time or another in their life. While some may be going through something they believe
that no one else can understand. It may seem as if they are the only ones who are a loner or an
introvert, but they would be wrong. Although media may portray the world as mostly
extroverted because that is what society values, it is actually an incorrect assumption. A national
study of 1,378 subjects showed that 57% of the population are introverted (Helgoe 41). Carl
Jung believed, this does not mean that the 57% are strictly introverted and the other 43% are
strictly extroverted; this means that those people fall on that side of the introversion/extroversion
scale. Introverts usually turn inward for their energy. The energy that comes from both
introverts and extroverts is called Qi or Chi in the Taoist tradition, and it is believed that not only
do opposites attract to make a whole, but also that when they connect, they combine to create a
new life energy different from the introvert or extrovert energy (Helgoe 228). A study of the
Arousal Theory by Psychologist Hans Eysenck in 1967, found that introverts would have
higher cortical arousal levels, meaning that their brains are more active. The research he
published showed that his theory was correct in that introverts have more active brains (Helgoe

13). This research shows that introverts and extroverts differ in the physical aspects of their
brains. They are also known to have different behaviors.
The way a person acts and behaves has the power to change how other people see them,
how they see themselves, and how they react to the world around them. Introverts and extroverts
have defining behaviors that help determine their personality. One of the biggest assumptions
about introverts is that they are antisocial, which would mean that a person would have an
antisocial personality disorder; this disorder would mean that a person would lack a social
conscience. This, however, is not the case with introverts who are described as someone who
views life from the inside out and that introverts get their energy from reflecting upon
themselves instead of others (Helgoe 13). Introverts and extroverts see social interaction in
different ways. Events such as parties do not interest introverts because they may be wanting to
avoid feelings of loneliness while surrounded by people, or they may just find a quiet or
meaningful activity more interesting (Helgoe 6). Like all humans, introverts still enjoy being
social; they just manage what they like to do and save their time and energy for the things they
enjoy most. Some introverts avoid social situations because of discouraging past experiences,
but this is not always the case. Instead of having a large group of friends, the introvert may
choose to have a smaller circle of very close friends, choosing quality over quantity (Aron 98).
Introverts mostly internalize their problems which leads them to blame themselves more than
others. While they can be more reliable and responsible than extroverts, they are often given
more responsibilities and therefore are under more pressure from both themselves and others.
Introverts know how to make themselves feel better and enjoy their own company; therefore,
unlike extroverts, they do not search for reassurance from others (Helgoe 174). Introverts tend to
enjoy ideas more than activities. They are better listeners and are more likely to think through an

idea before saying it. Writing is also preferred over talking for introverts because they can think
through the ideas fully without intrusion (Helgoe 13). Introverts have been proven to be more
flexible in a situation, which is a useful trait to have throughout life. The self-reflection
capabilities that most introverts have allow them to mature more gracefully into adulthood (Aron
100). Studies between 2000 and 2006 that included over 6,000 subjects from thirty-nine
different countries showed that extroverts show more response to external rewards, and are better
at maintaining good moods than introverts (Helgoe 92). Extroverts tend to be more spontaneous
and creative individuals than introverts (Levchuck). A study by Avril Thorne showed that when
introverted women were placed in a room together, they were more serious and focused, they
listened, interviewed, and gave advice to each other. The extroverted women took part in more
pleasure talk about experiences, paid compliments to each other, and were more upbeat. When
paired with an introvert, they stated that they enjoyed not having to be cheery all of the time
(Aron 99). This study shows that introverts and extroverts have different characteristics and will
act differently around each other. Introverts, like all people, want a safe, comfortable, intimate,
small-talk-free connection, but as introverts they want time and space alone with peace and quiet.
Introverts are usually very close to family so a relationship should not be impacted by a certain
personality as long as the people get along (Helgoe 179). The introverts and extroverts have
these traits that are seen as children and throughout their life. The traits that they have are most
likely going to be the same throughout their life and should not be attempted to be changed.
When someone attempts to change the personality and the aspects of another person the
results can be disastrous. An example would be that, according to Laurie Helgoe, in 1996, a
newsletter was published in which there was an article that warned parents that video games and
the internet were causing children to become introverted. This cannot be proved, and while it

may seem that way for some, most of the time introverted people just want time alone. This
article was the cause of many overreacting parents to drag their children away from their only
place of privacy (Helgoe 22). The parents tried to change the characteristics of their children and
instead caused a negative impact. This impact can be affected by how the introvert is
categorized based on their degree of introversion and how they view themselves. When society
causes an introvert to see themselves differently, the introvert will either stay the same and
become alienated from society by social alienation or adapt to become someone different causing
the introvert to alienate or disconnect himself or herself by self-alienation (Helgoe 27).
Alienation is associated with depression, paranoia, and various personality disorders. Introverts
can be alone yet still feel connected making their being alone different from alienation.
Although many introverts feel alienated from society because America is considered to be
extrovert oriented (Helgoe 26). A response to alienation by society is to turn against oneself and
become a socially accessible introvert who seems to be an extrovert who believes that they must
act as one, but does not believe they can actually become accepted into society. This is not
recommended because it can lead to depression and self-hatred. Another response is that when
an introvert accepts that he or she is different, he or she will become shadow dwellers, who
either ignore people or become hostile to others. A shadow dweller will see himself or herself as
misunderstood and different from everyone else. These introvert types are more typically known
to drop out of society and more likely to be filled with hatred and paranoia (Helgoe 27). Carl
Jungs theory states that to some degree humans are all shadow dwellers and that it depends on
the persons reference point (Helgoe 32). Introvert behaviors impact who a person is, and that all
depends on how they see themselves and how they can react to the world around them.

Whether someone is an introvert or extrovert they need to learn to deal with others.
People must go to school and in order to survive and one needs to have a job, which most likely
will have to deal with the public. A persons quality of life should not be impacted by school or
the career that they choose. There are many different theories about how the mind develops and
how people become who they are. The nature vs. nurture debate is seen in this topic because
both genetics and outside influence have an impact on who people become. People are made up
of their different characteristics including: identity, personality, memory, learning, intelligence,
creativity, and self-esteem. There is some evidence that suggests that personality is genetic.
There are findings that a specific gene impacts the brain chemistry and may influence the reason
for some risky behaviors that are seen more often in extroverted people. Alexander Thomas and
Stella Chess, researchers on temperament, have come up with a few simple questions to ask
parents to test the temperament of a child. How active is a child naturally? How does the child
adapt to change? How energetic is the child? How responsive is the child? Researchers believe
that these questions pose answers that are genetically programmed from birth and will generally
show the temperament throughout the childs life (Levchuck). This research supports Carl
Jungs theory that personalities are genetic, a person is born either an introvert or an extrovert.
Besides this, Jung believed that a persons experiences may change a persons behaviors slightly
but will not change the overall personality of a person (Arbetter). A persons personality may or
may not change as they grow older, and many of the traits that people have as children are also
shown as adults. The overall way a person acts is just who they are and cannot be changed, but
should not have an impact on their quality of life.
These behaviors can be a clue to what a persons personality is, but to figure out what
personality a person has, he or she needs to take a test and have the test assessed by a

professional. The most popular personality test is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or the
MBTI, which was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs, a daughter and
mother team, in 1942 (Ford-Martin, Anne, Frey). The test is based on the idea that introverts
focus mainly on the inner world, while extroverts focus mainly on the outer. The test results
show how much a person is introverted and how much a person is extroverted because everyone
has a certain degree of both (Helgoe xix). Introversion and extroversion are not the only part of
the test though. At the end of the test, there will be assigned letters based on what the person
answers. The letters E or I stand for extrovert and introvert, S or N stands for sensing and
intuition, T or F stands for thinking or feeling, and the letters J or P stand for judging and
perceiving. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator should only be assessed by a professional trained
in the field. The test can be used to provide patients with knowledge about themselves. It can be
used to identify some disorders such as anxiety and mood disorders. The test can be used in the
educational, career, and psychotherapy settings. In the education field, it is used to test the best
learning style for the student because a personality type can impact the way a person learns best.
In the career setting, it can be used to determine a field of work that is best for a person. It can
also can be used to help management determine teams or groups (Ford-Martin, Anne, Frey).
Knowing the personality of a person is useful in different settings to help make the quality of life
An example of where knowing the personality of a person could be useful would be in
the education setting. Depending on the personality of a child, they may either love going to
school or hate it. This may have to do with how well they do in school, with the people they are
with, or with their personality type. In the conventional classroom of 15-20 students, the teacher
would not have the opportunity to work with a few children in a group without the other children

causing issues. This may cause some learners to advance while others are left behind because
they do not get the attention they need (Hart 140). Schools focus more on the children who are
under stimulated, who become distracted easily, and fail to focus on the introverts who become
overstimulated easily. Introverts in loud environments such as a classroom can become
overwhelmed, and this can cause them to not learn effectively (Helgoe 21). To help try to
increase the learning capabilities of the different personality types there have been seven major
teaching methods created. These seven methods are: lecturing, telling combined with
demonstration, seatwork, recitation, discussion, testing, and rote learning (Hart 153-157). These
different ways of teaching children allow teachers to figure out how the different personality
types learn best. Howard Gardner, an American developmental psychologist came up with seven
basic types of intelligence based on the skills that a person excels: musical, mathematical,
linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and physical (Levchuck). There has been a correlation
found between personality types and satisfactory relationships between instructors and students.
A satisfactory relationship would show an increase in learning, motivation, and engagement in
experience (Dettlaff, Dietz, Moore). A way that school can become a less stressful part of a
childs everyday life, and the way that the child is impacted by school can be changed by
adjusting the way of teaching to fit the childs personality best. An introvert and an extrovert
will likely enjoy school differently based on the characteristics of their personalities.
Personality can also make a difference out of school. A persons personality can also
impact the work environment. The workplace is filled with potluck lunches, birthday parties,
and retirement celebrations that are supposed to bring fun to the workplace that introverts would
rather avoid. As well some workplaces require teambuilding activities and retreats that can be
beneficial, but for introverts are an annoyance. Instead of group activities, workplaces should

give the option of receiving work to do by oneself, or the chance to submit their ideas instead of
going to meetings where they might be under too much pressure to talk aloud. For introverts,
less interaction is better for them, and their work ethic (Helgoe 161). People who assign groups
and placement of workers must realize that different personalities can have an impact on the
work relationships and can cause problems to arise between coworkers. The MBTI can help
both coworkers and people who assign placement understand interactions with others, their
choices, and the strengths and limitations of themselves and others. Personality can help
determine the field of work that a person will most likely go into. Accessible introverts are
usually the type of introvert that work more commonly with people, while the shadow dwellers
will find a career in which they can be more solitary (Helgoe 160). The workplace can be a
difficult place depending on the job and a persons personality, and it is best that a person
chooses a career based on their personality in order to ensure they enjoy the line of work.
Every experience is perceived to be different by everyone because not everyone is the
same, the way one reacts to the world around them depends on who they are genetically, how
they were raised, and the experiences that they have had in their lifetime. A persons personality
has an impact on the way that they react to everything, which makes them who they are. On the
scale of introversion of extroversion, every person is different and this small component of the
personality can change how others see a person and how they see himself or herself. Knowing a
persons personality is beneficial to a persons lifestyle. Every person should take a personality
test in order to better understand themselves and the people around them better. Based on a
persons personality, people are better at some things than others and knowing this will help the
introvert or extrovert live a more fulfilling life, at home, work, and school. The way a person

acts, the things they enjoy, and the way they learn and perform best is impacted by their
personality, and makes them who they are.


Works Cited
Arbetter, Sandra R. "Introverts and extrovers: what's your type?" Current Health 2, a Weekly
Reader publication: n. pag. General OneFile. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
Aron, Elanine N. The Highly Sensitive Person. New York: Broadway Books, 1996. Print.
Boyd, Denise, and Helen Bee. The Developing Child. Thirteenth ed. N.p.: Pearson Education,
2012. Print.
Dettlaff, Alan J., Tracy J. Dietz, and Linda S. Moore. "Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in
field education supervision." Journal of Social Work Education: n. pag. Psychology
Collection. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
Ford-Martin, Paula Anne, and Rebecca J. Frey. "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator." The Gale
Encyclopedia of Medicine. 4th ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 2986-88. Print.
Hart, Leslie A. Human Brain and Human Learning. New Rochelle: Brain Age, 1983. Print.
Helgoe, Laurie. Introvert Power. Naperville: Sourcebooks, 2008. Print.
Levchuck, Caroline M. "Mental Health." UXL Complete Health Resource: n. pag. Gale Virtual
Reference Library. Web. 26 Sept. 2014.


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