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Station One: The World Trade Organization

Read the information overviews at this station

(Everyone should come up with the information together)
1. What is the WTO and its mission?
2. Do you think trade is beneficial (good)? Why or why not?
3. Look at the list of member nations. Which nations are not part of
the WTO?
4. Why arent these nations part of the trade organization? Brainstorm
and list examples.

Station Two: Changing Geography / Development

Maps and the Computers
1. In what year were these maps made? What did Grand Bahama look
like then? List two examples.
Use google maps to look at Grand Bahama in its present day.
2. Give 2 specific examples of how Grand Bahama has changed since
the year these maps were made.
(What is not on the paper maps that you can see on google maps?)
3. Has Grand Bahama changed much? How is this related to

Station Three: Tourism and Globalization

With a partner, open and browse through the books on the table
1. Describe the pictures you see in the books in your notebook using a
list of 10 words.
2. Why/how is tourism a part of globalization? Give two reasons
3. Look at the information sheets; which facts are the most interesting
to you? Why?
Write two important facts about tourism in your book.

Station Four: GDP and Graphical Evidence

Look at the graph taped to the desk in front of you. Record the title in your
notebook and answer the questions below.
1. What is the trend in the graph? (over time, what is happening?)
2. Do you see any points in the graph that do not fit with the trend?
3. What does this graph show you about globalization?
Share your findings with the whole desk, one by one, and have a
look at their graphs

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